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Posted in [Dragon's Quest] - Chat with me Posted 8 years ago
*pokes* Yeah so I"ll be making a quest thread for hoarding gold and getting art from different arts. XD
Posted in [Zombieland Quests][Open] Posted 8 years ago
Okay this is a great idea. I may need to make a quest thread for all the art shops I want to get art from. XD
Cause why the heck not?
*pokes shop* We need more people to keep this shop from dying.
Posted in Ernyan Hangout Thread Posted 8 years ago
@AelloTyphoeus: I doubt I would remember who each artist was but I'd love to see your collection one day.
Posted in Looking for partners~ ^^ Posted 8 years ago
@KimmiChan1989: I think it was you that I asked if you'd want to do a halloween town rp with me a day ago. Would you still be interested in that?

If not we could figure out something we both mutually want to do.

I am always up for HP rps. lol.
Posted in The Mothership -Fav Hero?? page 51 prize! Posted 8 years ago
@AshTheAlien: Baby Gir! eating a cupcake. lol. Since I'm doing a bakery theme for my shop. lol
Posted in We did it!! Posted 8 years ago
Yah! Though..I was kind of distracted while others were posting. Sad.
Posted in The Mothership -Fav Hero?? page 51 prize! Posted 8 years ago
lol. I need to see if I can find that show somewhere and binge watch it now. :P
Best show ever!!
I should start drawing Gir again!
Posted in CLOSED Posted 8 years ago
@ChemicalDivision: Glad I could help! :3

@Anarchist Beauty: Here's my crappy design for a friend. The humming birds look terrible!
Posted in chai tea | freebie shop !free th codes! Posted 8 years ago
@chai: Well I finally got my vampire's post finished and up! So that's why it took me half an hour to get a reply to you! :P

Yeah, well they are kind of very simple ones. When ones slowed down we'd have the other ones to work on. We'd go from one to the other..all down the line. lol. I'm kind of crazy when it comes to rps. lol

Lol. that's happened to me too! :3

Glad to help! She was all.."I get free advertising? Sweet." lol.
I try to help out friends where I can.
Posted in Dragon's Den ~ Milestone BIRTHDAY Celebration! Posted 8 years ago
@Boss Rimi: Yes, they are so cute!
Posted in CLOSED Posted 8 years ago
@ChemicalDivision: Since Alice may have gone to bed, it's #0234
I'm friends with her on discord too.

Yeah I don't think it would be very painful there.
Posted in CLOSED Posted 8 years ago
@Anarchist Beauty: Thanks. I have thought about drawing it myself, but humming birds are super hard to draw. XD
I mean I could do a different type of flower, but that was her favorite flower. I kind of think on my upper arm, so I can see it. It would be kind of silly to get it where you can't look at it easily.
Oh I know. I've watched tattoo shows, and people are always whimpering like babies when they get certain spots done.
Posted in CLOSED Posted 8 years ago
@Anarchist Beauty: I have been considering getting a tattoo myself. One of my grandmothers was into roses, and the other was into hummingbirds. I kind of thought making one tattoo with both of them. LIke a humming bird flying past roses. I just don't know if I'll be able to deal well with the pain. I also have to figure out where to get it, and find a shop I want to go to.
Take me with you! We can be Lost Girls together!!