Twigg's posts
Posted in Back again!
Posted 6 years ago
@tuijp: d'awwwwww what a cutie.
This is my boi:
Just after he cut his lil foot on a glass he knocked over haha
This is my boi:

Just after he cut his lil foot on a glass he knocked over haha

Posted in Back again!
Posted 6 years ago
@tuijp: omg look at that lil dark boiiii ♥
@sunny: nice! still fun though! I can't have piercings and it makes my heart sad. :(
@totalanimefan: It's an offer at a pretty nice hotel in St. Paul, in the heart of the city so people make crazy money there. Plus the hourly minimum wage for service professionals there is one of the highest in the country I believe. Plus my best friend lives there so that was a bonus. But basically, I'd be making over double what I make now, so.. worth it, haha.
@monorea: Oh, okay nice! Well I hope this round of education goes well for you at least!
@sunny: nice! still fun though! I can't have piercings and it makes my heart sad. :(
@totalanimefan: It's an offer at a pretty nice hotel in St. Paul, in the heart of the city so people make crazy money there. Plus the hourly minimum wage for service professionals there is one of the highest in the country I believe. Plus my best friend lives there so that was a bonus. But basically, I'd be making over double what I make now, so.. worth it, haha.
@monorea: Oh, okay nice! Well I hope this round of education goes well for you at least!

Posted in Twigg's Art Freebies // Art Shop!
Posted 6 years ago
@kawaii neko teaa: I used to be! I feel like it's not as active there as it was anymore, unfortunately so I kinda stepped away from it. :/ I could be wrong, though, just a vibe I had gotten.

Posted in Twigg's Art Freebies // Art Shop!
Posted 6 years ago
@kawaii neko teaa: awwwhhh thank you!! c: much appreciated!

Posted in Back again!
Posted 6 years ago
@monorea: Lol that's no good. What are you going to school for?

Posted in Back again!
Posted 6 years ago
@laufeia: ooooh nice! I'm actually about to leave my college town, but thats awesome for you! c:

Posted in Back again!
Posted 6 years ago
@laufeia: Thank you! c: I need to work on getting more commons to really flesh it out :p
And yay! Excited for the new space?
@totalanimefan: Oh, that's awesome! The DC area is absolutely beautiful, I don't blame you there. And I'm not nearly so exciting, lol, I'm a bartender.
And yay! Excited for the new space?
@totalanimefan: Oh, that's awesome! The DC area is absolutely beautiful, I don't blame you there. And I'm not nearly so exciting, lol, I'm a bartender.

Posted in Back again!
Posted 6 years ago
@sunny: Thank you! And ooh that's exciting! What kind of ear piercing?
@totalanimefan: It is much colder there, but I'm a trooper haha I'm sure I'll adjust! And oh that's quite the jump! What do you do for work if you don't mind my asking?
@totalanimefan: It is much colder there, but I'm a trooper haha I'm sure I'll adjust! And oh that's quite the jump! What do you do for work if you don't mind my asking?

Posted in Back again!
Posted 6 years ago
@totalanimefan: I did! Thank you! c:
I'm in Iowa now but I'd be moving north to Minnesota! It's a scary change but I'm ready for it!
@Tuijp: Thank you!! And awww happy birthday, catto! Have any pictures of the furry lil guy? c: I bet he loved that!
I'm in Iowa now but I'd be moving north to Minnesota! It's a scary change but I'm ready for it!
@Tuijp: Thank you!! And awww happy birthday, catto! Have any pictures of the furry lil guy? c: I bet he loved that!

Posted in Back again!
Posted 6 years ago
@totalanimefan: Thanks! It requires moving to a new state but the money will be worth it!
Good luck when the time comes! Also, happy early birthday, thanks for stoppin in to chat with me! c:
Good luck when the time comes! Also, happy early birthday, thanks for stoppin in to chat with me! c:

Posted in Twigg's Art Freebies // Art Shop!
Posted 6 years ago
Hey everyone! Shop is now open again, if anyone is interested! Sorry for the unannounced hiatus, life took over. :(
Otherwise feel free to stick around and chat, might toss around some freebies!
Otherwise feel free to stick around and chat, might toss around some freebies!

Posted in Back again!
Posted 6 years ago
Hey hey hey!
Not sure if this is the right spot or if this should be in the welcome forum, buuuut I'm back after a long time not being active. Real life took over and I wasn't able to log on to many sites much. But I'm back now and I'd love to get to re-know the site and all it's lovely users! c:
So in the spirit of that: I'd love to hear about anything funny or happy that happened to you all this week! ♥
Mine is I recently got offered a new job!
Not sure if this is the right spot or if this should be in the welcome forum, buuuut I'm back after a long time not being active. Real life took over and I wasn't able to log on to many sites much. But I'm back now and I'd love to get to re-know the site and all it's lovely users! c:
So in the spirit of that: I'd love to hear about anything funny or happy that happened to you all this week! ♥
Mine is I recently got offered a new job!

Posted in Twigg's Art Freebies // Art Shop!
Posted 7 years ago
@lady luna: haha cool cool, but if there ever is anything i want drawn, you'll be the first to know! c:

Posted in Twigg's Art Freebies // Art Shop!
Posted 7 years ago
@lady luna: haha i know im sorry!