Utterlyweird's posts
Posted in Dolls
Posted 7 years ago
@lithium: Cerise is a really cool character. I think if the dolls had looked more like how she's described in the books I would have gotten one too. I have a friend who wishes she could get that one with the fur cloak.

Posted in Dolls
Posted 7 years ago
@vengeance: Have you seen some of the dolls that are similar to Pullip? Is it a certain Pullip that you like best? Have you considered a mini? ...I have to confess, I've never managed to love poor barbie. Even at forty, I give her haircuts.
@creeped: The Popovy dolls are too naked for me, personally. But such a lot of work goes into them that that in itself is fascinating.. There was another artist making china BJD before them, and I remember she was really popular too, with a long waiting list just to get on the waiting list! Personally, BJD wise, I have three Obitsus, which I love. Two are fashion doll size, and one's an ancient 60cm who I love despite her being outside my usual size range. I've also got a blue Bobobbie Lu, but she's packed away in her box in my trunk.
@slytherclaw: What is your BJD? Which Disney and MH? I don't have those in my own family, but friends have 'em, so I know about 'em. LOL
@creeped: The Popovy dolls are too naked for me, personally. But such a lot of work goes into them that that in itself is fascinating.. There was another artist making china BJD before them, and I remember she was really popular too, with a long waiting list just to get on the waiting list! Personally, BJD wise, I have three Obitsus, which I love. Two are fashion doll size, and one's an ancient 60cm who I love despite her being outside my usual size range. I've also got a blue Bobobbie Lu, but she's packed away in her box in my trunk.
@slytherclaw: What is your BJD? Which Disney and MH? I don't have those in my own family, but friends have 'em, so I know about 'em. LOL

Posted in Dolls
Posted 7 years ago
Yeah, as you probably guess from up there, I'm a doll nut, and my definition of "doll" is broad. It's basically any figure you can play with, or any character you can write about. I'm not a collector except when it comes to the old Kissakae set system dolls (I like the pretty ones that are modest and have nice mixable wardrobes), and wild knuffel from KofK (um... well over fifty of those now). All the other dolls I own get played with, gather dust, have been modified, and are generally not worth a *beep*! :D Except to me.
I also make braided dolls of yarn as comfort/fidget dolls or travel dolls for adults. And I just brought a BaB home who is slightly embarrassing to my still faintly tomboy self. :vanora_sweat:
I also make braided dolls of yarn as comfort/fidget dolls or travel dolls for adults. And I just brought a BaB home who is slightly embarrassing to my still faintly tomboy self. :vanora_sweat:

Posted in Dolls
Posted 7 years ago
Anyone want to talk about doll stuff? Included in this topic is SL avatar updates, 'Skyrim' mods, sewing, crocheting, paper dolls, KofK knuffel, avatar dressups, Kissakae paper doll system (the old one, not that new thing that's all over, though if you can keep the dolls nice, we can talk about that too!), Build a Bear prizes, BJD, plushies, the great armour/steed/skill you just got your MMO or RPG character, your new table top character or your old one, or your favourite story RP character!
Just keep everything pg.
Just keep everything pg.

Posted in Tam I am
Posted 7 years ago
@moossey: Oh, the book is fine. But I can't eat pork. ...And kinda don't want to, because they know who the critter in the mirror is, many of 'em.
@vii: Praedyth! ...I think it was your mention of the site that brought me over here.
Sorry for the late reply. I'm still not used to 'Voltra' existing. XD :vanora_sweat:
@vii: Praedyth! ...I think it was your mention of the site that brought me over here.
Sorry for the late reply. I'm still not used to 'Voltra' existing. XD :vanora_sweat:

Posted in Tam I am
Posted 7 years ago
@totalanimefan: I'm not fully dragged here myself yet. XD
@fuuchan: Thanks!
@fuuchan: Thanks!

Posted in Tam I am
Posted 7 years ago
@superbearwars: EEEEEEEEEEEEE! Knockout! Shiny jerk that's fun to pick on!
Sorry. I get a kick out of RPing with that guy. Gave him a wife and baby in one story, and made him CEO of a luxury sports car company, and he's still trying to make like he's a jerk, but nobody believes him.
Thanks for the welcome!
Sorry. I get a kick out of RPing with that guy. Gave him a wife and baby in one story, and made him CEO of a luxury sports car company, and he's still trying to make like he's a jerk, but nobody believes him.
Thanks for the welcome!

Posted in Tam I am
Posted 7 years ago
@panda: Yup, it's me!
@luffer nutter:
Thanks for the warm welcome, guys! It's a bit hard for me to keep up with pinger type forums, but if I have incentive it might work. LOL No, that is NOT begging. I was talking about peeps to talk to. Yes, my given name is Tammy, but I've been Tam to most of my friends for such a long time now that hearing my full name makes me blink. XD
A user in the fifties, huh? Be nice not to be the oldest. And the green eggs I talk about in my siggy line are duck eggs. Some have a greenish shell, and they are SO good. Especially as cheesy scrambles.
https://random-xtras.dreamwidth.org/ <- that's a link to my story RP logs. https://random-nanorimo-stuff.dreamwidth.org/ <- That's past NaNoRiMo stuff.
<- That's a frog.
@luffer nutter:
Thanks for the warm welcome, guys! It's a bit hard for me to keep up with pinger type forums, but if I have incentive it might work. LOL No, that is NOT begging. I was talking about peeps to talk to. Yes, my given name is Tammy, but I've been Tam to most of my friends for such a long time now that hearing my full name makes me blink. XD
A user in the fifties, huh? Be nice not to be the oldest. And the green eggs I talk about in my siggy line are duck eggs. Some have a greenish shell, and they are SO good. Especially as cheesy scrambles.

https://random-xtras.dreamwidth.org/ <- that's a link to my story RP logs. https://random-nanorimo-stuff.dreamwidth.org/ <- That's past NaNoRiMo stuff.

Posted in Tam I am
Posted 7 years ago
I am Tam. Tam I am. I like green eggs, but I don't like ham.
Over forty, old and grouchy. Very weird. Christian. I think outside the box because ... well, I wandered off and forgot where the box was. I write stories, do story RP, play with dolls, watch too much Youtube, and make braided and crochet simple dolls. High functioning Autism sometimes makes the world a bit strange, and I tend to lurk. Two self published novellas on paper, three more published on DreamWidth.
If somebody could explain to me the mechanics of this forum, it'd be greatly appreciated. Is it a pinger? Will I get email notices of updates to my threads?
Over forty, old and grouchy. Very weird. Christian. I think outside the box because ... well, I wandered off and forgot where the box was. I write stories, do story RP, play with dolls, watch too much Youtube, and make braided and crochet simple dolls. High functioning Autism sometimes makes the world a bit strange, and I tend to lurk. Two self published novellas on paper, three more published on DreamWidth.
If somebody could explain to me the mechanics of this forum, it'd be greatly appreciated. Is it a pinger? Will I get email notices of updates to my threads?