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@LordLucre: Play a game or relax XD Or chat here the whole day to earn volts.

@LordLucre: Well then now you can enjoy the rest of the day.

@LordLucre: Hey there how are you?

@Tuijp: Good luck with that XD

Everyone's always going on about the sound of the leaves rustling in the trees, but if you want your mind blown by plant sounds, check out rhubarb growing in the dark.

Sounds over here & Rest of the article here

@Monorea: So me is back XD

@Monorea: Time for lunch for me. Bye bye :)

@Monorea: Yes spacecake is with marijuana. There was this story ones about a guy who made a spacecake. His grandma then took the wrong cake and all old people got high XD

They would not be happy since they asked for coffee.

@Monorea: Make a spacecake! XD

LOL my parents are on doggy walk and they sended me a message that they are on the way back. That means I have to make coffee. About a min later I got another message with a picture. It's a picture with a sign on it that says a road is closed off and you need to follow the Detour XD I guess they will come back later.

@Monorea: Cake is always good.

@Monorea: That sounds really good.

@Monorea: Having anything planned for today or just a lazy day?

@Monorea: Well I hope you are going to be okay tomorrow.

@Monorea: I feel you about meeting strangers. I am always nervous.