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I just played some games.

8,932 Lavender & 8,830 Roses

8,917 Lavender & 8,818 Roses
Posted in Matcha's Gacha! RESTOCKED!! Posted 6 years ago

Ello peeps!

And mom complained about my cleaning.

Me is back.

I am off to dinner now. Bye bye guys!

8,853 Lavender & 8,752 Roses

That was a good idea Tuijp.

My mom has me clean stuff and then complains it's not the way she want's it. Well go do it yourself then.

My mom is also like "I want you to clean your desk later". Me like "Okay". 2 minutes later "Why aren't you cleaning you desk yet!".

8,806 Lavender & 8,700 Roses

Sounds like my mom. Sometimes she's like "do you want to do..." and me thinking "that's not a question since I can't say no".

8,782 Lavender & 8,675 Roses