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Urrgh I was making banners for a game thread and I forgot one catogory :/

@pixiebuns: I am still doing good.
Posted in Free steam games {open} Posted 7 years ago

Welcome to the thread free Steam games. Here you will find links to games you can play for free on Steam. Why pay for games if there are enough free ones to play? It's a list of games that I think are interesting to play. If you played a great one and it's not on the list leave a link to it and I will add it.

> No spamming
> No drama

@pixiebuns: Hey there it is pretty quick here now.

So banners for a new thread are done. Time to set it up.

You are up way to early XD Go back to bed.

I don't have work but if parents go to bed I have to go as well. And in 4 hours it is midnight with me.

Then we better get there quick since in 4 hours it is bedtime for me.
I am doing good rainbow. You?

I said "Damm I missed page 900".

Leave it with 1 panda. And I think the panda should be a bit smaller.

Yes so many post after I left.

Hey there total :D

Guys I need your opinion. I am working on opening a game thread in the game forym. Subject is still a secret. But which of the following text style would you like for the banners: