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Posted in I'm not in favour of a rare item bi monthly Posted 7 years ago
Raretie is not just based on how many people will get one out of box but also on how many will sell it. If let's say 10 people will get this months rare and all 10 wanted it none will be sold. Then it's still rare and the person who does end up selling it will have a monopoly over it.

Examples: On another site there was an event item I was looking for. It was an older one. It took me 2 years to find one. Why? Most people who had it left the site/where inactive.
We also had spells. If we base it on how many are in the system two colours where rare. I know of one spell that had atleast 100 in the system. But what if I told you those 100 all belonged to the same person? (This is real). If hardly anyone sells it then it's still a rare item.
Posted in I'm not in favour of a rare item bi monthly Posted 7 years ago
But that means if people want let's say this bi month's rare item. They need to buy 10 crates in 2 months. How many people have that much money? Most people don't. Which means the item will stay rare and inflation will happen. That coin I talked about was also once a 2 months. Didn't stop items from being super expensive.
Posted in Hello Posted 7 years ago
@FuuChan: oops sorry :vanora_sweat:
Posted in Lovely Lolita Loliqua is here! ♥ Posted 7 years ago
Welcome on here.
Posted in I'm not in favour of a rare item bi monthly Posted 7 years ago
Oops well still not in favour.
Posted in 1.5k posts Posted 7 years ago
Wow I only have 76. I remember on another avatar site I had 50k at one point. I was such a no lifer.
Posted in I'm not in favour of a rare item bi monthly Posted 7 years ago
It will create an inflation on everything. Normal di's, rares and ohm's. Been on another avatar site long enough to see that happening. Example: we had a coin that generated items. You would always get a random one. If you where lucky you would get a rare one. At one point an item was released through the coin and it was rare. Infact someone paid 140k for it on release. Because of that anyone who got the item asked around that much. For most people that price was unafordable. Normal di's released each month where around 8k upon release.

People with di's and not enough gold to buy the rare ones will try and sell their di's for more then what they are worth at that moment. I mean they gotta get that money. And there are always people desperate enough to pay that price. It will also create a monopoly by people trying to get every copy in the system of that item (seen it happening)

I also doubth more people will donate because of it. I think less people will do so. Why spend money if there is no guarantee you get the item you want?

Now onto some replacement suggestions:
- special event di's. When an event is held release an extra di that has to do with the theme of that event.
- subscription to the di's. This is besided the regular way of buying them. For x amount of money you will get the di's that are released each month automatically. I know people who always want each item released.
- subscription to get rid of the ads
Posted in Color Me Pretty [lock please] Posted 7 years ago
@Totalanimefan: i am doing good. On vacation right now. How are you?
Posted in Hi there :) Posted 7 years ago
@Chii: same unless you decide to die off.
Posted in Hi there :) Posted 7 years ago
@Chii: yes to both.
Posted in Delete comment Posted 7 years ago
Hmm okay. I have been on many forums where you could delete it yourself and it made things easier.
Posted in Delete comment Posted 7 years ago
Is there already an option for this? I could see myself someday posting something in a wrong thread. Or making a double post by accident.
Posted in Color Me Pretty [lock please] Posted 7 years ago
@Totalanimefan: yes yes I did. Not that I think it will be populair.
Posted in Yooo, Voltra. <: Posted 7 years ago
Welcome on here.