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68; first time hearing about Mene
So what to talk about? I ran out of ideas lol
Posted in Closed Posted 8 years ago
@Tuijp: believe me, I would if I could lol
At least it's starting to pick up now. How are this morning?
hello Kje!
Sii: that's cool, I have met a few users on another site from there.
Yikes, that sounds terrible. Glad to hear you're getting better though. Oh lol, I am gonna guess you're on the other side of the world then from me xD?
52? Hey! I was wondering what the number meant, so I just re-read op. How are you this morning?
Hey guys, I see everyone's chatting so I just popped in
Posted in Lock please Posted 8 years ago
I lost our conversation rip..... anyways, how are you this morning?
Posted in Why did you pick your username? Posted 8 years ago
It's a shortened version of the one I've had for years. Vigilantism, Vigilante, Vigil, now just Vig... who knows, maybe I'll even be lazy enough to make V
Posted in »»» [R][QtBean] Art request (1k vo/2,5k oh) Posted 8 years ago
@Bean: yes! And I was also on Syn.

Ah, yeah you should probably get started on stuff lol, or else you go back to sleep and 3 hours just pass like that
Posted in i am a respoNSIBLE ADULT WHO Posted 8 years ago
I'm gonna eat some leftover Chipotle that I got yesterday.. it was late when I bought it so it's still good
Posted in Watcha doin'? Posted 8 years ago
Sitting alone at work. And bored at work since it's the morning and everyone is in their classes. So I might just eat my breakfast/really early lunch since I won't have time later
Posted in [x] Posted 8 years ago
Hard to say an exact number... English is my first language, Gujarati is my second language (can't write though), I can understand Hindi but speaking/writing is a bit tricky for me. I have taken language classes in Spanish and Tamil, but I haven't used them in years so I would have to relearn most of the vocabulary again.
Posted in closed Posted 8 years ago
@Neko: <3 we need to catch up! It's been so long
Posted in Closed Posted 8 years ago
My phone/network is still trying to adjust to this site... it's kind of slow so far rip..