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Posted in Newbie Incoming! Hiya! Posted 4 years ago
Whew I got busy these past few days, but I'm back!!

I dunno yet really! I made a demo of a visual novel earlier this year, so I'd like to get that done haha, but it isn't that coding-intensive or anything (just used Ren'py and did the most basic things). I kinda want to learn Unity and C# at some point possibly? I have a lot of general ideas, but real structure to them if that makes sense? Like I have story ideas for the games but not game mechanic ideas haha.

Nice to meet you! I just added you! ^^
Posted in Newbie Incoming! Hiya! Posted 5 years ago
I dunno yet really! I'm actually mostly learning because a lot of after-school programs seem to want to teach kids coding, so I figured I should get over my fear and learn haha. It's actually been pretty fun! I'd love to make games one day...then I'd be able to do all of it: writing, art, code (simple things only of course haha). XD

Posted in Newbie Incoming! Hiya! Posted 5 years ago
College was great! Well, it was great despite my mental health being awful for most of it, but I loved my major (classical civ) and studying ancient Greek and stuff like that, and I've made a lot of friends that I still talk to and am still close to! Of course, since I don't plan on going to grad school or working in museums or anything like that, my major hasn't really helped my job prospects that much... My bf is trying to teach me coding so maybe I'll have some more marketable skills haha.

Oh, actually maybe I do have a question! Where do we get clothes really besides the shops? It doesn't seem like everything everyone's wearing are in those shops...(unless I missed something haha).

Thank you for the welcome! Just wanted to say that pandas are one of my favorite animals too! :D
Posted in Newbie Incoming! Hiya! Posted 5 years ago
Ah thank you all for the warm welcome! I didn't expect so many of you to reply so quickly hehe. Also, seeing everyone's avatars, wow!! The art is so beautiful!! Makes me so excited! Also makes me want to draw haha.

@Crystalkitsune85: Ah thank you so much!!

@Colan: I'm really enjoying it and keep wondering what's going to happen next! I was worried it wouldn't get a second season because of how long we had to wait; I remember binging season 1 during college, and now I'm already over 3 years graduated!

@Totalanimefan: Thank you for the welcome and I'm still exploring the site, but I will definitely ask any questions I have!
Posted in Newbie Incoming! Hiya! Posted 5 years ago
Hi everyone! I don't remember how I ended up finding out about Voltra, but I thought the avatars were really cute, so I decided to join! I'm 25 years young, and I do mostly art and writing stuff in my spare time, along with reading (lots of YA lately haha) and watching anime and other animated shows(currently watching the new season of Aggretsuko along with the new season of Re:Zero).

Nice to meet you all!