Vontell's posts
Posted in Hide and Shriek | Investigation 6: Grindylok
Posted 2 years ago
Good work! Participation Goal Met!
[Grindylok item has now been added to Joyful Jamboree.
New Story Update on post four has also been unlocked.
Continue to join in and play, the game isn't over until the end of the event]
[Grindylok item has now been added to Joyful Jamboree.
New Story Update on post four has also been unlocked.
Continue to join in and play, the game isn't over until the end of the event]

Posted in Hide and Shriek | Investigation 6: Grindylok
Posted 2 years ago
"Here! This way!" Vanora calls out, leading the group to the pond. When she heard that Vontell was in danger, not only did she insist on joining the search, she called everyone she knew. And with how beloved Vontell is, it didn't take long for every member of Voltra's Monster Task Force to arrive, and then some.
"Alright..." Vyctor flickers on his flashlight, before calling out to the others "We gotta find Vontell, he's gotta be out here somewhere."
The group spreads out, calling out for Vontell as they search for any evidence of him being there. Valentina sifts through the thrushes. Vanora boosts Vivienne into a nearby tree to get a better vantage point. Velvet carefully sifts through the water with the supervision of Vyctor. And yet, despite all this... They seem to find nothing.
"Man not to be that guy but uh... Maybe we got this all wrong guys..." Officer Garry frowns, hands behind his back as he teeters on his feet, "Maybe JC and Milly found something. Maybe he's out on Lake Breaker. We should regroup with them, right?"
Vyctor lets out a weary sigh, "Yeah...I don't see a sign of him. I really hope we're not too late... I..."
To everyone's surprise, Vregory begins to start waving his arms to catch everyone's attention.
"Did you find something?" Valentina asks, her tone sounding hopeful.
"Not me, Eugene! He says to look at this!"
Flashing her light in the direction of Vregory, his rat friends seem to be huddled around something on the ground... Footprints! Human footprints!
"Oh, those soles? Definitely Vontell..." Velvet sighs in relief, gaining a look of confusion before shrugging. "What? You can't tell?"
"Looks like they're heading back to the city...meaning he probably got away..." Garry frowns, rubbing his chin. "Wonder if he made it far...
"Yah, also found this..." Vregory hums, holding up a slightly smashed phone, "Is this good?"
"Ah!" Vanora shouts, pointing excitedly, "That phone case is DEFINITELY Vontell's! I'd know, I sold it to him!"
"Fashion saving the day..." Vyctor mutters. "Officer Garry, should we stay and search the area more? What should we do?"
Garry glances back to everyone, surprised. "Oh, uh! Yeah dude... Great plan. I'll...call JC and Milly... maybe go search Vontell's house, you know? He could be there." Vyctor and the others nod. With everyone's attention divided, he pulls out the stack of wet papers behind his back. Vontell's writing. His research.
His warning.
Garry crumples them up before swiftly hiding them in his uniform's jacket, letting out a sigh before pulling out his phone.
"Hey Milly, it's Garry - I have some news."

Posted in Hide and Shriek | Investigation 6: Grindylok
Posted 2 years ago

**Note: Each puzzle is unique. The numbers on one puzzle will not correspond to the numbers on the other puzzles.
Current participants: 5
Correct answers: 4

**Note: Each puzzle is unique. The numbers on one puzzle will not correspond to the numbers on the other puzzles.
Current participants: 5
Correct answers: 4

Posted in Hide and Shriek | Investigation 6: Grindylok
Posted 2 years ago
In Vontell's struggle, he seems to have dropped a notebook with something written in it. Officer Garry notices them, picking them up. The pages are wet, and some of the words have become illegible. Whatever he wrote must have been important if he had taken the time to record it.
Solve the ciphers - what is it that Vontell has written?
REMINDER! Please keep your answers in a spoiler.
You may work together to solve the ciphers, provide assistance, etc.
The Grindylok item as well as the closing story will be unlocked after:
at least 5 participants or 4 correct answers are provided
24 hours have passed if either of the above criteria have not been met
All participants will be granted one Grindylok.
Users will also receive 10 evidence for each completed cipher submitted. If all four ciphers are completed, a bonus of 50 evidence and an additional goodie bag will be rewarded.
Users can participate in the activity at ANY TIME during the event, even if it is not the current active thread.
Completed cipher(s) must be provided by December 23rd at 11:59 Voltra Time.
In Vontell's struggle, he seems to have dropped a notebook with something written in it. Officer Garry notices them, picking them up. The pages are wet, and some of the words have become illegible. Whatever he wrote must have been important if he had taken the time to record it.
Solve the ciphers - what is it that Vontell has written?
REMINDER! Please keep your answers in a spoiler.
You may work together to solve the ciphers, provide assistance, etc.
The Grindylok item as well as the closing story will be unlocked after:
at least 5 participants or 4 correct answers are provided
24 hours have passed if either of the above criteria have not been met
All participants will be granted one Grindylok.
Users will also receive 10 evidence for each completed cipher submitted. If all four ciphers are completed, a bonus of 50 evidence and an additional goodie bag will be rewarded.
Users can participate in the activity at ANY TIME during the event, even if it is not the current active thread.
Completed cipher(s) must be provided by December 23rd at 11:59 Voltra Time.

Posted in Hide and Shriek | Investigation 6: Grindylok
Posted 2 years ago
There’s a legend, in the backwaters of Voltra, that says a creature lurks in the waterways that loop around the city, a grotesque little thing, a monster. There are few reports, but the legend says that most who encounter it do not return. They say it has sharp claws, grabbing hands, a stench of stagnant water surrounding it. They say it takes you underwater to it’s algae-infested lair, and waits until you drown.
They’re wrong… aren’t they?
I’m not so sure. I came in search of this creature, against my better judgment perhaps. I’m thinking my next novel will be horror, and these creatures that are popping up around Voltra are the perfect inspiration. They’re only stories, after all.
They call it the Grindylok, from the ancient word for water. They tell children about him, when they’re naughty. Be good, else the Lok will drag you kicking and screaming under the water.
I approach the deserted river. No one comes down here, where the creature is said to live, just in case. It’s dark, getting late, and perhaps I should not be out so far into the evening. The river is wide here, and thick with moss and reeds, a kind of green coating on the water surface. It stinks of stagnant water and rotting plant matter, but I pinch my nose and move on. The grass surrounding it is wet against my feet.
Odd. There are no animals. Closer to the city, there are waterfowl and little insects, but out here it is eerily still and silent.
“Hello?” I call. Even monsters appreciate politeness, I’m sure, but there is no answer. “I’m from the city. I’m here to—“
A gurgle, like bubbles being released. I flinch, but catch myself. It’s just bubbles. Gas beneath the water, probably.
“If you’re there, I mean you no harm—“
Immediately, there’s a disturbance in the water, like something swimming under there. There’s a bulge in the water, where the bubbles came from, right at the widest part of the river. The water is green here, green and murky, and I cannot see what it is.
A head emerges from the reeds, small and skeletal, bony and greenish, like moss, like the river itself. It has stringy black hair, thin and worm-ish. It breathes out bubbles beneath the water, and then its eyes appear, large and yellow, like a belching frog’s, reptilian and clouded with a stark red center.
Its teeth, which emerge above the surface as it takes a gurgling breath, are as yellow as the eyes, old and decaying and deadly sharp.
“Hello,” I say again, hoping good manners will save me. I’m not in the water, yet; it can’t grab me.
It beckons with a thin hand, those fabled claws jutting out of the nail bed. Come closer.
“I’m only here to… I mean, I just came to—“ But why did I come? To see it? I can’t remember.
It continues to crawl out the water, heading for me, its long green limbs unfurling as it moves. It is so bony, how long has it been down there?
I back away, but I cannot tear my eyes from it. It wants me to climb into the water, to drown beneath the reeds. Algae drips from its body as it creeps closer, landing in the river and sending little green clouds of murk as it sinks. It smells ancient.
“I should go, I’m sorry for disturbing you, I mean—“
Why can’t I look away? Its yellow lizard-like eyes are suckering me in. I cannot so much as blink. I take a step closer, and another. My feet are almost at the bank.
My phone!
The spell is broken and I flinch away. A name pops up on the screen, no doubt wondering where I’ve been. I look away from the cell and back to the river, but it is deserted. Not even so much as a bubble on the water’s surface. Had it ever been there at all? I back further away. My feet are soaked with river water. A close call, no doubt. I run, back to the city, with those yellow eyes forever burned into my vision.

Posted in Hide and Shriek | Investigation 6: Grindylok
Posted 2 years ago

The night was clear, a slight fog rolling over the top of the water of the river. Vontell carefully walked through the marshy banks, making his way upstream.
Wanting to assist the VPD, he had set out to investigate some creatures himself. Perhaps his findings could be valuable to the investigations and help to rule out suspects, or potentially find the culprit.
He paused momentarily to catch his breath, leaning against a tree. He had come here to find a Grindylok. He was aware of the dangers, but still...he felt it his duty to assist in some way.
As he rested, he noticed a creature emerge from the depths of the water. Its signature yellow eyes pierced the night. Careful not to draw attention to himself, he hid, observing the creature from a safe distance. He took out his notebook to begin to record the encounter.
Vontell grew uneasy as he watched the creature slink back into the depths - losing sight. He waited for a moment for it to resurface, fearful that he may end up becoming a victim of the Grindylok himself. The hair on the back of his neck stood up - something was watching him. He turned, surprised to see a deer standing behind him. He threw his hand over his heart and let out a slight chuckle.
"Ah! You startled me!" He reached out to give the deer a slight pat. "What is a magnificent creature such as yourself doing out here by the water? Come by for a drink, or have you perhaps come to observe the moonlight dancing across these waters?" The deer sniffed at him, making him laugh more. Suddenly, the deer turned its attention, hopping into the nearby brush. "Hm, perhaps the Grindylok has it on edge. I should heed its warning as well." Vontell turned to walk from the water's edge when a small rabbit hopped out by his feet.
He smiled. "I'm being graced by so many new faces tonight. This is surely a surprise." The rabbit hopped between his legs, closer to the water's edge. Vontell frowned slightly, chasing after it. "Oh, friend, please be cautious - you aren't aware of what lies in wait in those waters!" The rabbit gave one last glance to Vontell before it hopped directly into the river. "No!" Vontell jumped in after, desperate to find the rabbit. Instead, the water in front of him bubbled. "Oh dear. I was not thinking this through." Before him, the head of the rabbit popped up, giving him a slight moment of relief. He reached out to grab the rabbit, but as he pulled it out, his relief turned to shock. He dropped the rabbit, scrambling to get out of the water. He rushed to the shore, catching his breath.
He took out his notebook, frantically writing something down on the pages. He turned back, the water's surface still. He sighed, relieved. As he began to leave, something grabbed him from the water, dragging him in. Vontell scrambled to escape from the grasp, dropping his notebook on the shore.
He is pulled into the depths, a yell silenced as his head vanished beneath the surface.

art by Mica

Posted in Out Of Realm || 4 Daily Challenges Unlocked Every 24 Hours
Posted 2 years ago

Velvet shivered from thought of worms and insects she had to see crawling around in the dirt.
She was interrupted by her grandma's laughter.

Velvet grabbed Vontells hand and pulled him as she ran towards the laughter. Her Grandma and Grandpa were enjoying the weather outside with some afternoon tea.

Nana turned to face her direction.

Everyone started laughing at Velvet as she made impressive faces at the thought of bugs.

He turned to Velvet's Grandfather to shake his hand.

He grabbed Vontell's hand, but pulled him in for a big hug. Even in his old age, he was a half a head taller then Vontell.

Vontell was too stunned to speak.

His gaze was drawn to a puzzle book.

Velvet and her Grandma went back inside to prepare the snacks as Vontell and her Grandpa leaned back into the rocking chairs staring intensely at their sudoku puzzles.
Solve one of the sudoku puzzles.
Participants will receive a Dirigible Rider
This challenge is effective till 10/13/22 3:00pm Voltra Time

Posted in Out Of Realm || 4 Daily Challenges Unlocked Every 24 Hours
Posted 2 years ago

One of the flowers turned to face Vontell.

Vontell jumped back startled by the talking flower.

Velvet tried to calm Vontell down.

Solve the following riddles.
Participants will receive a Whimsical Wonderer
This challenge is effective till 10/10/22 3:00pm Voltra Time
*Note: Please put your answer in a spoiler so others can have fun guessing.*
- 1./ I fly like a bird of many colors through the sky. i am made with both wood and fire but i do not burn up. You can see me clearly during the day, but i am nearly invisible at night. What am I?
2./ I'm light as a feather, yet the strongest man can't hold me for more than 5 minutes. What am I?
3./ Give me food, and I will live. Give me water, and I will die. What am I?
4./ At night they come without being fetched, and by day they are lost without being stolen. What are they?
5./ What cannot be seen or felt, but can only be broken by voice?

Posted in Precious Memories (Game)
Posted 3 years ago

• Find all the hidden objects within each scene.
• Submit your answer under a spoiler.
• Make sure to ping @Velvet so that your response doesn't get lost!
• You have until June 12th, at 11:59 PM Voltra Time to participate.
All participants will be granted a Spring Cleaning '22 Goodie Bag at the end of the event for each image they solve.
Art by ghost

Posted in Vintage Vinyls (Game)
Posted 3 years ago

Fixed*** Sorry for the error!

Fixed*** Sorry for the error!

Posted in Vintage Vinyls (Game)
Posted 3 years ago

Posted in Restless Slumber: The Inscribed Door (VOTING CLOSED)
Posted 3 years ago
Wonderful job, my friends! Thank you for all of your help.
Books item has been unlocked in Joyful Jamboree
Check the fourth post on the front page for an update.
Voting has begun.
Books item has been unlocked in Joyful Jamboree
Check the fourth post on the front page for an update.
Voting has begun.

Posted in Restless Slumber: The Inscribed Door (VOTING CLOSED)
Posted 3 years ago
After pouring over the pages, you start to get a better understanding of what it’s trying to say. After flipping through for a while, you and Vontell are able to piece together a basic plot of what this book was meant to be about. And just in time, as the announcer’s voice booms over the microphone, calling Vontell onto the stage.
“Well… Wish me luck…” He gives you a faint smile, still uncertain but seeming to have more confidence than before. You nod him off, as watch as he steps out from the curtains, walking up to the microphone to greet his applauding audience.
You watch from behind the curtains, relieved to see him shake off his worries with a confident smile as he begins to read an excerpt of the now legible book to the enamored crowd. Going flawlessly, the next hurdle was then the QnA section. Although clearly stumbling through some of his answers on why he wrote this book or the intentions of the characters, he did his next to bluff his way through. You finally are able to let out a sigh of relief as the crowd lets out a round of applause.
Giving a bow, Vontell ducks his way off the stage, and you grab him by the arm to lead him away from the dream. He laughs, clearly exhilarated by the experience.
“What a rush, my heart is pounding with adrenaline!” He smiles down at you, “You really turned that horrid experience into a thrilling event! Thank you, I couldn’t have done it without you!”
You’re glad to hear it. Maybe when you both get back to Voltra, he can start working on that book for real.
You have unlocked the chance to vote for which door you'd like to enter first.
To vote, simply ping Vontell with: @Vontell: I vote for [this door].
The door that receives the highest votes will be the thread unlocked tomorrow at 6:00 PM Voltra Time.
Doors Available:
The Youthful Door
A Fun Painted Door Covered in Drawings
The Slashed Door
A Dented Door Covered in Cuts and Scratches
The Malfunctioning Door
A Glitching Display Door Showing Many Errors
The Lost Door
The Decaying Door
The Damp Door
The Reflective Door
The Unlucky Door
The Shaking Door
The Watchful Door
The Caged Door
The Overgrown Door
The Inscribed Door
After pouring over the pages, you start to get a better understanding of what it’s trying to say. After flipping through for a while, you and Vontell are able to piece together a basic plot of what this book was meant to be about. And just in time, as the announcer’s voice booms over the microphone, calling Vontell onto the stage.
“Well… Wish me luck…” He gives you a faint smile, still uncertain but seeming to have more confidence than before. You nod him off, as watch as he steps out from the curtains, walking up to the microphone to greet his applauding audience.
You watch from behind the curtains, relieved to see him shake off his worries with a confident smile as he begins to read an excerpt of the now legible book to the enamored crowd. Going flawlessly, the next hurdle was then the QnA section. Although clearly stumbling through some of his answers on why he wrote this book or the intentions of the characters, he did his next to bluff his way through. You finally are able to let out a sigh of relief as the crowd lets out a round of applause.
Giving a bow, Vontell ducks his way off the stage, and you grab him by the arm to lead him away from the dream. He laughs, clearly exhilarated by the experience.
“What a rush, my heart is pounding with adrenaline!” He smiles down at you, “You really turned that horrid experience into a thrilling event! Thank you, I couldn’t have done it without you!”
You’re glad to hear it. Maybe when you both get back to Voltra, he can start working on that book for real.
You have unlocked the chance to vote for which door you'd like to enter first.
To vote, simply ping Vontell with: @Vontell: I vote for [this door].
The door that receives the highest votes will be the thread unlocked tomorrow at 6:00 PM Voltra Time.
Doors Available:
The Youthful Door
A Fun Painted Door Covered in Drawings
The Slashed Door
A Dented Door Covered in Cuts and Scratches
The Malfunctioning Door
A Glitching Display Door Showing Many Errors
The Lost Door
The Decaying Door
The Damp Door
The Reflective Door
The Unlucky Door
The Shaking Door
The Watchful Door
The Caged Door
The Overgrown Door
The Inscribed Door

Posted in Restless Slumber: The Inscribed Door (VOTING CLOSED)
Posted 3 years ago
Current Progress
Unlock achieved!
Current Progress
Unlock achieved!