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It's 7am here and I still haven't slept. :')
My sleep schedule is impossible to fix at this point.

@everyone here go sleep
Posted in Hey! I'm new and very excited!! Posted 7 years ago
@Totalanimefan: Oohh awesome, thank you!
Guess I'll be in the basic avatar for a while longer until I can save up enough, haha.
Posted in Hey! I'm new and very excited!! Posted 7 years ago
@Totalanimefan: I joined at the worst time then haha.
Is the current event the one with the shopkeeper items in store? o:

I'm trying to buy them all up before buying anything for my avatar, heh.

Yes!! I'm so excited for Halloween events. :D
@Shadami: *bows down to you*
A gaia relic...
@Panda: Pfft I know, it was the thing 12 year old me was most ashamed of in life. :')
@superbearwars: Good night ily! <3

Oh gosh, I used to be so into Gaia...
I think joined back in 2006? I remember getting banned a year in for sending around those chain mail letters because I was paranoid they'd come true if I didn't forward them. :')
Posted in Hey! I'm new and very excited!! Posted 7 years ago
@Totalanimefan: Thank you! :)
I really adore new or small sites, the communities are always so much friendlier. ^^
Happy to be here!
...You both are more computer savvy than me clearly but whatever you're saying: YES.
@Shadami: I'll post in them too lemme stalk you.

@superbearwars: My goal here honestly.
Let's take down this site with our love.
@superbearwars: I enjoy you.

@Shadami: ...oh gosh am I? ;u;
I will try not to spam your lovely thread too much hehe.
@superbearwars: Please know that I'm making this pun every time I say the word super. I'm laughing to myself each time. <3

@panda: Yes!! It's so lovely!
So hyped to be here. :D
((there was a pun there because.... superbearwars... and she's super.........))

@Panda: HI :D So do I!!
I have to say that I'm honestly low key in love with your avatar, it's so gorgeous honestly.
Hi hello!
My super cute girlfriend said this was a lovely place to chat and that you were all the friendliest loveliest people. :D
Posted in Hey! I'm new and very excited!! Posted 7 years ago
@Shadowman: Gosh, agreed. Your avatar is the most perfect one I've seen. It's beautiful.
Thanks so much! :D