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I don't see a timer on my phone
How about avi tarot cards
Taco bell nakid chicken taco
Breakfast tacos, fajata tacos, taco salad, TACOOOOOOOS
Loaded tacos mmmmmmm
Event stuff - milestone stuff - commission - charitable contributions to people
Well at one point here I had 20 k or more volts I'm so poor now I barely got the 1ooo now so yeah :/
How about how much pure do we all have right now, what are we saving towards, and how much is it?

I'm broke :( like maybe 1,000 spent my savings on event stuff wanted to hoard volts be rich and rule the world
1890 - So whats the next topic of conversation?

topic cookies????
Still need to work on my banner too maybe tomorrow
Well poop I can't get my cell to upload pictures but basically he has fake hands and feet hands zombie color feet human tone lol it's all they had and all right hands right feet lol he is wearing my hoodie my jeans he has bloodshot eyes that light up a pantyhose head stuffed with paper soda bottle bones to fill the clothes and stuffing and a knife