Xxreijixx's posts
Posted in Yo. Just checking this out.
Posted 5 years ago
@scribartz: thank you 🙏🏻 And it’s a pleasure to meet you as well. I look forward to seeing how Voltra develops, so far the community is an enormous plus.

Posted in Yo. Just checking this out.
Posted 5 years ago
@aonani: I’m definitely enjoying it so far, and ty. It’s just nice to communicate with a group of nice people for once tbh, the other games and apps I’ve tried turned out to be quite toxic.

Posted in Yo. Just checking this out.
Posted 5 years ago
@athabm: Nice to meet you, and you sound braver than I do 😂 I’ve tried many things in my classes but meat jelly doesn’t sound like it could appeal to me. I do love to cook though, so yes I am enjoying it quite a bit, and to introduce new cuisines to my family makes it well worth it.
@eerie: If you do happen to try some, let me know what it’s like 😅 I may just be being picky
@Totalanimefan: Nice to meet you too 🙂 everyone does seem very nice, I look forward to my time here.
@eerie: If you do happen to try some, let me know what it’s like 😅 I may just be being picky
@Totalanimefan: Nice to meet you too 🙂 everyone does seem very nice, I look forward to my time here.

Posted in Yo. Just checking this out.
Posted 5 years ago
@eerie: That’s incredible, I would have loved to visit Siberia personally and tried the food before developing my menu. Personally I don’t think I could try meat jelly, though I’ve heard it’s incredibly nutritious lol.

Posted in Yo. Just checking this out.
Posted 5 years ago
@eerie: a lot of stuff involving root vegetables like potatoes, carrots, beets, etc since they can survive the harsh weather there. For the menu I created, we made Borche which is a very beautiful red beet soup, and difficult to make because it can stain everything lol. Also pickled veggies, such as mushrooms and onions.
We also made pelmeni, which is like a small dumpling you can fill with pretty much anything and either fry, boil or bake them. We filled them with venison and fresh dill.
They have some very unique cuisine there that no one in the class was willing to try, so I steered clear of those lol such as meat jelly or blini with caviar.
We also made pelmeni, which is like a small dumpling you can fill with pretty much anything and either fry, boil or bake them. We filled them with venison and fresh dill.
They have some very unique cuisine there that no one in the class was willing to try, so I steered clear of those lol such as meat jelly or blini with caviar.

Posted in Pokemon A - Z
Posted 5 years ago

Posted in Yo. Just checking this out.
Posted 5 years ago
@eerie: A lot of book work first, learning about traditional cuisines from several different countries, preparation techniques, the “mother sauces” etc. After that there was practical training on how to utilize a knife correctly, how to sharpen one, and so on. Eventually we got to the point of actually cooking dishes selected from our professors. What we cooked depended on the topic we were learning, for example, I had a Techniques of Healthy Cooking class that taught us many substitutions for some food recipes if you were trying to recreate a dish but lessen it’s fat or sugar content, or omit an ingredient someone is allergic to. I also had an international cuisine class where we developed our own menu based on another country, and then the entire class cooked it, it was awesome. I chose Siberia because I love a challenge 😂

Posted in A - Z Fruits and Veggies
Posted 5 years ago

Posted in Yo. Just checking this out.
Posted 5 years ago
@laufeia: Thank you 🙂 your avatar’s design and color is aesthetically pleasing

Posted in Yo. Just checking this out.
Posted 5 years ago
@eerie: everyone starts somewhere. Before I got into studying culinary arts, my best attempts were of the microwaved varieties lol and I’ve still got quite a ways to go before I’m confident in my skills.

Posted in Yo. Just checking this out.
Posted 5 years ago
@eerie: Very fulfilling. Nothing brings people together like good food. Also, being raised in a financially poor family, I just wanted to bring something humble but satisfying into their life. I was raised on bland chicken and canned food 😂😂 I needed to explore better options.

Posted in Yo. Just checking this out.
Posted 5 years ago
@bonnie: Thank you 🙏🏻 love the horns and ears btw. The avatars do look quite well done, I agree. I can’t wait until I can really invest in mine.

Posted in Name a song but replace one word with cat
Posted 5 years ago
More than a cat

Posted in Yo. Just checking this out.
Posted 5 years ago
@kaichoukai: Thank you, it’s a pleasure to meet you too. I look forward to it, a nice community makes all the difference 🙂