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@sunny: yeah, send a trade!


it definitely is. However, Trump/his crew screwed over my company's variable comp (bonus) amount and has made our work shitty (we rely HEAVILY on China's resources, along with other country's) and difficult, so even republicans here are fed up.

@Kairu: yeah, I thought of doing that as well. When I get more comfortable with the user base I'll think more about doing art for people.
@Kairu: I don't know, we'll see. With not being at work, it's definitely given me a lot of free time so I've been doing quite a bit of drawing. My main reason for being hesitant about art shops is that I'm SUPER picky about what I draw. Then I end up feeling bad for saying no to drawing somebody something lol.

@Totalanimefan: well, a lot of democrats won votes over republicans a few months ago, so I really do hope that extends to office. I live in good ol' Mike Pence's home state... Indiana. And on top of that, his hometown..... I hate it. My fiance and I only moved here to start our lives (jobs here are plentiful), and now that it's started we're looking into buying a house OUTSIDE of Indiana. We're hoping to go to his home state of Wisconsin.

I just learned you can change the theme of the site, so that was fun. Overall I'm enjoying it so far. I mainly just stick to replying in this thread and making avatars. Was thinking about making an art gallery, but I'm 95% sure I wouldn't commit to it lol.
@yellow peep:

<u< hullo

Hello, how are you?
@inatlaka: since I got it from dragoness129 I'm going to pass. Thank you though! :)

@dragoness129: and thank you as well!

@Totalanimefan: yeah Biden wasn't my first choice... while I wouldn't say he hasn't done anything, in my opinion he's never been a HUGE presence in government roles. Like he's just... there. Even when he was vice president you never really heard too much about him, or at least I didn't. I think I heard more about Michelle Obama than Biden. I'll vote for him either way, because anyone is better than Trump, I just hope if he does win he won't be a puppet.

And ohhh yeah everyone I know is on it. My MIL actually voted for Trump in 2016 and has kicked herself in the ass ever since. She made the promise to never vote for him again.

@yellow peep: is strange land voltra land?

No Strange Land is a December 2018 crate item

I'll take these:

Kickflip - 250 ohm
Virgo - 350 ohm
Alpha 5k Milestone - 600 ohm
Alpha 10k Milestone - 500 ohm
Strange Land - 300 ohm
Fortune Teller - 250 ohm
Hopper - 200 ohm
Adventurer - 100 ohm
Candy Corn Witch Stockings - 25 ohm
Candy Corn Witch Shoes - 25 ohm
Candy Corn Witch Hat - 25 ohm
Candy Corn Witch Belt - 25 ohm
Vregory Hair - 100 ohm
Vregory Top - 100 ohm
White Rabbit - 100 ohm
March Hare - 100 ohm


I'll take Hula


Yeah I just have no words for any of it. At this point in time whatever he says doesn't really surprise me anymore. And honestly with how hard they're making it for people to vote even right now makes me strongly suspect that Trump, unfortunately, will win reelection...

And thank you!

I guess Trump somehow doesn't count??? Because he's God's gift to humanity?

This is one of Trump's most recent displays of his.... brilliance...
@inatlaka: send trade!

@Totalanimefan: ha reminds me of a post on facebook my grandma responded to. An actress (I forget who) criticized Trump and my grandma went on a rant about how we don't need someone from Hollywood running the government. I had to reread her post a few times just to make sure what I was reading was correct.

UMMMMMMM Trump was in movies and on TV.... He had his own fucking show. He has/had a Hollywood walk of fame star.

I do agree with her though: we do NOT need anyone from Hollywood running the government. Not now, not ever.

@Minty Wolfie:

Well they're going to a good home now lol I already have an avatar in the works again.
@Minty Wolfie:

And thank you for selling :)
@Minty Wolfie:

I'll take all except unique bases and elemental baseball cap :)

Trump truly does not care about the American people and I do not understand how he still has supporters. My family, except sister and mother (I think?), love love LOVE kissing his orange ass.

Trump is considering suspending funding for the WHO because they "failed" to warn countries of the, then, upcoming global crisis. Even though they did.... way back in January.

@Minty Wolfie:

Yeah, my mom is an essential worker, being an employee for a post office, so she's constantly 3 feet or less away from customers. And the public is a disgusting bunch. Also, according to her, the mask is also good for hiding facial expressions when asked stupid questions lol
@Minty Wolfie:

No, it's not. I don't know why he isn't taking any of this more seriously but it boils my blood. We now have over 10,000 deaths in the U.S. from COVID-19.

My mom and grandma have been sewing up filtered masks and started selling them. I see others do it too, so that's great.

Ooo I just looked at your front page for the first time in a while and I really love the post style! It's nice.

Thank you! I wanted to add a little something to make it look more... semi-permanent. And right now I'm living for 80s color combos lol