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@Ghostie: I will pm you dear -nods-
@Ghostie: This might require some pms
@GuttedBunny: What does a mexican have to do with anything
@GuttedBunny: Don't be rude -kicks-
@Ghostie: I will put a baby in you if you know what I mean
@GuttedBunny: -kicks other shin-
@Ghostie: Unless you mean Asreal (the lion from the lion the witch and the wardrobe)
@GuttedBunny: -kicks shin-
@Ghostie: It's okay let me guide you little lamb
@GuttedBunny: Not jesusstuff my stuff
@GuttedBunny: You do what
@Ghostie: Yes I am here -winks-
-gets a camera-

@ghostie: I'll do that in more than one way
@Ghostie: I love you more though
@ghostie: I do truly

Bunny Read things jesus
@GuttedBunny: Gross relative my streets are lined with feces and gore so it isn't that gross to me.
@GuttedBunny: turn into sanic
@Ghostie: Well my dear you see it is French and a very good wine -nods succinctly-
@GuttedBunny: -pushes you over- That's not your job!

@ghostie: You want Chateau Lafite Rothschild 2009
@Ghostie: for a dance
Posted in ~*Dad Joke Junction*~ Posted 7 years ago
What is brown and sticky? A stick!