@Priestess of Pie: A message has arrived for you.
“you tell it like it is, and I appreciate how genuine and upfront you are. those qualities make you a super dependable and reliable friend to have!
I’ve said this before, but you’re the voice of reason and you give well-minded and solid advice, but also you can throw one-liners like nobody’s business and I die every time
your drawings always have such a warm, cozy feeling and I love that
and I’m always impressed by your pixels.
also your avatars? always gorgeous.. you put so much thought into the theme and the overall mood, and you use items in such unique ways!
I hope 2020 treats you well and that you have lots of free time to play games and snuggle your floofy cats ;3c”
I’ve said this before, but you’re the voice of reason and you give well-minded and solid advice, but also you can throw one-liners like nobody’s business and I die every time
your drawings always have such a warm, cozy feeling and I love that

also your avatars? always gorgeous.. you put so much thought into the theme and the overall mood, and you use items in such unique ways!
I hope 2020 treats you well and that you have lots of free time to play games and snuggle your floofy cats ;3c”