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Voltie — She her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/27 00:20:10 )
Sherlock: I didn’t know you cared so much Alice *he starts laughing but ends up coughing* Watson, I don’t think I really need a break I’m ok I just need a little rest and I’ll be up in running in no time. I’m glad to hear that Eric made it through I was worried about that. I’m glad you’re ok Alice, you were investigating the main criminal all by yourself. Watson how could you let her go off on her own she could have been killed! I feel quite bad about that now. I apologize Alice I didn’t realize your first mission would get this crazy.

Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/27 00:26:28 )
@Midnight Asmodo:

Alice: Well i have my reasons to like you but no watsons right. You'll have to take a week or two to at least heal and such.*she looks at him worriedly. * I can handle anything at this point.....minus seeing friends get hurt...*she weakily smiles and watson nudges her making her blush cause he could tell*

Watson:The girl wont listen no better than you do Sherlock. You're the one in charge last time i checked so how come you'd let her go by herself?* he chuckled seeing alice going quiet and flustered* *watson needed to chat with her.* Hey Sherlock Alice and I are going to go get some Lunch. What should we bring you back?* He gets up *

Alice: I've dealt with worst cases and it's fine at least no one died....that would bring on to much paperwork....*she sighed flusteredly and goes quiet as watson ask sherlock about lunch.* *she is hesitant on getting up.*

Voltie — She her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/27 01:15:03 )
Sherlock: No need to get me anything my gear Watson. The jello they serve here is good enough for me. I also don’t have much of an appetite after what happened earlier. *he cleared his throat* Anyway you two can go enjoy a nice lunch without me making any snark comments. *he is a little jealous but trying not to show it* Alice you deserve a break after the case no matter how easy it was. I do apologize for not giving you any help on your part of the case. You did wonderfully by yourself dear I can’t wait to see how it turns out long term. *the morphine they gave him for his leg starts to wear off so he gives himself more* I will be out of it for a few hours, so no need to visit during that time. Have a good time

Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/27 01:28:38 )
@Midnight Asmodo:
Alice: mm...*she can see the tiny bit of jealousy on him* Who do you think will be making sure you're okay while you take a break? It's fine we've always got more time and cases in the future to work together on. I can't wait for long term either it's going to be so much fun.* She smiled and got up as watson speaks*

watson: Alright we'll be at th-*interrupted by alice.*

Alice: Sherlock i'll come back to get you so ms.hudson and i don't have to worry about you getting into anymore trouble. i'll be back shortly with some chips and such for you.*She doesn't take no as an answer rn.*

Watson:*correcting himself* I'll be at the flat working on some reading while you get out then. for now Alice let's get some lunch im starving.*he lets alice leave before him*See you soon Sherlock.

*they leave and Alice returns a little while before Sherlock is released. She also brought him a small lunch considering he may not be that hungry* *she's got goals*

Voltie — She her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/27 03:53:56 )
Sherlock: *he’s still a little groggy from the morphine but quickly coming out of it* Hey Alice I didn’t except to see you so soon. Did you have a nice relaxing lunch with our dear friend Watson? Oh you brought me food, *he laugh/coughs again* you really didn’t have to do that Alice. You are such a kind person, and you don’t see many of those in this industry considering what you have to do sometimes. *he thinks about his sister and moriarty* the decisions you have to make can be really hard sometimes right? *he becomes really philosophical when he’s only lightly drugged* So Alice why did you come by early?

Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/27 12:56:35 )
@Midnight Asmodo:

Alice: The lunch was....we'll say normal. *she smiles looking at him* of course i brought you food you can't just eat i didn't see you eat anything today so you need something to keep your body working. *she sets the bag down next to him.* i'm just trying to be nice.....and there isn't really many nice people in general.*she thinks for moment* Yes overly complicated especially when your deciding the right path your going to follow til you die. Oh um there's no specific reason on why i came by early. I just wanted to make sure you didn't leave before i got here....Watson has told me the stories and shown me the evidence of you being one to wonder off without realizing it.*she looks the floor for a moment thinking then looks at him* So how are you feeling?

Voltie — She her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/27 16:04:35 )
Sherlock: Well thank you for coming by Alice, and yes I do have quite the tendency to wander away from hospitals. Bad memories from past experiences you know. I wasn’t told how bad my leg was until an hour ago so I guess I kind of have to stay off it now. I think they only told me because I tried to walk on it. *he laughs a little* I feel like I got hit by a bus. *his arms and legs are completely wrapped making movement hard* I tried to convince them to remove my arm bandages but unfortunately I loose most of my charm when I’m on morphine. *he swings his arms up and down trying to make Alice laugh*

Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/27 20:55:39 )
@Midnight Asmodo:

Alice:* she giggled and smiled slightly.* well you were launched a few feet by an explosion so i expect the bus hitting feeling...i dont believe they'll remove any of your bandaging and they are allowing you to go home escorted by me and a nurse . you haven't all your charm only the smart and stern side of it. which i believe is still a good look on you and your charm. *she didn't realize she have may been flirting. Her phone buzzed and she ignored it paying her attention to Sherlock.*

Voltie — She her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/28 00:00:56 )

Sherlock: You really are an amazing person aren’t you Miss Alice. *he smiles then realized his mistake* sorry Alice I can’t seem to get out of the ‘’miss” habit. I can’t wait to get home though it’s been a long weekend. You should answer your phone Alice, it could be important you know.

Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/28 00:31:27 )
@Midnight Asmodo:

Alice: It's just watson asking me to grab dinner on the way home with you, which ms.hudson is ordering right about now*her phone dings* It's okay Sherlock it's a force of habit for you. *she stands up and fixes her chair , checking her phone really quickly. * I'm going to go sign the needed papers to get you out of here i'll be right back..and also i can't wait either the weekend is nice for some needed rest. *she leaves the room and gets sherlock released, she gets him home and set up in his room.**watson is just cleaning up the flat. *

Voltie — She her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/28 17:41:24 )
Sherlock: Hay Watson! I’ve missed you. *he walks in on crutches* I have always thought crutches would be easier to use. The simple mathematics of swing yourself forward, but it’s a whole lot harder than I was prepared for. *he almost falls again but catches himself with his good foot* The place looks nice Watson, I hope you didn’t mess with anything on my room. Not that there’s anything in there it’s just a personal thing. *he’s rambling a little not really sure what he’s talking about* So Watson, was your day not having to babysit me relaxing? I bet it was *he laughs a little to himself* Alice do you need any help with paperwork or.. well anything you need seeing as I’ll be home struck for a while.

Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/28 20:48:55 )
@Midnight Asmodo:

Watson: That's a surprise , you missed me.I must be in a nightmare.*He grins chuckling at his own joke.* I didn't other than setting up your bed like alice told me too...*He is grinning* Yes extremely relaxing and i even got a few pages of writing in today.*he helps sherlock abit by opening doors for sherlock to get to his (sherlocks) own room. *

Alice: I will just need to take a report from you but we'll do that after you get to bed. Watson and I will prob-*watson chimes in cutting her off*

Watson:Alice i'll handle the rest of the paperwork, you can take care of Sherlock for the while he's home struck. *he looks at Sherlock then at alice.*

Alice:*sighs softly* I guess i'll won't need help with any work, but sherlock, i should be asking you if you need anything considering i'm one that ms.hudson and watson are asking me to watch over you while you're hurt. *she sees watson mouthing he needs to talk to her later and she nods quietly but smiling still. she winced a little when opening a door for sherlock and getting him into his bed. She had a soft twitch whenever she leaned over to fix something.*

Voltie — She her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/29 00:01:18 )
Sherlock: Oh I feel bad you got stuck with babysitting me Alice. Watson are you sure you want to everything by yourself? It’s quite a bit of paperwork if we divided the work I’m sure it could be finished faster. I guess I’m going to bed if you don’t need help. Thank you so much Alice I hope the other ones are appreciating everything you are doing for this mismatched group of what ifs and loners. It means a lot to me at the very least. *he gets into bed carefully* Alice are you sure you are ok, these last few days have been really hard on us but I think it has been even more so for you. Alice, I need to know that you’re ok. *he holds her arm and looks her in the eyes* Are you ok? *he noticed the wince and the twitch and starts to get nervous*

Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/29 00:12:05 )
@Midnight Asmodo:

Watson: she practically did most of the paperwork already, i can do the remainder like our reports on side of the investigation. *he chuckles leaving them alone for a moment*

Alice: It's not much something to feel bad about after all now we can have the time to finally get to know each other....* her glance was at his, her eyes showed little pain but much sorrow and tiredness.She over stressed herself over sherlocks injuries and hasn't calmed down from it either. She couldn't stop from her blush growing either from looking into sherlock's eyes for that moment.* Im okay sherlock, truly i am. *she's lying through her fake smile and pulls away, more focused on sherlock's health than her own.* Now you need to rest, i'll be coming by every so often to check up on you , okay? *she changes the topic smoothly and gets everything tidied up as Watson come back in.* *she twitches softly clenching her right hand as she steps to the side as Watson gets sherlock short report.* Watson i'll be in my room, Sherlock you can text if you urgently need something..

Watson: alright alice. I'll be in the kitchen in a few minutes there, mind waiting in there for me?*alice nods and stands there for a moment as she gets sherlock's phone on a charge right next to his bed and gets all the dirty clothes picked up. She cleaned up his room slightly.watson took less than five minutes to get this needed information.*


Voltie — She her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/29 02:05:56 )
Sherlock: *alone in his room thinking out loud* she was lying to me... she’s in pain. But why? Did Thomas hurt her? I don’t think it was physical pain her resting heart was normal but when I asked if she’s in pain it increased. Is she stressed? Is that because of me getting hurt? *he starts to get up but stops himself* I can’t stress her out anymore, I didn’t realize I was affecting her this much. Unless I’m wrong, what if she is really hurt physically and I’m trying to rationalize it. Jesus I don’t know what’s going on in her head at all

Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/29 02:38:54 )
@Midnight Asmodo:

*watson and Alice are in the kitchen as Watson tends to her stab wounds. Thomas stabbed her pretty badly and she was finally feeling the pain. *

Watson:Alice....tell me how this happened... and why didn't you get treated at the hospital? *he is cleaning up the blood as she is sitting leaned over so he can clean it better.*

Alice: ...Thomas wasn't alone when i found him...he was dealing something newer drug i believe NQT and i may have busted in like i usually do unannounced....and after i chase*She winces* C-careful...after i chased him down, he pulled a blade out and got a good few numbers on me....heh....Sherlock is more important and my brain wasn't focused on it. plus i've got the best medic fixing me right now*she jokes smiling with pain*

Watson: Alice ,this isn't could of been killed....or even need to watch out for yourself not just sherlock and me.*He sighs continuing to stitch her up.After a half hour he finally got it done.He was cleaning up the evidence of this just Sherlock wouldn't worry.* Now...i do have a pending question....

Alice: I know, i'll keep it noted to take someone with me next time.*she sighed softly* What is it Watson,my dear friend?*She slips a sweater on to hide the bandaging and stands up stretching slightly taking two pain relievers*

Watson: I've noticed between you and Sherlock there's been a spark. You wouldn't happen by chance have a certain type of liking for Sherlock , would you alice?*He turned around to see Alice flustered*

ALice:*flusteredly smiling* Is it that noticeable.........geez...i feel like a highschooler all over again....*she weakly laughs* But i do like him, i'm not just sure if it's a phase or an true liking for an relationship......but it's most likely the ideal fact that i may like him for .....well i'm not sure......*she is scrambled now and starts to make tea and gets a tray set up for sherlock. she was going to give him some tea before she heads off to sleep off her own pain.*

Watson: *chuckles* Good luck and let's hope you two end up brewing something beautifully. I've seen the he treats others, but you seemed to be on a better position then the rest of us. * He helps Alice by getting the tray set up as he lets her sit.* Yet take your time after all you two think similar but have lived differently.(hencing the title XD and sorry it's alot ) Anyway get going to giving the man his tea before heading to get some proper rest, alright?

Alice:Alright watson.....thank you....truly..i'll see you in the morning.*She picks up the medium sized tray heading to sherlock's room and knocks on the door. She felt nervous and was blushed*Sherlock...i have tea for you and something for your stomach..also need to apologize for lying to you about something..*she mumbles the last half, standing outside his room waiting for him to just say it's okay for her to come in.*

Voltie — She her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/29 03:37:37 )
Sherlock: *he is sitting on the far side of his bed panicking* -murmured- I have to make sure it’s not me but I can’t just assume it’s stress related. Geez I want to help her but I can’t without being certain. *he puts his head in his hands* I could ask Watson but then he might be worried about it too. Why am I getting so concerned over someone I’m living with. With a friend. I need to check on her, I can’t take the risk of her being hurt just because I want to avoid some awkward conversation. *he stands up quickly forgetting his broken leg and falling* shit! * he lays on the ground thinking* my crutches are on the other side of the room and I’m a mess. *his arms start bleeding from the fall impact* I’m not making this whole stress thing any better am I? *he drags himself to a nearby wall* where do I go from here? *he hears Alice knocking* Um Alice, I am getting dressed so you don’t need to come in yet. Let me grab my clothes real quick. *he tries to stand up but falls again* it might take me a while!

Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/29 09:15:17 )
@Midnight Asmodo:

Alice: Sherlock...*She can clearly tell he's not but in the back her brain she has a feeling he may be so she's a bit hesitant and averts her gaze from sherlock to something else in the room* Im going to come in, i can tell those noises aren't you getting changed plus...i can tell you're trying to stand-*She instantly by instinct just comes in seeing sherlock trying to stand, she sets the tray in a nearby chair and helps Sherlock up. She keeps her eyes away from looking at him just in case he really was trying to get changed.* Bloody hell!! why are you out of bed sherlock?? *Her heartbeat raced slightly. She helped him up mumbling,'ba chóir dom an fhírinne a insint dó, anois tá níos mó gortaithe aige. is é seo mo locht ar fad,' and she got him back in bed without any twitching or wincing. * Now what in your bloody mind told you it was okay to get out of bed in your condition Sherlock?*All of a sudden she's gone stern and watson was at the room door, curious cause he heard a thud.* (the irish you can easily translate X3)

Watson:*on the other side of the door but can see through the crack of the door that Alice is getting Sherlock back in bed and tended to.* Is everything alright you two?*He's abit worried*

Alice:Watson, bring me a wet rag and a medical kit please and thank you. * the look of stress was no where on her expression but the concerned in her eyes was stronger. Watson headed back to the kitchen for the medical kit and she sighed slightly* I'm glad i came to check up on you sooner than i should could of ended up breaking an arm or hurting your healing leg even time if you need something i want you to text me or call me verbally. i'm here to help not to let you get even more hurt.*She does avoid looking at slightly she's clearly guilty of not telling him the truth and she's not exactly taking chances of seeing him naked cause it be rude and inappropriate. She's turned to the side looking elsewhere respectfully but wanting a answer for all of her questions. this also made her think that to her and her self, he really mattered right now but she couldn't tell or feel her own wound bleeding but it wasn't showing. *

Voltie — She her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/29 15:39:59 )
Sherlock: Alice I got my clothes on you can look. *he sighs* It seems I miscalculated my ability to walk without my crutches. I really didn’t want to bother you Alice and I thought I could get my clothes myself. *he looks down* I didn’t want to stress you out anymore than I already have. *he can tell she wasn’t wincing anymore* I don’t know why I thought I could get out of bed yet. I’m just- *he sighs again and then grabbed her hand* I just need to know that you’re ok. I really care about and if anything happened please let me help you. *he is holding her hand giving it a few squeezes*

Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/29 16:04:18 )
@Midnight Asmodo:

Alice:*she looks at him * shouldn't miscalculate your own abilities....honestly Sherlock i'd love it if you did bother're a lot more interesting then mr.veteran downstairs. What makes you think that you're stressing me out? *she feels him squeezing her hand and she gives a gentle squeeze back.* Sherlock, im fine now especially after Watson stitched me im okay now i should of told you but i frankly can't exactly feel the pain....*Something in her brian clicks* ....i'm pretty sure i may have ripped them too....*She nervous smiles as watson walks in with the needed items* i'll let you know if i'm not doing well, the stress i think you saw was just the moving stress i get especially when i move into somewhere extremely nice and filled with wonderful people...and the stress of losing someone i truly like having around.*Alice pulls her hand away from sherlock taking the rag and bandages.watson lets her cleans up sherlock bloody arms.*

watson:Should i leave you two alone to have your moment?*He raises an eyebrow but notices Alice's stain on her sweater*Alice, pause what your doing and show me your banadages..*She sighs shaking her head no*

Alice:I'll do it in a sherlock is more need of care than i am, i'm pretty sure my wound isn't even as bad...* She gets sherlock fixed up again and slightly lifts up the left side of her sweater to reveal a row of ripped stitches and a deep red bandage. Watson sighes pulling out the needle and thread again.Alice is facing elsewhere and pulls her sweater back down getting up*

Come join me at my lil

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