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Forums Mini Shops Lucifera's Pretty little shop (closed for now)

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/21 01:46:57 )
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@Lucifera: That's fair haha. Photoshop just has some interesting brushes tbh.

Aaaaaaah. xDD Time 2 throw some pillows on that baby haha.

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Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/21 03:08:34 )
@Alicethemadhatter: Here's your completed artwork! Hopfully it looks okay~! <3

@Kairie: It does but a lot of these programs, you can make brushes for. Photoshop has just been around for a long time so it has a bigger collection. But if more people use these, and make brushes, it'd be just the same if not better. Photoshop is an interesting adventure, but imo, not for art. xD


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/21 03:11:31 )
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@Lucifera: That is true haha. I'm amazed photoshop is still able to keep such a monopoly on their products/the market. Since so many people still use it regardless of other options. ID

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Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/21 03:16:32 )

AHHHH I LOVE IT! Thank you sooooo much i may end up earning more volts just so i can get more ocs <3

Come join me at my lil

Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/21 03:18:58 )
@Kairie: I agree... Ugh. XD tbh you can buy the program outright I think from BestBuy and whatnot. Idk about other places... but yeah. I think a lot of products are popular only because they are bigger names. xD But then again, maybe there is something I'm missing and someone can prove me wrong.

Ps. I have my french vanilla instant cappacino all made up and omg... I am so happy. xD

@Alicethemadhatter: I'm so glad you like it! <3 And if ever you want another I am always ready to draw. =D Thank you so much for liking it.

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/21 03:23:40 )
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@Lucifera: Really? Did not know that haha.

Mmmm french vanilla cappuccino. e ue I'm jealous.

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Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/21 03:26:32 )
@Kairie: Yeah.. it's was like over a hundred dollars tho. xD it's so stupid.

I will shares? *gives coffee*

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/21 03:27:55 )
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@Lucifera: Hnnnng way too expensive.

I have a vanilla starbucks thingy in the fridge
just shouldn't have the caffeine so late at night haha.

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Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/21 03:29:31 )
@Kairie: Exactly.

D= I have to study at some point and for some reason coffee like this just gives me enough of a boost to get these things done whilst also allowing me to sleep. (I also have ADHD so this suppliments me when my meds wear off.)

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/21 03:31:55 )
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@Lucifera: Get that studying done!!
ooo yeah I can see why coffee would help you with that, and it's good that it doesn't keep you up all night.

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Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/21 04:45:45 )
@ghost: I will definitely draw that OC for you! I will have to start on it tomorrow, though! <3

@Kairie: I gave it like, 5 months of playing with it. xD It's dead to me. RIP.

Pillows don't help, oddly enough.

And yeah, I needed the caffiene.. xD It felt so nice. The vanilla scent just made me so happy. xD Vanilla isn't even my favorite flavour tho, tbh.

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/21 04:49:33 )
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@Lucifera: Ahhh poor program. xDD

Hmmm that's a strong chair.

Ahh vanilla just smells so good. u wu Even if it isn't the greatest flavor.

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Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/21 04:54:18 )
@Kairie: xD RIP photoshop.

It's this annoying little fella.

Exactly. I just like, the steamy water coming off it just made my brains go "Yahhhhhssss..." xD Mentally preparing myself for work tomorrow. I'm no excited but... they are short shifts so yeah.

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/21 04:55:21 )
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@Lucifera: Ooof those chairs.

Ahaha look forward to those short shifts! >:)

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Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/21 05:08:59 )
@Kairie: Yeah... I got a temp chair from walmart.. a wheel broke off... It didn't last. I have learned. xD

And yeah... It's going to honestly be boring af. I can't wait for COVID to die down. As much as I like how relaxed business is, it's also really bad for us baristas. I count on foot traffic in the cafe for tips, which aren't a lot, but pay for my eggbites on days where I need to eat. And with bussing tables not happening, it means no one is sitting in cafe getting refills or chatting, which means less likely to have some tips in our tip bucket. xD Plus, it being busy keeps me on my toes. So, I guess moral of the story is: Love on your baristas rn and order even if you don't leave tips. We're bored af during this. Help us.


I watch this guy for some tips on good products.

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/21 05:11:14 )
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@Lucifera: You learn quick when a chair breaks. xDD

My boss says this could go on for like 11 months and I'm just like 'rip everyone but me at work. ID' since I'm one of the only ones guaranteed fulltime hours.
I know the starbucks next to us is extremely busy still? Idk how they're managing it.

Ooooh I'll watch some of his videos when I'm in the mood for youtube :o

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Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/21 05:26:16 )
@Kairie: xD If it went on like this for that long, a lot of shit would go down that will not be good for anyone. I don't even remember there being such a fuss when Ebola went around, this is honestly insane to me.

My SB is usually super busy, but we are located near the university, so with all the students just going home, obviously most of the people aren't here. Instructors dipped, and most people are just staying in. I am happy though cause SB has 14 days of catastrophe pay set up for us just in case, so it'd cover any shifts I would be scheduled for if I get sick, or if they close completely. (gove also has EI for this.) But I haven't been since all the mall locations have shut down. and with going to drive through only, it could mean game is on for us, or it could mean less business and closing soon approaching.

yeah. I will say one thing I dislike is sometimes he can be dramaticccc... But I feel like that's a lot of youtubers. xD

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/21 05:34:52 )
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@Lucifera: Yeahhhh. I think the reason it is getting so bad is because the US didn't plan anything for it and waited until it was too late. ID

Aaaah that makes sense. D; You guys lost your main customers. orz

Every youtuber is dramatic haha.

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Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/21 05:47:38 )
@Kairie: Apparently. But other viruses and such weren't planned for either? It's just weird to me. Esecially since my grandma was like "they didn't get this fussy over h1n1, etc. And this is suddenly super bad." even though only at risk category are at risk. And it seems like there's this highlight on the negative, and no one mentioning the people who are being treated and are recovering? Just panic inducing, and it's so annoying.

We did. But we shall have more now that other locations are being closed.

This is true. But some are dramatic, entertaining. Some are dramatic, annoying. xD
Ping me for fast replies!

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/21 05:49:32 )
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@Lucifera: I think the issue is that it is a disease that kind of targets the older generation and they enjoy panic haha. Because most millennials/people my age don't seem to care? If we die we die lmao. Same with people younger than me. It's really the older generation freaking out+the ones it is most likely to impact. xDD

Hopefully that is the case!!

Truee, there are some youtubers I don't watch anymore because they became dramatic annoying.

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