"Guns-wise, shotguns or one-handed submachine guns are your best bets, but me?Personally I'd go either way if you gave me guns, just make sure the ammo in it can harm whatever I'm fighting without jamming and we're good, good thing we got the right ammo for this op,"
Kyle gestured to his shotgun behind his back alongside that E-tool he's carrying, not wanting to take much light to being in-charge longer than necessary before he notes this,
"Honestly we need to make sure Lupa's represented well by how we'd fight, but CQC-wise you've dealt with swords and such, speaking of which mine can pierce and bypass enemy defenses, be they Magical or Technological provided that the blade hits, first,"
Not yet willing to draw it out in the open yet still presenting it to Olivia, Kyle held up the sword on his right hand, feeling that a lingering power was inside the sheathed weapon itself, waiting to be unleashed again before Kyle adds this,
"Also, cutting and punching through Titanium's easy for me even without swords, I just gotta hit it first, but yeah, we need to make this strike count, we could split our strike forces to 30 each right now, or we can keep it to 60 in the same group and after we deal with the Breeder Camp and the Prison, get 30-40 of us to carry evacuations while we see the pro hackers among some of us take a shot at finding the tech areas and see about turning the base's defenses against these jacka$$es, against 600 or so of these guys alone we're outnumbered at least 10 to 1, so whatever we're doing we'll have to make this strike count, anyways,"
If after evacuating those in need of liberating they can either take over the base or blow it up afterward, it's a bonus so long as info about the group's sent to the Forces of Olympus and the packs can come back out of the mess alive, really,
"Yeah, Gramps and Athena don't always see eye-to-eye, I know, not judging you if you're cautious of me, but trust me, I'm not screwing you over, I don't work like that,"
Kyle has faith that Olivia knows what he meant by 'screwing her over,' and it was more in the sense of betrayal or leaving her to 'the other wolves' or things along those lines, really,

"Hold on I'll go get the documents, they're right here, guess I made it just in time,"
Cherie pulled out a set of documents and other things in the documents, meant to relay the info that Tundra residence was contacted by the Forces of Olympus to assist however they can, and already feeling that Rizer was busy getting signed up as well on the other side,
"You two don't always agree, but no worries I'm signing up,"
Cherie pulled out her ID card, registration numbers and other things while at the same time she worked to sign up, unveil what her professions are in life-or-death matters in her writing, and once she was sure she's finished her side of stuff regardless between her and her twin brother on the other side who finished their stuff, first, that's secondary compared to what she'll ask next,
"Excuse me, but if the name Ella Pandar rings any bells, well, I'm new around these parts but I'd like to be shown around campus by anyone you'd know with that name, if that's okay,"
Cherie was making subtly careful use of charm-speaking, not to avert work or training, but to make sure the person she's specified would be authorized permission to show her around without messing with the brain-babies something horrid, more to not trouble Ella than anything and making sure she and Ella can avoid having bad times in the long run, but Cherie's expressions in hoping for the specified folks to show her around was readily apparent in her face,
