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Forums Role Playing Demigods and Werewolves 1x1

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/12 08:53:54 )
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A private rp for @LupaPrinceRomulus: and I, please do not post if you are not either of us.
If you don't like the title I can change it, my brain is just drawing a blank at this point and I wanted to create the thread before I went to sleep.

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Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/12 08:54:07 )
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Name: Olivia Bloom
Age: 28
Relation to which God/Goddess: Athena is her grandmother.
Type of werewolf: Hexenwolf (Talisman was passed down from her Father and it is unknown to her where it came from.)
Appearance: Olivia
Combat Speciality: Close quarters is her specialty, she prefers using dual daggers which she carries on her at all times. With training she has used a various assortment of weapons and can handle most weapons at a beginner level, though sometimes luck isn't on her side and something will go south.
Magic Type: Due to Athena not being a direct parent and instead a grandparent, her magic ability is limited. She can use limited air magic by making small gusts of wind of varying strength (although she hasn't quite figured out what is the trigger for the stronger gusts which get her in bad situations). Her strongest magic by far is her affinity to earth magic where she can create vines to grab her opponents though this takes the most out of her energy-wise and is better to be with a partner during her time using it.

Name: Ella Pandar
Relation to which God/Goddess: Apollo is her father
Type of werewolf: Lycanthrope
Appearance: Ella
Combat Speciality: For long to mid-range combat Ella prefers using a bow and arrows which she is very skilled at using. As for close-range combat she prefers to use her fists although she isn't the best at it.
Magic Type: Sound, She can influence people into doing what she wants with her voice, as well as use certain magic involving music. Given that she is a direct child of Apollo she has no problem picking up new instruments and can use the sound of them to influence the moods of the people around her and strengthen her control over people with her voice. She also has the ability to create light around her, usually it will just be a small light that she can easily control but if her emotions get out of hand it can turn into a blinding light.

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Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/13 10:02:46 )
Name: Kyle R. Perry
Age: 28 years old
Relation to which God/Goddess: 'Ah, good-old Grandpa Ares, there's this one time he boned my grandma at mom's side a long time ago, funny story really,'
Type of werewolf: 'My mom's a Classic Werewolf, albeit one of the strongest in her generation according to some folks, and barring the Loup-garou types definitely one of the top contenders, period according to them,'
P.S: 'All hail great mother Lupa, as the Clan would've encouraged,'
'Don't ask why I'd dress up like that,'
Combat Specialty: 'Let's see, I dealt with Close-Quarters combat with or without bladed weapons, I could handle shotguns but If I gotta use Tae Kwon Do, I'm gonna use it to counter whatever anyone throws at me up-close, my family's sword could conduct high-end electricity if I focus on it, but I've not mastered that thing yet, working on that, though but at least it can bypass enemy Magical defenses if it hits,'
Magic-Type: 'Because of that sword I could do electrical attacks, it's not as refined as what Zeus-blooded electric users tend to do, but it's there, apparently my blood has healing properties but I can't promise you I'll hold still to let others extract it, though,' -Latent Storm type with affinities for healing.

Name: Cherie Tundra
Age: 18 years old
Relation to which God/Goddess: Aphrodite is a grandmother of hers through one of her parents, Cherie's not clearing up which one, though.
Type of werewolf: None
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Combat Specialty: She deals in Covert operations, can shapeshift her physical body to different forms, and deals in Combined Cosmology-type Hybrid Magic, and for close-quarters to mid-ranged fighting, she carries a Whip-sword with her at all times, and naturally she can camouflage herself to her surroundings or even turn invisible at will if need be.
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(Cherie's weapon of choice)
Magic-type: Elementalist, leans heavily on Fire though but when using any other element, she's gonna aim to internalize Wind-type Magic for Fight-or-Flight regards, really.

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/13 10:35:15 )
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Panting Olivia looked behind her as she took in her surroundings trying to figure out if anyone had followed her. Breaths coming heavy she moved behind a tree, letting her back rest against it as she let her arms droop with the daggers she was holding. She knew better than to be naive enough to believe that no one had followed her but she had definitely thrown them for a loop with the vines even if it had taken almost all the energy she had. Sliding to the ground her breathing started to become more even as she looked behind her one more time, not seeing or hearing anything around her except or nature itself.

"Thank the gods." She muttered, closing her eyes briefly as she thought of what to do. She hadn't been out here looking for a fight, all she had wanted was some alone time but instead had ran into a bit of trouble, but so close to home? Frowning her eyes opened again as she jumped to her feet. There was no time to waste, if they were this close there was a chance that they could run into others, and the last thing that they needed was for them to run into anyone younger than her. Putting the daggers back in their sheathes at her sides, she moved forward, eyes drifting back behind her every so often while paying attention to the sounds around her.


Kicking her feet out Ella let out a sigh as her back fell against the grass and she stared up at the sky above her. "This is so boring." She muttered, bright blue eyes watching the clouds as they moved across the sky. Most people were spending time training or enhancing their skills but it seemed pointless to her, she didn't really fit in with the children from other gods. All were too focused on training, or weren't focused enough,then there was the difference in their gifts, and even abilities.

"Ella come train with us!" Lifting her head she glanced behind her before quickly shaking her head.

"I'm good, I just got back from training!" She called back the lie easily as she laid back down and let her eyes close. Maybe she'd take a small nap before one of her own siblings decided she needed to do something else.

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Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/13 11:38:36 )

While an intruder was evading their pursuit, corporate forces were already gathering around the area, already looking by to see where the one who found one of their facilities was at, making sure to stay hidden at all times before they do anything further, as the scouting party was already with a 2 legged mobile unit, preparing to make sure the thing was ready to gun down the intruder if the patrol forces didn't get the chance, already with their guns prepared to shoot by the time they landed closer to where the intruder was at.

As part of the stationed forces got to the same area they thought the intruder was at, already they were scanning around and working to sense out the body-heat of their target, as thermal vision was at play as ideally it'll make it easier to find and take the one who just evaded them before they get a chance to sneak back in.
After spending 5 minutes doing the scanning, needless to say that for now the intruder's moved elsewhere, as the party then moved to another part of the area, clearly going by body-heat alone through thermal-vision in their technologies and aware that they'd have to update their models pretty soon in a cold place like this.


***Meanwhile in warmer-weather-y places***

Under good word from her parents to the Forces of Olympus proper, Cherie was ordered to train and spend time here at boot camp for a while, so already she went to start getting herself busy by knowing the folks around these parts, from her aunts to a resume of first and second cousins, yet still there's bound to be something outside her grandma's blood that's gonna strike the Tundra girl's curious fancies somewhere,

'It's always sunny in Philadelphia, wait we're not there yet, oops,' Cherie thought privately, when she was already walking up towards where what looked like a sunny, busty teenager not too distant from Cherie's age was at, as she was still with a lollipop in her mouth while she was working to wake up the 'default-y' well-endowed beauty from her Photosynthesis-inspired slumber, feeling a bit playful, Cherie opted for this to wake her up,

"You're like the Summer, and you're just as Hot, short of my Aunts and some Nymphs, I doubt there's anyone better without being Gods, so tell me, did it hurt when you left Elysium or anything?"

Underneath the soft giggling, Cherie was already checking to see if the hot girl was waking up, it'd be rather bad if too much of her moods dwelt on the rumors about corporate-sponsored terror attacks going around, so here's hoping the one Cherie was trying to wake up would be responding pretty soon,

(Cherie's expressions at tag.)


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/14 08:15:16 )
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After a bit of traveling Olivia felt safe enough to stop again, eyes moving around her surroundings as if to double check that she was truly alone. Feeling satisfied with the thoughts she let out a breath as she pulled her jacket closer around her letting out a breath she didn't know she had been holding. As she did so a gust of wind whirled around her, causing her eyes to sharpen a minute before realizing it had been her own magic. Shaking her head to clear her thoughts and emotions she started running towards the direction of civilization, glad to see buildings begin to come into view after a short time running. As the buildings became clearer as did the people around she sped up, breathing heavy as she pushed her legs to their max.


Hearing footsteps coming closer to her, Ella prayed it wasn't one of her siblings going to pull her away but to her surprise it wasn't. Eyes flashing open as the person began talking her gaze moved upwards towards the girl blinking slowly as she began to register the words. A faint blush covered her face as the pick-up line registered, as did how cute the girl above her was. Sitting up quickly she coughed to cover up how flustered she was. "I'm sorry, I think you have me confused with someone else, though I'll take the summer part as a compliment."

Running a hand through her hair she pushed it back out of her face, being related to Apollo was close enough to summer so it should be a compliment. "Did someone send you here to force me to go train? Or are you here to lecture me?"

Eyes shifting to the girl then to the other side of her, Ella decided to try and see what her chances were of getting out of it. Patting the empty spot next to her she gave the other girl a quick wink her blush having faded away. "Though if you are here for any of the reasons mentioned, you could always take a seat. Not like training all the time is going to make us great soldiers over night, and besides the sun is bright the weather is nice, and who are we not to enjoy it? There's plenty of room over here for you to sit and relax."

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Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/14 09:51:45 )

What the person who was running might or might not have known, was that a few other Werewolves who were already checking to see whether an ally or enemy was about to arrive were already watching her, already refugees and liberated prisoners from the locations of places like where the person ran off, from.
Of course it was also clearly obvious the Wolves weren't alone at evenings like these, as Eagle-owls made a few hoots typical of Owls to be making while they too were on watch, allies to the Werewolves in this location as they were already on the look-out and the wolves prepared to sense the newcomer's intent.

When they were convinced the running visitor came with a warning and with no hostile spirits were surrounding her, they kept watch, working to ascertain that she wasn't 'a sleeper' among unexpectedly-timed arrivals, it was rather clear that if she was 'a Sleeper' that they can handle her IF need be, but rather how much of a mess would she leave behind's another thing to figure out.
Well, no time like the present to see what she's gonna offer, once she sees the pack leaders in the clan so far.

"First off, if you're bluffing and you know it, clap your hands,"
Cherie gave a free-spirited response, it was pretty hard to tell who was trying to out-bluff whom at the moment, but it's pretty easy to tell that Cherie found the right relative for the right moods,

"Second of all, it's either Apollo or Aphrodite-related, you're bright enough to fit the former easily, and for your question, honestly that's neither, I just got here really,"

Already Cherie was getting to part 03 when she was gazing at the hot babe before her in a once-over, but Cherie was still on her lollipop when she winked at the hot babe before her in turn, when she went to sit right next to the hot babe who feels very bright in more ways than one, when just as Cherie landed and sat next to the babe in question, she honestly introduced herself,

"The name's Tundra, Cherie Tundra, I just got here wondering what to call you, you can tell me, I won't bite if you won't permit me,"

With that, Cherie waited on the hot sunny babe's responses,


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/14 10:25:54 )
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As she reached the area, Olivia slowed her brain racing with thoughts as people became clearer as did the situation around her. Slowing her speed Olivia took a few more steps before stopping completely as she let out a heavy breath. Hands hovering towards the daggers at her hips she eyed the people and civilization around her, mind racing as she possibilities raced in her mind. Shaking her head to clear her thoughts she moved slowly towards the area, eyes darting behind her to make sure it wasn't a trap of some kind.

Keeping her emotions under control Olivia stopped in her tracks and straightened her back as her eyes glanced around quickly. "Which side are you on?" Making sure her voice was loud and clear, as one hand stayed near her dagger while the other moving upwards towards the necklace at her neck. If she had a fight on her hands she would take it, though at this point her options were limited on being able to fight, but dying or getting captured here wasn't an option for the brunette.


Ella raised an eyebrow at the girls response, not a hundred percent sure she knew where the girl was coming from. She hadn't been bluffing, at least not that she was aware, unless she was referring to the compliments. Which she wasn't necessarily avoiding, but she wasn't going to fall for such cheesy pickup lines.

At the mention of Aphrodite she snorted slightly, eyes gazing away. "I'm not sure I want to be compared to or near Aphrodite, I hear she isn't quite so friendly to those who are held to her standards." Thinking vaguely to the stories she had heard of Aphrodite she shook her head, unfortunately it wasn't a compliment she wanted.

As the girl introduced herself her gaze moved back to the girl next to her taking her in. "A fitting name for you it seems." She said, debating momentarily if she should give her name before shrugging. "Ella Pandar. With how brave you are about mentioning Aphrodite's name with anyone I am going to assume you are of some relation? I don't know many people who are willing to seriously mention her name."

Pausing after that, she sighed softly thinking more about the place they had been left at. "I guess this place is really recruiting everyone though, which means things are more dangerous than they would like to admit. Maybe skipping out on all the training is the best bet, might as well enjoy ourselves."

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Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/14 11:35:52 )
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It was rather clear that those among the wolves to land to the ground got some of themselves to turn back to humanoid forms, camouflaged for night-time operations like these and drawing out shotguns and tactical tomahawks at the ready, not quite pointing them to the person who's just arrived but some of the folks who landed to the ground were showing tattoos carrying the insignias for either a Mother she-wolf caring for 2 humanoids below her, or an Insignia for 'The Senate and the Peoples of Rome' upon their arms, others among those on the ground didn't have any such insignias on them so far.

A man in his 30s spoke this aloud,"You're not in cahoots with those jackasses gunning for our seniors, are you?And you 100% sure you're no Sleeper Agent either?If it's yes to the first question then no worries,"

The man was already gesturing to the other camouflaged folks to be careful when getting closer and not raising their weapons towards her, but still not putting their weapons away altogether until further notice is had while keeping their distances for now, all while the Werewolves still on the tree-tops and branches were still keeping on the look-out from above, clearly having a military buzz cut while looking to the others, before quickly requesting this,
"Your first name, speak it and then follow us, best be quick so we don't draw the wrong kinds of attention to our location,"

The words were protocol-related in tone, but the intent to not stick around for long's fairly clear regarding the present-day situations while the 2 Eagle-Owls was waiting on other breeds of Owls to explain what's happening with what brought the newcomer here, when the guards waited on the woman to answer as truthfully as she can manage under current tenses.

"Okay lemme clear it up, what I meant by 'you're bluffing,' I meant you're sure you're not the someone I'm looking for, the summer-like compliment's the truth though,"

Cherie was giggling it up a few notches after she clarified on the first thing going on, before clearing up the second thing she just said to Ella Pandar proper,
"You're a hot babe, but what I mean is in terms of blood-relations to either Apollo or Aphrodite, you feel more like Apollo than Aphrodite in terms of blood, it's in your aura and how you carry yourself, plus,"

Cherie gazed at Ella's chest for 5 full minutes while holding her own sentence, before looking back to her eyes, giving Ella a soft cheek's kissing, and then telling the brightly hot babe this much that's true,

"Got me red-handed as they'd say in Ireland even though I'm of French blood, but my grandma, as a matter of fact, and what I mean by women of her blood shouldn't be left with 'all the glories' to themselves, I mean that if it's just them then there'd only be cousins, Aunts or nieces with her blood to check out, I mean it could be fun but c'mon, variety's 'the spice of life' or something regarding cousins of other Godly blood, and if any are hot babes with other Godly blood than hers, it's a bonus, it's nothing to do with being any better or worse than them, besides,"

Cherie was giggling to herself in admitting upfront on the following comment,
"On the Hot Babes regard, those with Apollo's blood are outnumbered by other women with Grandma's blood, doesn't make them any worse or better than each other, it's just numbers-not-preferences really, and if I say otherwise, I risk pulling a Queen Niobe, and that's not fun,"

True, it wasn't quite the same as correlating 'having more kids' with 'better parenting,' one COULD be a better parent than a God of Olympus and said God may be OKAY(-ish) with that if it's with good reason, but mistaking having more kids than a God with being better parents than them's a poor way to go about it anyways even IF Apollo and Artemis didn't end up doing what they did on Niobe's kids, sad and messed-up, but true,

Cherie cleared her throat, commenting on how many folks seemed to be gathering from varying degrees of blood relations going on around these parts, as Ella pointed it out with justified causes going on,

"Yeah that's true, either it's Godly-blooded folks, Mercenary forces that could get hired out or the occasional freelance Combat Mages, whatever's happening's a big deal but we won't know how big it is without more info, Gods keep stuff on a-need-to-know-basis for their own reasons, stirring or amplifying out the panic's bad, y'know,"

Cherie felt the need to go look on the bright side, now that she's with Ella Pandar for the time being, and she'd hope to have some fun in going about it so long as Ella doesn't mind it, gazing at Ella's chest in a casual near-care-free manner before Cherie added this bit,

"Besides, and I could be wrong but I doubt it, it's probably nothing that covert ops work, subterfuge and stealing info like Red Tape or whatever won't be able to fix, whatever it is if it goes to arrest or lethal force, no less than a few finger snaps or even fewer hair flips will get needed to fix it, or I should do more personal stuff with hot babes before preparing for work,"

Cherie was giggling, as if totally doubting that she was jinxing out a situation that could escalate at any minute, a real lover of laughs she felt like being, her grandmother wasn't too different save for being more self-depreciating about her laughs more times than not,


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/14 21:24:47 )
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At the mention of whom she assumed were those who had been chasing her Olivia's shoulders visibly relaxed slightly as her eyes moved around. "Like hell I would be with them." She replied shooting a quick glance around. This was the best case scenario, they didn't seem to be luring her into a trap and seemed to have the same doubts she had. She only hesitated a moment before deciding to give her name. "Olivia Bloom." She replied moving towards the man and further into the group. It was a risk putting this much faith in the group of people, but at least it was a calculated risk.

"If it isn't too much to ask I would like to know who you guys are, of course I understand that now may not be the best time." Saying the words as she looked at those around her. "So no need to answer now, but I would like the answer eventually." Adding the words as an afterthought Olivia took a breath to calm her emotions a bit more. The last thing she needed was to cause a gust of wind and cause these people to think she was against them.


As Cherie seemed to keep complimenting her, Ella couldn't help but scoff a bit as a blush covered her face. "I think the blonde hair is a give-in as well to my heritage. Sure most children of Zeus are blonde, sometimes a few blondes pop up amongst other gods depending on lineage but blonde girl sitting in the sun? I sort of gave myself away." A small smirk graced her lips as she ran her hands through the ends of her hair before pushing it all to one shoulder, startled at the cheeks kissing as she pulled her head back slightly in surprise.

Blush darkening Ella's mind started to race only managing to catch the last bit of what the other girl said about siblings. "Yeah, while our godly parents might be okay with siblings doing things with each other, it is usually taboo for people within the same lineage of a certain god to get together. Though it's happened before." Waving a hand in an attempt to distract herself she continued. "I personally have no desire to mess with any other descendants of Apollo."

At the mention of Niobe, she shuddered slightly shaking her head. "Gods are crazy sometimes, though I guess when you live forever you don't realize it." Trailing off on the train of thought she decided not to dwell on that. Revenge by a god was usually random and not justified so there was no point in thinking about it longer than she needed to.

"They like keeping stuff to themselves because they think they are better than everyone else, but never want to clean up their own mess.:" Muttering the last part to herself, Ella glanced at the girl next to her as she mentioned having time to mess with hot babes. Blush completely gone at this point Ella snorted slightly. "Considering I'm skipping training because I feel like it is a waste of time, I guess I am not one to judge what people want to do instead of training. Besides, from what I've seen there are quite a few hot women here, though they seem to be caring a bit more about training than I am."

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Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/15 02:51:05 )
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"Miss Bloom, thank you, that only deals with phase 01 of things but we'll go into that elsewhere, here's not the best place to go over the details,"

The man with the buzz cut and she-wolf insignia noted to her, aware that the party has a long way to go before it's 'safe enough' to relay to her the details when the man hand-signaled to the motorcycle rider in the group to get to her, but not before the sound of a few buttons and switches were pressed, and after stepping back for the time being, the Motorcycle turned into a Hovercycle while the man tells Olivia the following,

"We've got it after a raid on what looked like their convoy just happened, it's experimental, and we've got plans for its design later, but yeah this can seat at least 4 people due to sizes,"

After gesturing Olivia to come with the group, some of the wolves on the tree tops led the way as the man went to the motorcycle, those who were still on the ground turned back into Werewolves and prepared to follow suit, not planning on sticking around any longer than they should, either.

As the buzz-cut man on the cycle was already looking around, while still making sure Olivia didn't get any tracker devices on her clothing through either sight or sound, the man asked in earshot while the Hovercycle was about to get off the ground,

"You didn't have the most fun times over there, whatever you found, tell us more about it when we get to where we're going, trust me,"

The man was already checking to see if Olivia Bloom registered the words, all while 2 of the Eagle-owls were talking with a Great grey owl about what is happening, working to act as Owls would act to 'normal' on-lookers, for normal observers it'll just be a few owls talking, but for others, it'd be like one of Athena's birds having words of conversation with another War God's birds, courtesy of Ares himself.

Olivia's words of response were all that's keeping the Hovercycle from moving around to travel to more bio-luminescent pastures before the people after Olivia found her spot on the Hovercycle proper, as the man sat next to her and just behind the driver and another person next to the driver, for now.

"It suits you, let's keep it real, Godly disguised forms can be factors too, but not always, anyways, also that bright hair flip you gave me earlier? Do it again!!!!"
Cherie smiled a flirty smile to the hot babe of an Apollo girl whose cheeks she just kissed earlier, before she added this next part while next gazing at Ella's hair just because she feels like doing so,

"Yeah, the most famous instance of it is regarding Hercules, Demigod-turned-God-of-Might, and Hebe, both are Zeus's kids really,"
Cherie saved Ella the trouble of saying it aloud, but gets what Ella meant by it too, aware that her own grandmother partook in Aunt/Nephew or Great-Aunt/Great-Nephew-related stuff too from time to time, before Cherie makes an off-handed allusion regarding her own grandmother,
"Some other times, it's just because 'this Goddess's bones are just so NICE to get inside of, I had to jump them' is the honest excuse or reason, even though in some cases it's actually true,"

It was more matter-of-factly and worded in manners implying 'sometimes these things just happen to have happened,' rather than anything insulting, the whole thing's interesting to Cherie to read on sometimes, before Cherie hears on Ella's desires regarding other Apollo-blooded folks particularly,
"At least you're honest about it, some Apollo-blooded folks might do Aunts or Uncles or cousins of theirs, others wouldn't, also you look like what happens if Apollo were to get it on with a Hot Venusian babe off-planet while Aphrodite just watches when she was just strolling by that planet, anyways during one of her visits,"

'Aphrodite-blooded folks may be somewhat worse about it, but those things happen, and that's okay,' Cherie thought to herself with honest shrugging on her side, it's moot points for now anyways since Cherie's yet to find hot babes of such blood of particular intrigue to her, to start with, and the 2-3+ aunts who'd check up on her sometimes don't count like that because while they're Hot, well,'No no I'm not tapping those,' before Cherie sighed and went to the next thing Ella Pandar noted on, so far, aware that Godly retribution's not always justified, though they DO happen a lot regardless regarding Gods of Olympus,

"At least when Grandma does it, 9 times out of 10 it's either to do with honoring her promises in even messier ways than how she does things now, or you're in the way of how she's trying to keep her word, the 1 out of 10 times when that's not the case?We don't dwell on those much when we can help it, either, that's like dwelling on what happened with Coronis before Asclepius was born,"

Cherie worded that note in manners conveying that she wasn't blaming Ella on not wanting to dwell on those things for very long, either, especially insofar as how Adonis was born too, as Cherie focused on the other subject at hand to lighten the moods more,

"Okay that one's a bluff, sometimes knowing more than what's need-to-know can backfire on whoever's gotta do the operations at hand, it happened sometimes before, and the times when it does just turn up less-than-pretty, too,"
Cherie was referring to the reason Ella noted, 'the bluff part' being aimed for that feeling like the sole reason when where Cherie and her twin brother Rizer work, it was anything BUT, and rarely if at all a core reason in their experiences, Cherie's ears were sharp enough to catch the muttering, but she felt bad that she pried a bit on that one, before explaining this,

"If I couldn't catch the mutters, it means I couldn't catch when someone's opting to kill me up-close by sneaking up on me either, long story,"

But that wasn't the only thing Cherie felt Ella deserved to know, as Cherie had her own reasons why she's yet to find areas to train at around these parts so far, so she admitted this,

"Being fair, after arriving here I've got up to 3 days starting now to hurry up and register my name or else I'm in trouble, it's more a need to register before I start training to improve on what I'm good at anyways, and besides, do you meet Magic-users often around these parts besides those 'Magic nuts' among the Hecate folks and those with said nuts' blood anyways?Though you're hot, I dunno your affinities for the kinds of Magic they'd study, plus,"

Cherie giggled to herself about something before she looked to Ella with a smile, as if she had an awfully absurd idea going on in her mind, firing out reasons obvious to Ella before firing what's obvious to Cherie,

"Well, given I need to at most test out my stealth skills and whatnot, I was hoping you could show me around these parts for the best places to get looking and whatnot without getting caught, besides I could use some of that time to gaze at your bod, for real, what do you say to that?"

As Cherie fires that question, she offers Ella one of the lollipops the Legacy of Aphrodite herself carried, all while still sucking on the one already in her mouth as she and Ella were still talking and Cherie's now waiting on Ella's answer,


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/15 09:04:34 )
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So much was happening at once that Olivia was starting to doubt her own choices but it was too late to start doubting them too much. Eyeing the hover-bike momentarily she ignored the voice in her head as she followed the man onto the hover-bike. Trust him, tell him more, words that were innocent on the outside but could put her in more danger than she wanted. "Depending on the information given to me I do not see why I couldn't tell you any information I have." She replied, eyes looking at her surroundings and the people around her.

Taking a deep breath Olivia could feel the energy leaving her body the longer everything went on. Yet relaxing wasn't something she would be able to do quite yet, she wasn't in a position where she felt safe. Even if there were owls signalling a connection to Athena it didn't mean she was safe.


Raising an eyebrow towards the girl next to her, she decided to amuse the girl slightly by giving her a small hairflip. "I guess I can't say no to you." Ellla replied before giving a quick wink as a faint blush covered her cheeks once more.

Agreeing to Cheries additional addings of demigods and reasonings she gave a small nod. "No arguments here, but that isn't really my business on what they do or do not do. As long as they aren't messing with me or trying to get in my pants I guess I am good." Vaguely thinking about how and which God she would even let near her before shaking her head. The answer was really none, Gods were far too much drama for her.

"I have no doubt other people of Apollo's blood would intermingle, but I guess I don't take after my father or his kin too much in that way." As she registered the additional compliment she gave another raised eyebrow to the girl next to her. "To be fair I didn't really get my looks from mom, that is one thing I have to thank Apollo for since his genes took over for my apeparance." Waving a hand in front of her face she decided to not touch the Adonis conversation at all as she tried not to ruin the mood of the conversation.

As it seemed Cherie was looking to train, Ella couldn't help but let out a soft groan. "Unfortunately I've ran into a few magic-users in my time, most of them are too full of themselves to put their magic to good use. Or even be useful in general. The ones who are usually worth the magic they're given tend to not last long, or at least not stick around." Thinking of a few of the idiots she had met she shuddered thinking about being stuck training with them before looking back at Cherie.

"Well if you're looking for places to train in actuality I can't help you too much. I tend to just hide out, avoid people when I can or at get rid of them if they become insistent in my joining them. Because to be honest it is easier if I don't stick around people I enjoy being around when training, I really only should join people I don't like." Thinking to her own powers she gave a small sigh, she wouldn't become very popular if she took control of any of those around her. Eying the lolipop that Cherie was offering, Ella only hesitated a moment before reaching her hand out to take it. "Thanks." She replied simply, unwrapping the lolipop before sticking it in her mouth, having a soft spot for sweet things.

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Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/16 06:53:11 )
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"Hang on, Olivia, this won't take too long, you have my word,"

The Buzz-cutted man requested, as the Hover-cycle finally started hovering, considerably higher than the 4 people on the ground were when they were talking, yet still lower than the werewolves among the party who opted not to resume human forms quite yet, as right on cue the rest of the party went towards a pathway led by the Werewolves above the folks at the hover-cycle, leading them to a cavern with a dark entrance-way as the hover-cycle slowed down a bit, and carefully maneuvered to the path and patterns in the trail the Werewolves leading the way were showing,

After 15 minutes of getting through the passageways, at last the party reached their intended destination at an underground city within a bio-luminescent forest, as when the Hover-cycle finally found a place to land among the structures, the Buzz-cutted man spoke to Olivia and gently requested this,

"It's okay, we've made it, we're gonna talk with the boss about some stuff then after that, he'll make the call what we'll do next before we take bigger steps,"

As the buzz-cutted man said that, he gestured to Olivia to follow him, as compared to navigating the passageways to the place, frankly this would be much shorter and easier to do, as the rest of the party Olivia's met took positions when making sure Olivia followed them to where they were going,

5 Minutes after the group entered to what looked like a massive Library inside it, with the Buzz-cut man opting to go from the entry-way to the lower floors of the area so far,

By the time the party reached their destination and looked to crowds of recently-freed refugees and prisoners from the works of the people Olivia ran from, earlier, a purple-haired fellow in sunglasses carrying a sheathed sword on his side and an auto-shotgun and an E-tool on his back, clearly looking at the party that just arrived and asking this,

"What took you guys so long? I thought you were caught, killed or overslept and missed out on that party we're planning, and yo Marrok, how's it going pal?"

The purple-eyed fellow casually spoke 'Marrok' to the buzz-cutted fellow like it belonged to a war-time amigo of his on the latter question, but before that his words felt like he'd be disappointed if others over-slept before work got done, and utterly beyond sad or dismayed if the first 2 things happened, before Marrok replied as such to the punk-like fellow,

"First out, if I got killed, I don't win the honors to get back home again And I may as well be devoured by our clan-mother's Wolves, second, if I were caught then being rescued's by others is a last resort for me, if it happens it happens but otherwise I'll work to free myself IF at all possible, third off, we've met someone who's succeeded evading enemy pursuit and may have info that'll help with the operation, later,"

When Marrok spoke the words, the serious sincerity was mixed with a gesture towards Olivia to step up, all while the purple-haired fellow took a good long look at Olivia, already sensing something about her blood before checking her aura, and after doing so, the purple-haired fellow placed the sheathed sword of his to his shoulders, and felt like laughing in amusement with what he found, still chill about it yet he worked to gain his composure while laughing with due respects,

"It's...It's just not everyday you see someone of a brain-baby's blood around these parts...It's just, I mean it's cool though yeah...who's the brain-baby that Athena's 'the brain-mommy' for and is that one in particular your mom or your dad?"

The man felt rather bad with not specifying why he'd ask which of her parents was a child of Athena out of nowhere without even introducing himself first, before he took a deep breath and paused the laughs for a bit, admitting this in earshot,

"Most folks here call me boss in terms of what I'd prefer, save 'War Chief' or the like for formalities, just call me Kyle here,
pleased to meet you, waiting on yours too,"

As with that, Kyle goes to offer his hand to Olivia, hoping he's paying due respects to the newcomer, though still curious as to what news she had to bring for now,

"Your hair's Magical properties have something to do with how bright it is, seriously bravo, hope you're doing another, soon,"
Cherie gave soft-enough claps to ensure that Ella could hear them without being so loud that everyone else would hear them from Cherie and catch them both like this, too, all while giving Ella another wink in kind before she adds this,

"Same here, if a God wants me I'd rather know which one it is, aura vision's no fool-proof way to fully sense them out as sometimes it's like seeing white noises on TVs beyond the matters you're seeing a God, you don't always know whom as well as you should, is what I'm saying,"
Nymphs notwithstanding, it'd be really weird if Cherie had to picture herself with any of the Gods, at least for now as things stand currently, before she commented on the next thing Ella said,

"Honestly, the honesty in your words is another reason why you're hot, seriously that body's another thing too, besides I doubt your mom's ugly to start with, but it does leave good questions how much of your looks are from her and how much of it's from Apollo, but I guess that wonder's like a loaded question come to think of it, anyways, Hot is HOT!!!!"

Cherie giggled when she worded that part of the sentence to Ella in a flirtatious manner, already licking her own lips when she gazed upon Ella's own, before commenting on the next part regarding the 'Magic-nuts' among Hecate's kids and those of their blood,

"Odd, usually speaking without being the ones in charge(and you'd have to be the strongest among THOSE if you wanna lead the rest.), the ones my brother and I met were tough nuts and were pretty hard on us sometimes, not as hard as one of my aunts were when they were visiting but they were through, sounds like most of those you've met are still dull even when they're 'all-play,' really,"

Now it was Cherie's turn to give a casual hair flip before Ella's own eyes, before when she gazed at how Ella was taking in the lollipopm some part of Cherie went to gently press the parts of her lips not holding the lollipop against Ella's own for 2 seconds, what Cherie felt during that brief time was enough to brightly shock her senses during the kiss she chose to give the hot Apollo babe, herself, making Cherie give Ella very dreamy-looking expressions received from gazing at the Demigoddess's own body before Cherie took two tiny jumps back, clapped her own hands to her own face, and worked to get her senses back together for admitting this upfront,

"Um anyways, welcome at any times, besides I was less about you joining me and more like my joining you in whatever you're doing, I mean I got before day 3 of my arrival to sign up before I'm reported as M.I.A or A.W.O.L anyways, I'll let my twin brother take this step ahead of me on-purpose this one time while we do stuff together, Ella, you cool?"

Cherie knew the kissing wasn't 'quite' as deep as she'd have expected to give Ella, and yet for what depth was there was enough to take the Aphrodite-blooded lass off-guard in terms of pleasure, but nonetheless, Cherie's proving herself a woman of her word if Ella accepts what Cherie's now asking, still keeping her lollipop in her mouth while trying to not go 'too woobly-kneed-too-early' before Ella's very eyes, lest it gets across as rude and downright jerk-ish, otherwise on her part,


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/16 09:41:52 )
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Olivia stayed silent as she studied those around her and her surroundings as they changed. If she was going directly to the boss that could be good or bad. The chances of fighting her way out of this was becoming harder and harder. As they arrived at their destination Olivia followed the buzz-cut man, her eyes switching to the purple-eyed man quickly as he began speaking. Listening to his words her face went blank praying that this man wasn't serious. Mind traveling to the thought of this being a trap once more, she noted they did seem to at least be mentioning wolves if not werewolves themselves.

Standing straight as Marrok gestured to her she shot a look towards the purple-hared guy as she felt something weird coming off him. Her feeling didn't go away as he mentioned her grandmother causing her to straighten a bit as her emotions prickled. The slightly crazy feel coming off him, paired with her own feelings, Olivia was slightly afraid that her own thoughts were more than likely correct. Debating her own answer, which she did not think was necessary or useful, she shot a slight glare at him. "That depends, what does the blood of Ares want with that information? I don't think that information is important to you." Going with her gut, Olivia had to admit under any other circumstance she would give the information willingly to th eman in front of her. But paired with how her day had gone, lack of information, plus her own fatigue now was not the time.

Putting his name in the back of her head, Olivia didn't hesitate to give her name since she had already given that earlier to the others. "So you're the boss of this place." Stating the fact, she brushed her bangs from her face. "You can call me Olivia. Now that formalities are out of the way, don't suppose you can tell me what this is?" Gesturing around her, Olivia's eyes moved around the room before landing back on Kyle.


Ella couldn't help the laugh that escaped her lips at Cherie's reaction to her hairflip, not commenting on the possibility of her doing it again. "Gods just don't have a good track record with treating demigods that great in the longterm. It could be a dangerous relationship to become a part of." Thinking of a few demigods who met a bad end because of Gods she shuddered not wanting to become apart of that.

Eyes widening at Cherie's next statement, Ella thought back to how many others had determined that her honesty wasn't necesarilly honest but more on the 'cruel' or 'mean' side. Not dwelling on it she shrugged. "Like I said, I get most of my looks from daddy dearest, not a lot from my mom." Finishing the sentence matter of factly she hoped there wouldn't be anymore discussion involving her mom.

"Lucky you on meeting good magic users. Considering the type of people relations of Apollo tend to sattract I wouldn't be surprised if I just wasn't attracting the wrong type of people." She replied simply, deciding that she still had no interest in meeting any other magic users.

What Ella hadn't been expecting when she was thinking was the feel of lips against her own, or the small spark that seemed to travel through her body while their lips were together. When the other girl pulled away after their short 'kiss' Ella started coughing a deep shade of red spreading across her face as she looked away quickly. Mind racing, her eyes quickly glanced at the girl next to her before away again as the blush continued to darken.

"I-I mean I w-would hate to get in the way of you and your brothers feud. B-Besides," stumbling on her words lightly, she cleared he throat in an attempt to calm her nerves. "I don't think I would feel that great knowing I got in the way of siblings." Pausing as she took a deep breath as she tried to get the heat to leave her face by cupping her own cheeks with both hands. "I-if it means you getting behind, I guess I could join you for whatever you're doing. A-Afterall," Clearing her throat once more Ella continued. "It isn't like it would be too boring with you around. Though I can't guarantee you'll get many good looks with me around if we start training with others."

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Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/16 10:51:54 )

"Well Olivia, you got me genetically red-handed there, only fair after I took a shot in the dark like that,"
Kyle did an honest wolf-whistle, but he works to still keep due respects lest he gets no better in responses from Olivia than what Ares or Athena would've done on each other in terms of the usual things, really, before Kyle sighed a bit when he felt awareness that Olivia's evening was rather long,

"Hey, don't wear yourself out on my account, we got some time, talk a bit more and I'll personally get you coffee or hot chocolate, least I can do, and easy enough, I'm the boss-in-charge by being the strongest fighter and taking my trials of leadership, and what this place is,"

While Marrok nodded to Kyle while he was checking by some of the others who were just recovering from their escapes so far, Kyle admits this,

"It's a temporary location for us while we prepare to assault the guys responsible for this $hit, it's not fun for some of our own to get lobotomized or have our own DNA used against us or our families anyways, so it's time to give these guys nightmarish situations and have a blast doing it,"

Underneath the wording of the situation like it's one big party to be had, when everything goes planned out is someone who's rather serious about the company he keeps and whether or not they're well-cared for, and works to be as responsible for their well-beings as possible,

"Of course, if the info turns up wrong, we all likely go dead and our folks at home will face the bad consequences of that, but I'd ask about things like tactical locations, enemy prisons we can break out from, supply points, defensive areas, the best points to lay ambushes and hit these guys faster than they'd get back up, the works, we've 'borrowed' their stuff like Hermes 'borrowed' Solar cattle from Gods of Light that one time ago,"

Kyle was air-quoting when he said 'borrowed' there, it's more like 'stolen' or 'reverse-engineered' here and there, more the former than the latter, but Kyle adds this,

"Some of us here already had regular Military training before joining, so we know how modern-day guns work, and we've got the ammo and explosives to either punch through their armor or to disrupt frequencies of their more mechanical forces, I'm not saying what you're seeing here's the entire clan in a nutshell, I'm not putting 'all our easter eggs in one basket' here, what I'm saying is you're seeing 5 packs totaling 60 of us, each pack from 5 different bloodlines and all good at what each one does, and if things go well enough that'll be enough to take down the nearest enemy facility and show the Gods what's up before the enemy realizes what's happening, bigger numbers or not,"

Kyle already said his opening part of his side of the plans so far, now he was waiting on Olivia to share the parts that she knows so they can work together to brain-storm the details together, Ares and Athena themselves rarely work together besides whatever threatens Olympus as a whole, but when they do, many wonders tend to happen, those blood-connected to them can take better advantage of making these wonders happen to less powerful though more numerous extents if the stars are aligned just right enough in their favor.

"Yeah, I get that, all the more reason not to be gung-ho about that besides maybe Nymphs, really,"
Cherie's not denying that Ella's got points when noting on that, too, be it romantic relations or dealing with Gods that aren't parents or Grandparents isn't often fun times when those things happen anyways, when Cherie got up a bit and went on a jogging gesture,

"No worries, I won't pry on that, I don't hate my parents but until further notice, don't ask yet from which side of the family has Grandma's blood on it, there's no half-sib or sib-incest in there, but I can't promise it'll be super-simple with the details either if you ask more about that,"
Cherie proves that she's honest in not wanting to rush Ella regarding more info on Pandar's own parents, figuring that her surname's from her mom's side of the family but except maybe in terms of b00b sizes she won't bother to dwell on that for longer than needed,

"I wonder in what ways you mean by 'the wrong people,' that term can be taken in lots of different ways, not all 100% alike either, maybe it's not enough drill instructors doing their jobs or something,"
Cherie respects Ella's wishes regarding what the hot woman would like, and tries not to pry deeper than necessary if she can help it, still trying to regain her bearings from the kiss she gave her lips,

Speaking of which, Cherie felt her chest turn various shades of pink while her face was feeling beet-red in spite of trying to regain her own composure, before she worked to take a few deep breaths before she replied quickly to Ella's words,

"How about you uh...just show me where I can register ASAP on campus so I can sign up, and if possible I'll put in some good words for you to show me around, I'll get a chance to avoid my brother Rizer getting a shot at one-upping me, I'll help to make sure the folks in charge of having others signed up know that I'd want you to show me around, you get to show me around since that's your assignment and you'll avoid getting in trouble, you'll get to have fun doing that and then WE ALL WIN in the end before too much ruckus for why we're here starts happening!?"

It was rather clear with the way Cherie worded it that by 'too much ruckus,' she wasn't referring to the kind of thing Apollo did with Ella Pandar's own mother being the cause of that ruckus, but more like the reasoning a lot of folks are gathering here so far, all while Cherie gazes happily at Ella's chest while waiting on the Hot Apollo babe's response to Cherie's offer,


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/16 11:31:36 )
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As Kyle confirmed that Olivia was correct on his lineage she couldn't help but bristle slightly. It wasn't that she had been hoping that this would be the one time she was wrong, but dealing with the blood of Ares was never on the top of her list. Be it the Athena part of her that made her want to avoid it, or just personal experience, she usually tried to avoid it. "Wear myself out on your account? I would never do such a thing." She replied simply her eyes roaming once more to the people around them as she took in the information

"I see." The brunette replied simply, continuing to listen to him as he continued on. At the mention of packs she seemed to space off for a minute before shaking her head to clear her thoughts, "So now you expect me to tell you everything you need to know right?" Crossing her arms over her chest she let out a sigh, the answer was obvious and right in front of her and there was no point in being difficult. As much as Olivia wanted to fight this, or figure out how trustworthy this whole situation was it just wasn't possible.

"Do you have a map of the area?" Turning her sharp gaze on Kyle, she raised an eyebrow. "Not that it wouldn't be easy enough to tell you roughly where to go from the location I was found, a map would be a lot easier for me to mark things don't you think?" There was a small bit of sass at the end of her sentence, it wasn't as if Olivia was going to place her trust in these people quite yet, but she trusted her judgement and it was telling her this was her best shot at the moment to do some real hurt to those who had crossed her path.

Unable to forget the offer from earlier she cleared her throat as she glanced away from Kyle momentarily. "I won't be opposed to that cup of hot chocolate either while we discuss this. That is if it is any good." It wasn't as if she could ignore how tired she was feeling, and even if she had rested on the way here it wasn't enough to counter the amount of magic she had used earlier.


At the mention of wrong people Ella's eyes went blank for a moment before returning back to their usual shine, causing the girl to shake her head. "You know, some people just don't get along is all." She replied simply as she pushed herself up from the ground and brushed off her behind to get all the grass and stuff off.

"Registering is easy enough. Though don't cry to me if you get bored by having me show you around. Since there are plenty of others who would probably do a better job." Satisfied that there was nothing left on her pants she turned towards Cherie feeling that her blush had finally lightened enough to be just a soft pink across her cheeks.

"So follow me and I'll take you to the higher-ups. Registering is pretty easy and then it just depends on where they put you and what not. They go over most of that during the registration." Nodding more to herself than to Cherie she started walking as she gave a light slap to her cheeks.

"Calm down Ella." The words were nothing more than a breath as she let her hands fall back to her sides as she glanced at the other girl. "So are you aiming for a certain type of group or mission focus?" Asking the question Ella gave the girl a good look over trying to decide if they would be placed together or not. If she had to show the girl around they more than likely would end up being together often, but it wasn't a guarantee at the same time.

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Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/16 22:58:59 )

"If you faint, we'll catch you, but again deep breaths and take your time as needed,"
Kyle gestured gently with his wording, knowing that sometimes working with those of Athena's brain-baby blood tends to happen from time to time, neither good nor bad, they just happen at the end of the day and so long's no one's screwing each other over on-purpose it's all good, Olivia's a curious one though, before Kyle looked to Marrok and asked an honest question,

"Yo Marrok, you managed to copy out the details of that map the Hover-cycle gave?"

When Kyle asked the question, Marrok gave the copies of the map from recorded data he was able to sketch out, and showed them to Olivia regarding the details according to the Cycle proper, while they and the rest of the party so far hope she can get the data sorted, while Kyle goes to get Olivia the cup of hot chocolate he insisted on getting Olivia while Marrok volunteered to wait on Olivia sorting out the details regarding the map proper,

"Fair enough, so long as no one goes all 'Romulus and Remus' up in there about it I'm not too worried,"
Cherie gave a casual hair flip as if she was shrugging, not wanting to dwell on how the worst she'd wanna do to her own twin brother would be to maim him by breaking arms or legs, but killing him outright's no no let's not go there, when Cherie gave a few giggles,

"I've got faith, besides it'll be more fun with you showing me around, seriously I'm newer around here than you are, after all,"

Cherie's chest is still various shades of pink, but enough of her facial composure was regained regarding Ella's words and actions thus far, before she prepares to follow Ella while gazing at Ella's hips and hair onward as she led Cherie around to where she needed to go,

"Y'know, you can just ask me on what I can do while I do the same, I collect red tape, I do some stuff behind the scenes, I work to get in-get-out of places, I try to stay by the family businesses when possible, and yeah my bro and I deal in Combat Magic, and I can be sneaky and I know we're both working to regain our composures, it's cool,"
Cherie went to reassure Ella on that last bit, aware she heard Ella's words again while preparing to ask this while gazing at Ella's hips while the Apollo babe kept leading to where registration's held,

"Say, Ella, wanna tell more about what you can do?I mean I know that healing and sharp-shooting's on the list and you're not sloppy with your Talents, but what else can you do?"


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/17 06:11:25 )
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Deciding not to argue with the blood of Ares on the fact that she would not faint in front of them, she perked slightly as Marrok brought out the map. Looking at the map Olivia's eyes stared at it seeming to get lost in it for a minute before brightening. Digging around in the small pack on her back she pulled out a pencil before beginning to mark a few things on the map. Once she finished marking an enemy prison, two supply warehouses, as well as one defensive area she paused eyes studying the map once more.

Frowning slightly at a blank area on the map, Olivia bit her lip before seeming to lose herself in thought. After a moment recognition seemed to click before she circled the spot before putting a small note that said: Breeding camp. Glaring at the words momentarily she let out a quick sigh as she ran a hand over her face trying to relieve a little bit of stress before making a few more points on the map. Most were tactical advantage points or similar points that were more about operating a raid versus being enemy encampments. "I think that's almost everything, I know there is an area where they keep a lot of technology that wouldn't be too bad to steal, but I don't see the exact location on this map, so either its farther away than I would like to think or else the map is slightly off. No insult intended on that." Being honest at that she leaned back on her heels as she took a deep breath.


"No Romulus and Remus please. I don't think I could handle that." Ella said letting out a small laugh. That was the last thing she needed to add to her plate. Glancing at the girl she gave a small shrug. "If nothing else you will learn all the palces to avoid the higher ups because like I said I tend to stay far away from others." Finger gunning at Cherie with a grin, she turned her head back forward as the building to register came into view.

At Cherie's sharing, Ella gave a slight shrug of her shoulders."I don't want to step on any toes or push boundaraies with asking questions. Since not everyone is happy with their powers and ablities." Deciding to leave it at that she nodded as Cherie said she she was on more convert operations.

"Yeah dad passed on his archery skills, I can do slight healing but if you're dying you're more than likely going to die if you are relying on me. Sorry I haven't figured out how to amplify my healing yet. As for type of missions I am usually sent on it's covert as well, though I tend to be sent on missions where meeting the enemy is more likely. I have a way with words that makes me useful since I'm good at," Pausing, Ella thought about how to word it before sighing. "Lets say I'm good at distraction." She finished as they arrived at the building.

Clearing her throat she put her hands behind her back before turning to Cherie. "Just go in there and they should be able to get you all signed up. I believe there's a few of Athena's children and what not running this, so if anything they should be efficient."

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Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/17 08:37:19 )

"I'm back, I just went to get some cups for you and Marrok, I'll do the same for others around us unless others feel up for that,"

Some of the party looked at Kyle, opting to say things like 'We'll do this instead, boss,' or 'Sir I'm doing that,' saving Kyle the trouble of grabbing more cups through their own accord and getting some for the rest of the crowds while Kyle sighed a bit, responding aloud,

"They do this of their own free wills sometimes, it happens, but I'm just a boss in charge first before much else,"

Kyle bit back the desire to add 'before a son of someone else meant to be in charge,' but he withheld the remark, when Marrok reported the notes so far according to Olivia's findings,

"According to Olivia's reports, there's 2 supply warehouses, a defensive area, a prison area and a Breeding Camp in the enemy facility, there may be more parts of the facility where we can gain more stuff to reverse engineer later,"

Kyle smirked a bit, finding the reports to be helpful for sometime later on before he replies on this,

"One Tartarus of a start as Gramps would've said, say, Olivia before we go further, you know how to handle guns, right?Not counting their mechanical stuff there's like 600+ or so hostiles alone, so knowing more about what you can do's gonna help later, I'll tell you what I can, too, only fair,"

Kyle's rather serious about that, yet at the same time he was looking at the map, rather disturbed how it feels like the enemy was Forcing the captives to breed against their own accords, particularly after he handed Olivia and Marrok the cups,

"Yeah, looking forward to that, different reasons from yours, of course,"
Cherie gave Ella an honestly flirty wink, as though Cherie's reasons are particularly rather...'more like' how Apollo would've regarded Ella's mom in certain ways, really, before Cherie works to dwell on the other parts of this,

"I don't mind the Powers, Abilities and Talents I've got, but while I DO strive to be better, I'm not gonna do any mental burn-outs and risk going to Coma-land or worse by overdoing my improvements at once, 'slow and steady wins the race' as they say, just not too slow though obviously,"

Cherie gave Ella another beautiful hair flip in turn before she catches Ella's responses, smirking on her words after hearing the basics of what Ella can do,

"I getcha, you're not opposed to using your bod to get results, morals schmorals about it neither am I, I just don't do it as often though since it don't occur to me often,"

Cherie meant to imply that when needed, she could alter her physical descriptions wily-nilly and disguise herself as either other hot babes, or do other things that on-lookers would find hot and it tends to phase the least disciplined folks a lot, when she does it, before she was brought by Ella to where registrations were held,

"Thanks, Ella, I'll be back soon and once I'm done signing, I'll ask them to have you show me around, killing a few birds with one stone that way,"

Cherie gave Ella a soft 2-second lipslocked kiss, with that jolt happening again, jumped back, blew another kiss, and quickly ran towards where the registrations were held, hoping that this will go well enough and that if Rizer made it before her, Cherie won't be so behind as to feel 'dead-last' next to him regarding what the brain-babies in charge are gonna offer, as while her own breasts were still varying shades of pink, Cherie mentally breathed easier with more self-confidence and faith in her movements as she prepares to get in line to sign up, accordingly,


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/17 09:29:15 )
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Pale eyes moving towards Kyle as he returned she refrained from rolling her eyes as he mentioned once more he was the boss in charge. Of course the blood of Ares would be in charge, the only way Ares wouldn't be in charge is if Zeus or one of the other big three had blood here. Taking the cup of hot chocolate from Kyle she took a sip listening to Marrok and Kyle speak as she let the warmth of the drink spread through her body.

"I can handle guns." The girl responded simply thinking through her weapons of choice. "Though to put it simply they aren't my favorite weapon. I much prefer close combat and the like." Answering truthfully the girl took another drink.

"Besides, depending on which one you go after first," Gesturing vaguely to the map she continued on. "And if you can get me close enough you won't have to worry about my abilities with guns. Granted I won't be much help after that, but it is always an option if you wanted a quick small victory. Though if we were to go with that plan we would have to decide if what we would get is worth it. Considering it would probably only work once."

Continuing to sip at the drink Olivia thought through the benefits of knowing what Ares could do versus telling him what she could do she sighed. Taking a moment she studied the man from top to bottom, seeming to pause at certain areas for slightly longer than necessary. It wasn't as if Kyle had done anything that was untrustworthy, though it was only natural that she would feel a little unease given Ares and Athena's relationship.


Ella debating trying to argue with the girl a bit about using her looks for distractions, but it wasn't the worse thing for her to think. As the girl was going to leave a deep blush covered her face as Cherie kissed again, causing her to sputter slightly as the girl left. Turning a deep shade of red she covered her face with her hands glad for a moment that she was able to try and collect her thoughts alone.

A tall lanky boy and a girl were arguing at a desk with computers their voices staying calm but their body posture showing their true emotions. "Look, I agree that this is an old system, BUT it is secure and-"

"No listen here, it would be easier if-"

"Shut up Al someone just came in." The girl was the first one to notice Cherie enter turning towards the girl walking towards them. "Hello and welcome in, I assume you're here to register?" The girl finished the words before the male, Al, took over.

"Of course she is, please come over here so I can just sign you up using our new system! We'll just need your ID and what not and I'll take care of the rest!"

"Al!" Glaring the girl turned towards Cherie. "Ignore him, he's trying to implement a new system without permission." Turning a death glare on Al the girl continued. "We just need your registration number and we'll take it form there in terms of registering you and getting you all set up. Plus if you have any supporting documents or anything additional that was given to you. If you don't have anything else that is fine though and usually the case for most first-time registrations."

დ დ დ დ დ

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Having you as a Voltie would be awesome.