



"Miss Bloom, thank you, that only deals with phase 01 of things but we'll go into that elsewhere, here's not the best place to go over the details,"
The man with the buzz cut and she-wolf insignia noted to her, aware that the party has a long way to go before it's 'safe enough' to relay to her the details when the man hand-signaled to the motorcycle rider in the group to get to her, but not before the sound of a few buttons and switches were pressed, and after stepping back for the time being, the Motorcycle turned into a Hovercycle while the man tells Olivia the following,
"We've got it after a raid on what looked like their convoy just happened, it's experimental, and we've got plans for its design later, but yeah this can seat at least 4 people due to sizes,"
After gesturing Olivia to come with the group, some of the wolves on the tree tops led the way as the man went to the motorcycle, those who were still on the ground turned back into Werewolves and prepared to follow suit, not planning on sticking around any longer than they should, either.
As the buzz-cut man on the cycle was already looking around, while still making sure Olivia didn't get any tracker devices on her clothing through either sight or sound, the man asked in earshot while the Hovercycle was about to get off the ground,
"You didn't have the most fun times over there, whatever you found, tell us more about it when we get to where we're going, trust me,"
The man was already checking to see if Olivia Bloom registered the words, all while 2 of the Eagle-owls were talking with a Great grey owl about what is happening, working to act as Owls would act to 'normal' on-lookers, for normal observers it'll just be a few owls talking, but for others, it'd be like one of Athena's birds having words of conversation with another War God's birds, courtesy of Ares himself.
Olivia's words of response were all that's keeping the Hovercycle from moving around to travel to more bio-luminescent pastures before the people after Olivia found her spot on the Hovercycle proper, as the man sat next to her and just behind the driver and another person next to the driver, for now.
"It suits you, let's keep it real, Godly disguised forms can be factors too, but not always, anyways, also that bright hair flip you gave me earlier? Do it again!!!!"
Cherie smiled a flirty smile to the hot babe of an Apollo girl whose cheeks she just kissed earlier, before she added this next part while next gazing at Ella's hair just because she feels like doing so,
"Yeah, the most famous instance of it is regarding Hercules, Demigod-turned-God-of-Might, and Hebe, both are Zeus's kids really,"
Cherie saved Ella the trouble of saying it aloud, but gets what Ella meant by it too, aware that her own grandmother partook in Aunt/Nephew or Great-Aunt/Great-Nephew-related stuff too from time to time, before Cherie makes an off-handed allusion regarding her own grandmother,
"Some other times, it's just because 'this Goddess's bones are just so NICE to get inside of, I had to jump them' is the honest excuse or reason, even though in some cases it's actually true,"
It was more matter-of-factly and worded in manners implying 'sometimes these things just happen to have happened,' rather than anything insulting, the whole thing's interesting to Cherie to read on sometimes, before Cherie hears on Ella's desires regarding other Apollo-blooded folks particularly,
"At least you're honest about it, some Apollo-blooded folks might do Aunts or Uncles or cousins of theirs, others wouldn't, also you look like what happens if Apollo were to get it on with a Hot Venusian babe off-planet while Aphrodite just watches when she was just strolling by that planet, anyways during one of her visits,"
'Aphrodite-blooded folks may be somewhat worse about it, but those things happen, and that's okay,' Cherie thought to herself with honest shrugging on her side, it's moot points for now anyways since Cherie's yet to find hot babes of such blood of particular intrigue to her, to start with, and the 2-3+ aunts who'd check up on her sometimes don't count like that because while they're Hot, well,'No no I'm not tapping those,' before Cherie sighed and went to the next thing Ella Pandar noted on, so far, aware that Godly retribution's not always justified, though they DO happen a lot regardless regarding Gods of Olympus,
"At least when Grandma does it, 9 times out of 10 it's either to do with honoring her promises in even messier ways than how she does things now, or you're in the way of how she's trying to keep her word, the 1 out of 10 times when that's not the case?We don't dwell on those much when we can help it, either, that's like dwelling on what happened with Coronis before Asclepius was born,"
Cherie worded that note in manners conveying that she wasn't blaming Ella on not wanting to dwell on those things for very long, either, especially insofar as how Adonis was born too, as Cherie focused on the other subject at hand to lighten the moods more,
"Okay that one's a bluff, sometimes knowing more than what's need-to-know can backfire on whoever's gotta do the operations at hand, it happened sometimes before, and the times when it does just turn up less-than-pretty, too,"
Cherie was referring to the reason Ella noted, 'the bluff part' being aimed for that feeling like the sole reason when where Cherie and her twin brother Rizer work, it was anything BUT, and rarely if at all a core reason in their experiences, Cherie's ears were sharp enough to catch the muttering, but she felt bad that she pried a bit on that one, before explaining this,
"If I couldn't catch the mutters, it means I couldn't catch when someone's opting to kill me up-close by sneaking up on me either, long story,"
But that wasn't the only thing Cherie felt Ella deserved to know, as Cherie had her own reasons why she's yet to find areas to train at around these parts so far, so she admitted this,
"Being fair, after arriving here I've got up to 3 days starting now to hurry up and register my name or else I'm in trouble, it's more a need to register before I start training to improve on what I'm good at anyways, and besides, do you meet Magic-users often around these parts besides those 'Magic nuts' among the Hecate folks and those with said nuts' blood anyways?Though you're hot, I dunno your affinities for the kinds of Magic they'd study, plus,"
Cherie giggled to herself about something before she looked to Ella with a smile, as if she had an awfully absurd idea going on in her mind, firing out reasons obvious to Ella before firing what's obvious to Cherie,
"Well, given I need to at most test out my stealth skills and whatnot, I was hoping you could show me around these parts for the best places to get looking and whatnot without getting caught, besides I could use some of that time to gaze at your bod, for real, what do you say to that?"
As Cherie fires that question, she offers Ella one of the lollipops the Legacy of Aphrodite herself carried, all while still sucking on the one already in her mouth as she and Ella were still talking and Cherie's now waiting on Ella's answer,