@Kairie: Exactly. Youtube just came out with it's streaming options recently. Twitch has that down to perfection. If it can get the same video library thing going... Not to mention it's also a mix of bigger people and smaller people. It doesn't descriminate but actually shows big and small streamers based on interest. And I love that so much.
Forums Mini Shops Lucifera's Pretty little shop (closed for now)
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@Lucifera: Ooo that is really nice. I follow quite a few streamers on twitter (though I do not watch their streams surprisingly), and it really does seem like a fairer playing field. o uo
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@Kairie: Yeah, it could change but... I think it's the initial like, first little while that things are good. The bigger it grows the worse it gets. I feel like at some point, YT will have a big reality check. xD I'm waiting for them to get sued big time by a content creator.
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@Lucifera: Yeahhh, honestly I am amazed that they haven't had that reality check yet. Especially with how they've treated most of their creators. ID
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@Kairie: Just wait.... It'll happen to one person who has got the money and serious clout and takes no bs and YT will end up soiling their pants. xD and I will laugh maniacally in the background.
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@Lucifera: Ahaha it'll be interesting to see who they do it to. xD
Since they seem smart enough not to screw their big users.
Since they seem smart enough not to screw their big users.
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@Kairie: I dunno... they had some super big users calling out YT and they were still messing around. xD I almost wanna link the vid but it's super long. But it was insane. I think she said she had like, 500 mill on her account? (had a five in there i could not be remembering right.)
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@Lucifera: Really?? Interesting. :o
Aaah really, damn I'm amazed they didn't go for youtube then. ID
Aaah really, damn I'm amazed they didn't go for youtube then. ID
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@Kairie: Yeah. Even Gigi hadid called them out on twitter apparently. Girl screenshotted everything. From their emails, to people who were tagging YT and everything else... It was insane that all these people were like, hey YT, fix this. And they were still messing around.
And idk if she could? Like
This was the girl, video #2. But yeah... There was a lot that happened. (just in case you want it.)
And idk if she could? Like
This was the girl, video #2. But yeah... There was a lot that happened. (just in case you want it.)
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@Lucifera: I'll put that video on and listen to it in the background ;o But wow I can't believe they were still like that.
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@Kairie: They were. That's what is insane to me. All these big names and a-listers fucking calling them out and YT is still like. "Teehee... We see no signs of hacking activity. We didn't found any."
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@Lucifera: Aldjaljg yeah that video was quite a watch/listen to. I can't believe they treated her like that/kept just giving her the run around??
I'd be so pissed omg. ID
I'd be so pissed omg. ID
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@Kairie: Right! I'm like, I wouldn't have been nearly as nice with them like she seemed in the call, with her straight face and just listening to their BS. Like whaaat? LOL! I'd be cursing, swearing, getting my lawyers all up in arms and just like, raging with a lawsuit slapping them cross the face. Like, for a couple days having this issue? sure. A week? Maybe. BUT MONTHS? Wow.
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I can't believe she was so calm about it and that even on twitter she wasn't going completely savage on the one guy omg
I can't believe she was so calm about it and that even on twitter she wasn't going completely savage on the one guy omg
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@Lucifera: I ended up watching all her videos regarding it and boy was it a ride
Go her on being passive aggressive tho, she kept it in check the whole time though. xDD
Also I might have finally ordered an ipsy bag because you inspired me to try something for my skin. >> I am excited for it to ship and what not. :D
Go her on being passive aggressive tho, she kept it in check the whole time though. xDD
Also I might have finally ordered an ipsy bag because you inspired me to try something for my skin. >> I am excited for it to ship and what not. :D
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@Kairie: Right! I would have been enraged and turned into that alt demons girls you see all over the place screaming at them through the phone. xDDDD But on the real, respect. she kept it professional for someone in her profession who relies on people in YT to keep their pants on during the work day.
Ayyy! Lol. Same. Tbh idk if what they send will be good, it's always a "mystery" but, if I find one thing I can't live without, it's worth it. Or something that serves me, or something I can even gift, ya know? These bags to me, serve as a 'well, i like this, but can't use/don't like this... HEY LITTLE SISTER!'
Ayyy! Lol. Same. Tbh idk if what they send will be good, it's always a "mystery" but, if I find one thing I can't live without, it's worth it. Or something that serves me, or something I can even gift, ya know? These bags to me, serve as a 'well, i like this, but can't use/don't like this... HEY LITTLE SISTER!'
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@Lucifera: Yeah kudos to her for dealing with all of that and not going crazy at all.
SAME. I figure like worse case scenario I'll just pass on what I won't use to my sister and it'll be fine. xD But at least something for my face should make my face a bit happier instead of just lotion lolol
SAME. I figure like worse case scenario I'll just pass on what I won't use to my sister and it'll be fine. xD But at least something for my face should make my face a bit happier instead of just lotion lolol
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@Kairie: Exactly. And I mean, I am always happy to inspire people to try new things. =D you never know what hidden jewels lie in the mud until you go digging... (I had to. It was too good.)
Ping me for fast replies!
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@Lucifera: Very true!
And it's always good to treat yourself. >:)
Which I don't feel like I do enough since most of the stuff I get is for me and my boyfriend instead of just me. While this will be just for me. u wu
And it's always good to treat yourself. >:)
Which I don't feel like I do enough since most of the stuff I get is for me and my boyfriend instead of just me. While this will be just for me. u wu
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