@Kairie: Always look for the plus side of things~<3
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@Kairie: that's okay I'll just go to bed early tonight. XD work killed me so I'm sure I'll be tired enough to sleep now xD
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@Amber Lynne: Yes. :D
Now if I could just stop staring at my computer screen and start sketching. xDD
@Mandy Amour: Oh no how dare work. x(
At least it means you can sleep tonight!
Now if I could just stop staring at my computer screen and start sketching. xDD
@Mandy Amour: Oh no how dare work. x(
At least it means you can sleep tonight!
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@Kairie: right?! Dont they know it's not okay to make me work so hard?! D:
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@Amber Lynne: xDD
I actually did end up stopping and finished sketching what I wanted to lolol
and my boyfriend is up so time to go kick him out of the room. >:)))
@Mandy Amour: They need to ensure you do not work hard so you aren't so tired all the time!!
I actually did end up stopping and finished sketching what I wanted to lolol
and my boyfriend is up so time to go kick him out of the room. >:)))
@Mandy Amour: They need to ensure you do not work hard so you aren't so tired all the time!!
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@Amber Lynne: yess progress!! >:).
And I’m comfy in bed now with my game. Haha
And I’m comfy in bed now with my game. Haha
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@Amber Lynne: yes. >:)
And my dog is staying curled up next to me so it is a bonus. ; u;
And my dog is staying curled up next to me so it is a bonus. ; u;
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@Amber Lynne: he’s a chihuahua mix. <3. Though whatever he is mixed with took over vs the chihuahua. Which I’m happy for since it makes him cuter imo. Lol.
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@Amber Lynne: yes? Slightly? You can tell he has chihuahua but it’s not like in your face. We have no clue what else he is though. xD
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@Kairie: for like... 35 mins to do the hair on this chibi, and then figured meh. XD
I don't wanna plan out the colours. //whines
I don't wanna plan out the colours. //whines
My Youtube. I upload Tuesdays
Ping me. always
ALWAYS looking for art of my Characters
If you do art, PM me
Ping me. always
ALWAYS looking for art of my Characters
If you do art, PM me
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@Amber Lynne: Lolol well 35 minutes is better than nothing! :D
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