@Yandere: Yeah, sorry that my streams are at really odd hours of the night. X_X;; I haven't been able to sleep at night, despite feeling really tired. I could lay down in bed for hours at a time and I still couldn't fall asleep.
Random question, for the doll like doodle, like in your sig post, do you draw that in a square or do you draw it in a different way? I'm mostly just curious on that part. ^^;;
I understand. Most of my stuff on my streams has been personal or for other people. There isn't much of an in between. But I wish you luck on getting your personal art or what ever else done. :)
Lol, I've been watching videos every so often or asking friends for advice on it. A few friends has given me a lot of pointers on good brushes to use. But I understand on wanting to stick with what you know. Hell, I'm the same way. xD Took me a while to finally give in and try something different since my copy of Sai has been acting up. XwX;;
Yeah, pretty much the point of it. Have a better emote? Hope someone buys a higher tier sub to use it and you make money off of it, but it really depends on the person and if they like the content of your streams. I think the price for tier 1 is about $9 or so. I know once I reach 15 subs, I can add in another emote to it, but I know at least 2 to 3 people subbed to me by using their free month of Amazon Prime. I don't think it gives me much, but I think its ok. I think I have about $5 currently on my twitch from subs, but I wouldn't know how much it would take me to pay out on it. If I was to guess, maybe $50, could be lower, could be higher, I'd have to check. But I'm also not expecting to make money off of my subs as well as my art work. I know a lot of people call it cute though, but trying to sell art for RLC is a pain. One thing is for sure, if you ever do and I had the money, I'd be throwing it at you and telling you to draw as much as you want. xD
Yeah, I think its just a restriction kind of thing, you know? But I think its also because it encourages people to be active in the stream as well as talk in it. The more points they gather, they can buy the emote to use for 24hrs or highlight a message in a stream. I've done it a few times in a friends stream, both buying the emote and highlighting a message. According to twitch, its for user engagement and to make the chat more lively, but I don't really think it works for smaller channels like mine. But my friends like using it, so that's all that matters to me. :)