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Forums Mini Shops Starting from scratch. ;;;

Donator — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/16 04:01:19 )

    @Yandere: Haha you're fine. xD And I just wanted to know any rigs you had wanted in general.

    Any of these you don't have/want?
    Candy Cane Lane
    Elemental Baggy Shirt
    Year of the Rooster


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/16 12:43:28 )
@pachi: I am too, for the most part. Our conversation case in point. Ahahaa. I'm just not the type to jump into conversations tbh. I don't know why that's so awkward for me. adkfjhaksdf.

Oooh, that's awesome! Not that I can really look into it now, but maybe I'll do something like that in the future. I did make some pretty cool demon slayer fanart, I guess. Q VQ I would love to slap that piece on something of mine.
I dunno if it... fits the complete size of 1000 x 100, as I usually crop it down, but we'll see. I guess. I used to draw a lot smaller (like 800 x 800 canvas back in the day) so I'm getting better. LMAO.

OMG YESSS. You have quite a few new followers now too! * V* !!! Look at your comic go already!!!
I am hype too! I will be looking out for the next episode! Are you planning on updating weekly or twice a week or just whenever you can? O:

@fozzy: Ahhhh, I'm glad you like it! Thank you for the tip! TT____TT !!!!

@valefor: The only one I have from that list is the Aquarius one, so I'm game for the rest of them. o Ao ;;;

Donator — AAAAAAAAAA Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/16 14:41:25 )

    @Yandere: i feel you on that afjkgjkjf (hermits

    yeahhh i used to draw around that size too but since getting a retina display my sizing perception has gotten all wonky LOL now i work with a minimum 1500x1500 canvas just to doodle

    yes!! i'm so glad people are taking the time to check it out :'3
    i was thinking weekly, but i'm also impatient and want to get them up asap... since it's been so long since i worked on it and want to get it going asap @u@ the next strip is more than 50% done already~


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/16 16:00:00 )
@pachi: Guess who didn't need to go into work today? Q VQ ;;;;; They sent an update out as soon as I went to bed last night. Lmao. Now it's all closed until April 30th. This is insane.

Ohhh. A better screen definitely helps more. I ended up getting a bigger screen when I tanked my old laptop, so I suppose that helped without me realizing as well. It's also harder to draw on a super small canvas- especially when it has so many details. ;;;

I knew it would do well. | D Already hooking people in, I love it.
Ahhh. I mean you can plan for weekly or just twice a week every now and then? It's better to get ahead now and just update casually instead of posting them all at once and then something happens and you can't update it for awhile.
Or be a delinquent like me and draw it on Friday night and upload it then. > > ;;;; Always the best plan. Haha. Though I plan on working on mine today... maybe.
So fast. NYOOOM. I mean, the more commonly you update the more people you'll get following it or finding it.

Donator — AAAAAAAAAA Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/16 18:42:50 )

    @Yandere: hooooly jeez that's a long time @_@!!!
    we're still open but coming in turns to the office each week day ahah
    today's my day so i'm grabbin' everything from my computer to move to my hard drive

    oh yeah very true
    i used to think 1200 was huge but now i'm like pffft that's tiny

    |Dc i'm glad~ there's soooo much plot to get to #_#...
    yeah i'm thinking 1-2 times a week... it depends on how fast i draw and how intricate the scenes are
    me, a masochist, making it full colour with backgrounds and everything (screamsss


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/16 19:07:43 )
@pachi: Yeah, it's a lot of stuff that we need to plan out and find. We can't really... teach materials so it's difficult. @ ____ @ I guess it's just review stuff from here.
We might go in one day, but it seems like it's getting even worse in my state. They're really starting to crack down on closing places. All bars and restaurants are now closed so whelp. Good thing we stocked up on supplies beforehand.
Whelp. Now I need to go into work tomorrow as well... for 2 hours. Lmao. What is thisss.
I don't even know what I should be grabbing when I go in tomorrow. Jesus. This is insane.

Ahaha. I've seen some crazy canvas sizes tbh. I can't believe it.

YESS. I'M READY. I can't wait to see itt. Ahhh. At least I have all the time to check it out. Haha.
Yeh, definitely! According to webtoon, apparently people prefer longer episodes less times then shorter episodes all the time. Idk how that works out, but w/e. Maybe so there's not sudden cliffhangers at the end of every episode?

Bah. Back to work time. @ ___ @ /wobbles


Donator — AAAAAAAAAA Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/16 19:23:19 )

    @Yandere: are they possibly talking about doing online classes? @___@
    but damn... the states is getting so bad but there are some people who still want to go out and party lmfao UGHHH
    oof good luck...

    HMM maybe i rushed it a bit then, it's a bit more impactful with the final panel of this scene... it's ok i'm just starting out, it'll be fine-- learn as i go hahahha

    paps you ;;;;


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/16 20:06:00 )
@pachi: Ahhh, a lot of the kids don't have access to a computer, I think. I work in a low-income area. I'm trying to just gather all my resources and try and get everything done. @ ___@ There's like 12 things due every week now. I don't know if they're ready for it. This goes on until the end of April. Gosh. Imma need Animal Crossing ready for after my work hours. LMAO. Just... 4 more days. Halp.
SERIOUSLY. If they just stayed inside in the first place, this wouldn't be an issue. My cousin-in-law?? was already talking about going out on Wednesday and Thursday night for two separate things.
At least I know I definitely have off for my wedding anniversary. HAHA.

Akjsdakjhsd I mean, I'm not really well versed in it, so don't depend on me! I"m just going off from what I've seen on some of the comics. ;;;;;
it already looks great so far, so it's good!!

flops on ground.
dis tew stressful


Donator — AAAAAAAAAA Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/16 22:15:41 )

    @Yandere: ohhh my god good luck @_@...
    lord... i keep watching the infected numbers go up and it's so sad lol
    there's a ton of undiagnosed people running around too u_u

    ahh thank you ;u;
    gonna work hard this week and maybe get 2 more out... hopefully!!

    paps more
    this shall pass
    sooner or later
    hopefully sooner


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/16 22:22:01 )
@pachi: Ahaha, thanks! It shouldn't be too bad though, I guess. o 3o ;;;
RIGHT? I was looking at them yesterday too and I'm honestly getting kinda scared about the whole thing. I need to go and get something from the store, so I guess I'll try and get it tomorrow while I'm out. It shouldn't be anything that people would hoard... I guess. > A< ;;; I just don't want to run out of it if I'm stuck inside for the next month. Lol.
I kinda wish it worked like South Korea, where they just test everyone. We'd get more accurate numbers and it would be overall safer. Q VQ

Ahhh, YOU GOT THIS! /cheers on with little flag!!!!

YES. Hopefully sooner than later. Q VQ
UNTIL THEN! I will draw and do ALL THE THINGS INDOORS! : D Gotta be positive. I mean, at least I can go the bathroom whenever I want, and I get to spend time next to my hubby all day. = w= <3

Donator — AAAAAAAAAA Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/17 02:49:17 )

    @Yandere: wear gloves, don't touch your face, try to finish your errands asap... yehaw
    LOL unfortunately USA is too capitalist for mass-testing like that sdhjdcj

    yesss the positives of that!! i'm very excited to save 2+ hours of my day normally spent commuting :'3


Donator — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/17 05:10:53 )

    @Yandere: Username: Valefor
    Reference: LINK
    Style: Clean squishies
    Expression: something cute or smiling
    Jolly Gifter
    Joyful Winter
    Timely Manner
    Candy Cane Lane
    Elemental Baggy Shirt
    Year of the Rooster


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/17 12:48:01 )
@pachi: Yess. I've been getting better at not ... touching my face I guess. But, I also wipe down my phone/keyboard/headphones/etc. I also try and wash my face a few times when I'm washing my hands. Gotta... stay clean.
Yeah, you're right. Darnnit USA. Why can't we work together? /shakes fist at

Oh my gosh- yes! I'm saving about $100/week in gas. Q __Q My hubby and I were joking around and saying we could put half our budget a week into alcohol for at home. Ahahaha.

@valefor: Ahhh, accepted! Did you want her in the blue dress or the red/teal/blue/white one? O:


Donator — AAAAAAAAAA Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/17 13:08:47 )

    @Yandere: i keep forgetting to wipe my phone down LOL... did that yesterday tho :3
    USA man... needs to have universal healthcare for one
    tying health insurance to employers is so scary q_q

    oooomg $100 haha
    my weekly commute is $32 total so i'm saving that-- hehehe

    Q-Q our province just declared state of emergency today, i'm concerned


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/17 13:32:17 )
@pachi: Haha, I should do it more often, but I keep forgetting. We'll try to keep reminding each other! We got this! Keep everything clean!
I'm probably going to clean it down when I get home from work. Goodness knows if anything is there or if someone has it. q vq ;;;
SERIOUSLY. Health care would be nice right now. I already pay $300/paycheck for health insurance, might as well just pay that in taxes for everyone to get health insurance. > ___ >

My god. You lucky duck. D: I really only have about 2 hours of driving (includes back and forth), but then my hubby drives to school or home, then back at the end of the day to pick me up. (I don't drive, should have mentioned that beforehand).

Yep. q vq I think we've been in a state of emergency sometime... last week. Everything is slowly shutting down. D;


Donator — AAAAAAAAAA Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/17 15:26:01 )

    @Yandere: scrub scrub scrub it down ~~
    yeah ikr... c'mon america this is exposing how crappy your system is right now omfdjhgjhdf

    ohh qvq that's so sweet of him to drive you though-- is there no good public transit where you are? orz

    yeah... we're getting more announcements later today from the prime minister and i'm just like... are we declaring it nation-wide yet....


Donator — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/17 20:39:05 )

    @Yandere: Yay! Thank you for accepting me!
    And the blue dress please! > u<
(ง •̀_•́)ง

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/17 21:16:01 )
@pachi: Seriously. It's insane. x ___ x Even staying at home, I keep washing my hands so much that I need to put on lotion a couple of times a day. That's just within my own house too. dskjhfaksjd ahhhh. I need to wipe down everything now that I'm home. I totally forgot. > > ;;
America is such a mess- I can't.

Yeah, he's pretty cool I guess. Haha.
There's a train about 5 blocks away but... I also don't work in the best of neighborhoods. Orz. Around the school is fine, but sometimes it gets kinda... not so safe. There was a shooting around the train station a few weeks ago, then someone jumped in front of the train.... Yeah. Driving it is.

I think all movie theaters in my state are now closed. Though on the way driving home now, I just saw 17 different people/groups of people walking around the neighborhood. LIKE PEOPLE GET IN YOUR HOUSES. UGH.

@valefor: Of course! She's a cutie, I couldn't resist! * V*

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/18 00:38:00 )
@valefor: I have a work in progress for you! * V*
Let me know if you want any edits/changes!


Donator — AAAAAAAAAA Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/18 01:36:28 )

    @Yandere: i went around wiping everything down yesterday but i think i gotta start doing that daily hfdighdjfh
    me looking at all the politicians talking about giving everyone $1k a month now: DOOOOOOO IIIIIIIIIIIIITTTTTTTTT

    oof that's scary D: ...

    x_x ughhh lol i feel weirdo walking around outside rn too... staying home to be productive is gr8 for me during this time tho ngl >3>


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