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Forums Mini Shops Lucifera's Pretty little shop (closed for now)

Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/1 02:36:38 )
@Kairie: It won't let me do shite. xD and windows refuses to recognize my PS$ controller anyways so poop on that.

I mean yeah but it's far easier to afford imo than something 500+. It's that weird little cut off price where it's like... "I could totalyl budget/save up for 450." but 600 is insane.

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/1 03:10:58 )
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@Lucifera: Rip :( Smack the computer!!

That's fair! $600 feels so close to a $1000 that it feels impossible to try and budget that much. ID

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Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/1 05:58:31 )
@Kairie: Lol. Would that I could my dude. xD I would just friggin body slam the thing. But yeah, the fusion drive messes up so it's like... and intense event to switch back and forth.

Exactly. 600 is rent, it is food, necessities. And if you want it, a new puppy and supplies. xD it's a LOT.

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/1 06:04:25 )
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@Lucifera: xDD Ugh poor computer.

Man $600 is more than my half of rent, REALLY PUTTING IT IN PERSPECTIVE FOR ME. xD
Also new puppy <33333

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Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/1 23:23:12 )
@Kairie: Yeah. So I guess technically I *can* switch back and forth. It just takes about an hour of cursing, wishing death on all things windows, and a small mental breakdown. Then granny smith is like, Aight... here's your MAC os back. Oh? The comission should have been finished a while ago? SO SARRY!

So it's like rent, utilities, and a few necessities probably. Lol. And yeah. 600$ usd gets you the puppy, the kennel, the food, and some vet stuff. xD Like it's a LOT.

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/2 05:11:34 )
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@Lucifera: Your computer is out to get you, it wants to make u suffer.

Yeahhh, $600 is rent/utilities and half my groceries for the month. IDDD definitely couldn't drop that on a console lmao. (yet here I am still eyeing the switch and debating dropping my next paycheck on it lolol.)
See with that logic I would just always get a puppy anytime I had $600, always need more dogs. xD

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Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/4 06:18:19 )
@Kairie: RIGHT! Lol. Like what's the deal?

And yeah, but like... xD Don't drop it if you don't want to. I just came to terms with, it's not dropping in price any time soon so I just did it cause I had some spare cash this month. =P
xD I mean, same. Except in canada, dogs are more like, 700+ in general.

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/4 06:20:15 )
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I def want to drop it, it just is like, should I. xDD (my body says yes bc ac, but my brain says no bc $$$. xD)
Ooof everything seems a little more expensive in canada though. ID

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Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/4 06:26:02 )
@Kairie: xD I wish! I only got it like, 2 years ago. I'm so irritated because i should have taken it in while it was under warranty but i couldn't and i'm so mad at myse4lf and i don't have extended insurance. UGHHH.

Here's my mindset. If all my bills are paid, all my expenses tended to, and i cross one art item of my needs list... Then I have enough left over. Do I get it? Yes.
That was how i came to my conclusion. Then i had to figure out, do I want the niormal switch or the lite? Well, the normal one is a jhybrid console. and I want to play games with my little sister so yes to hybrid mode. xD so yeah...

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/4 06:32:30 )
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@Lucifera: Adljag that sucks that it is out of warranty now. D:

xDD That's a very good mindset, my brain just goes '$$=good food who needs anything else' xD
Hnnng yeah that is why I want a switch, bc me and my boyfriend could play games together so while I'd be okay for the lite for myself I realize the normal switch would be better (if harder to find right now ID)

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Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/4 06:56:46 )
@Kairie: Yeah. Stuck wif a lemon. But that's okay. I can my CC now. My goal is to use my credit card, buy a part for a good PC, pay off. Repeat. So soon, one day so soon, I will have a GOOD PC. >=D

xD If i get myself unlimited snacks I will literally devour them all senselessly because i'm not hungry, I'm bored. =P That's my problem. And being someone who can't have gluten, that means devouring a lot of expensive snacks that should have lasted me a week. xD I have to be strict with mahself man! xD

But yeah, like... go with your gut. If you really want it get it. Can always return it if buyer's remorse sets in hard.

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/4 07:00:51 )
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@Lucifera: Ooooh that's a smart plan! Are you building a pc? :o

Ahaha my problem with snacks
i have to hide them from myself xD.
Luckily with working a lot I tend to make them last longer, but if I have a day off? Say bye to all the snacks.

Trueeee. I probably will next paycheck tbh, the ac jealousy is setting in hard. xD Even harder than the fire emblem jealousy.

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Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/4 07:58:59 )
@Kairie: Planning to. I really, really want to build one to my very, very specific requirements. Games, Art, school, and being pretty. xD Like honestly I just want something suited to me. Period. I don't caaaare about the low key tech controversies that come with some products I just want something that doesn't break in under a year.

Exactly. I recently found these melona ice creams. I didn't intend for them to be my boredom snack, but they are only like 120 calories and made from honey dew so I am of the opinion that 3 a day when I get the munchies is acceptable. No more.

ac? xD Ooof. I actually had the worst time playing fire emblem when I got my 3ds. I loved the story and i was hooked but idk why, at one point, it got so difficult I literally traded it in. xD I was done.

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/4 08:05:50 )
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@Lucifera: Oooh well hopefully you'll be able to build something you like. >:)
Curious question from someone who's curious but never looked into that type of thing, is it easy to do or do you have to have some tech knowledge? :o

Mmmm those sound delicious.

Animal crossing! I was watching baylee jay stream it on her vlog channel and now my need has skyrocketed. ; A;
Really? I got birthright for my 3ds and I love it. ; u; I finally got both versions (birthright/conquest) so I could sway both families/siblings. u wu Granted I just played it on the easiest level and was mostly pairing people up romantically while enjoying the story but still. xDD On that note I can't quite remember if I ever finished birthright or if I just seduced the sibling I wanted and quit LOL. Maybe I will one day go back to it and see. xD

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Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/4 08:38:53 )
@Kairie: xD definitely tech knowledge. I'm blessed to have my stepdad who is a server admin and built all his machines so I can buy the bits and tell him to put them in. xD Snippity snap.

They are. I recently found out that apprently, not everyone liked honey dew and for some reason that shocked me? xD

Okay... xD I'm prooobably gonna catch some flack for this. But I actually am not the biggest fan of Baylee Jay. =X She's just never vibed with me. I liked some of her art videos for a while but then they kinda changed and I stopped watching. xD But yeah, the fire emblem games were hard for me. xD But then again I was like, 15 or so with 0 patience or ability to learn. And my general rule is, it's on normal or I shouldn't play it.

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/4 08:43:10 )
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@Lucifera: Ooh nice. Have your dad walk you through it. >:)

I know?? My boyfriend hates honey dew and I'm just like, who hurt you?? Honey dew is so good when it is ripe.

So this will probably sound biased but I dislike her art videos but her vlogs are good/fine to watch when I'm on my lunch at work or eating at home and don't want to throw something else on. xD Essentially just background noise for the most part? She was doing vlarch so it just essentially made sure I had something to listen to every day during my lunch breaks lolol.
Fair @ the game being on normal. xD I generally do normal but I had a friend recommend to me that I should do easy since it was my first fire emblem game and I was nervous about not knowing how to play/what style it was. I probably would have been fine on normal, but I also am happy I did it on easy bc story. xD

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Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/4 08:59:44 )
@Kairie: xD nah... I buy the parts, he puts in the labor. He doesn't do anything else around the house. It's his job. xD I'm so mean but literally I had to annoy him to get him to help me paint my room, and he only had to cut in around the ceiling because I couldn't reach.

Omg. I have an acquaintance that dislikes hot sauce, chocolate, honeydew, oranges, lemons... and pickles/olives. All of those things are what I need to live. So to have that list of hates, I was like... "what do you like? hospital food?!"

xD my problem is she takes the whole meme culture thing so far it becomes annoying to me. I like memes as much as the other person, but sometimes it's just a lot. The only people i like watching for background noise is Sara tepes and Victoria Gedvillas. Because their voices are soothing and there's always some little bit I can take from it absently. (like feeling free to make random marks in my sketchbook and not being too analytical about it.)

I really wish I would have done that because, yikes... xD I got to one point where I couldn't get any more potions because I didn't have money, but to get money I had to fight things, but the things i was fighting took a lot of health so i needed potions and it was a loop I couldn't escape. xD

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/4 09:05:15 )
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@Lucifera: xD Poor dad being called out for not doing anything and being put to work. haha.

Omg that's so much, their food has to be blandish. :( (not really but man I couldn't imagine not eating those things. ID)

Yeah I agree with you there. I need to start finding other youtubers that I can watch during my breaks now. xD I'll definitely be looking into Sara Tepes/Victoria Gedvillas now though. OuO

omg I got to that point during ffx i believe and I just, quit. LMAO. Traded in the game when spyro came out and got that instead. xD

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Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/4 09:22:27 )
@Kairie: xD bruh he gets to eat, play video games, and netflix all while working. So yeah, I''m get the stuff, and tell him to stick it in the box. xD

Right! TwT I was so sad.

xD Like, I like her art. And as a person she's probably actually really cool. But every youtuber has this persona, and her and Jazza both just take it to heights that make me click off. But yah, Sara and Tori are super awesome. Very relaxed. Like they have moments but they are rare. Sara can get super into selling skillshare which i tend to skip over but... eh. Lol.

xD Right?! and oddly enough, i traded FE in for the first animal crossing. xD How times have changed when AC becomes default over zelda. But tbf, I have gotten to play a bit of zelda, and it was cool. I wanna get it but AC seems like it'd be fun if only to just play with friends.

Ping me for fast replies!

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/4 09:29:02 )
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@Lucifera: Man sounds like a good life. xDDD

Aaah yeah, I used to love Jazza but now? Can't watch his videos at all. IDD
I skip over most promotions bc people go on and on about them. xDD

xDD Zelda is also a good set of games! I just got into zelda like, 3 years ago? Definitely want to get farther into it/play some of the other games. >:)
I wish games weren't so expensive/consoles weren't so expensive lolol

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