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Forums Mini Shops Starting from scratch. ;;;

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/4 00:16:21 )
@dragonickittens: To be fair it was right as I was going to sleep, and I needed to work today. Just a crazy day altogether.

Ahhh. I generally don't draw in squares though, so that's my main struggle. e ___ e
I'm kinda tempted to try now, but I'm also not in an art mood lately so.... MAYBE I WILL ATTEMPT. I've done icons before, so I just need to put myself in that mindset. U WU
Ah, I already own CSP, so just learning it is the hard part. hahah. I'm pretty stubborn in my way though, I generally stick to my old ways. ;;

WHaaaaa? I've never heard of that before, that's awesome! Though I guess a lot of people have it restricted since they want to make money from it.
It can only be used for 24 hours? That's pretty lame. q vq


Voltie — Tenno Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/4 02:39:49 )

@Yandere: Yeah, sorry that my streams are at really odd hours of the night. X_X;; I haven't been able to sleep at night, despite feeling really tired. I could lay down in bed for hours at a time and I still couldn't fall asleep.

Random question, for the doll like doodle, like in your sig post, do you draw that in a square or do you draw it in a different way? I'm mostly just curious on that part. ^^;;
I understand. Most of my stuff on my streams has been personal or for other people. There isn't much of an in between. But I wish you luck on getting your personal art or what ever else done. :)
Lol, I've been watching videos every so often or asking friends for advice on it. A few friends has given me a lot of pointers on good brushes to use. But I understand on wanting to stick with what you know. Hell, I'm the same way. xD Took me a while to finally give in and try something different since my copy of Sai has been acting up. XwX;;

Yeah, pretty much the point of it. Have a better emote? Hope someone buys a higher tier sub to use it and you make money off of it, but it really depends on the person and if they like the content of your streams. I think the price for tier 1 is about $9 or so. I know once I reach 15 subs, I can add in another emote to it, but I know at least 2 to 3 people subbed to me by using their free month of Amazon Prime. I don't think it gives me much, but I think its ok. I think I have about $5 currently on my twitch from subs, but I wouldn't know how much it would take me to pay out on it. If I was to guess, maybe $50, could be lower, could be higher, I'd have to check. But I'm also not expecting to make money off of my subs as well as my art work. I know a lot of people call it cute though, but trying to sell art for RLC is a pain. One thing is for sure, if you ever do and I had the money, I'd be throwing it at you and telling you to draw as much as you want. xD
Yeah, I think its just a restriction kind of thing, you know? But I think its also because it encourages people to be active in the stream as well as talk in it. The more points they gather, they can buy the emote to use for 24hrs or highlight a message in a stream. I've done it a few times in a friends stream, both buying the emote and highlighting a message. According to twitch, its for user engagement and to make the chat more lively, but I don't really think it works for smaller channels like mine. But my friends like using it, so that's all that matters to me. :)

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/4 15:13:53 )
@dragonickittens: It's alright! You do then when you want to, not for me. Hahaha.
No, I understand that. I haven't been sleeping too well either lately. It's just... crazy here. I know I have a lot of problems because I keep thinking of stuff and my mind doesn't stop. Especially with this whole pandemic thing going on, it's been rough being able to fall asleep, you know? My co-workers have been having the same problems, so it's not just us. Haha.

Hmm, yeah that's always on a square. I think it's a 200 x 200 canvas? A lot of the surrounding area is empty, which makes it so even. I mainly use them for my TH profiles things so they're neat. I still have a few more to go now. Hahaha.

Thanks! I ended up trying to draw yesterday and managed something. It's not chibi though, but I needed a lot of help from my husband with anatomy. I should be finishing it today if I can push myself to do some art. ;;; Let's see how that goes.
Yeah, there's tons of good ones! I saw one for different brushes and one for a star/galaxy one, it was really cool! Still haven't downloaded them though. Hahahaha. I don't think a lot of the detailed ones really match my coloring or chibi style.
Heck yeah! CSP is an amazing program. My hubby and my two art friends also use it, so it's nice everyone using the same one. Lmao.

Ahh, I see. The whole thing is sorta confusing to me, but as long as it's making people money, I suppose it works. @ ____ @
Good ol' amazon prime. My hubby does that with a few streams that he watches. I think he alternates between the same 2-3 streamers.
Bahahaha. Yeah. I tried to really push RLC once, and I got all of two commissions- one being from a friend, so I feel like it really doesn't count. Unfortunately art is just a hobby now, so I don't think I'll ever go back to it. I make more money with my occupation then I ever would with art, and it's more stable. @ ___ @ I thought about doing dA points as well, but ehhh. It wouldn't be worth it in that point either. I'll have gold on gaia and volts on here as a option for as long as I can. Though, when I have full time work + school for awhile, I don't think I'll find a lot of time to draw. @ ____ @.
Oh, we can always do art trades when I can though!!

Ahh, good point, good point. It's a pretty neat system, especially if people don't have the money to spend, you know?
I mean, twitch is doing something right, since there's tons of people on it. Even competitive gaming is streamed through there, and practically everyone know the platform, and it's still doing well.

Donator — AAAAAAAAAA Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/4 15:32:16 )

    @Yandere: i do the ranting on priv twitter just in case-- LOL you never know >_>

    i usually just hyperfocus on one fandom (aka producing fancontent) but i roll around in a bunch but just don't talk about them to other people ahaha l

    hey if it works, it works :b i say go for it
    at least you produced something +_+)999


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/4 16:01:31 )
@pachi: Bahaha, I've seen people do that too. Any type of venting (besides possibly the person you're mad at... or family or something) is good venting! It's nice to just let things out. I remember hearing that writing it down and then ripping it up or burning it or something is a good way to get it out. Sometimes I draw, so I suppose it's the same thing. Squints.

I think I usually float along certain ones. I never really super fixate on something. q vq ;;; I mean, I like animal crossing but I don't do anything other than play the game for a few hours. I've created characters and gijinkas for pokemon and stuff too, but.... nothing too crazy, I guess?
To each their own! : )

Yeah, you're right. U WU Gotta start somewhere.
I ended up drawing something last night, but it wasn't chibi, so I've got that going for me. It takes way too long with editing. Anatomy is hard. aaaaaaa

Yo, why is there so many baskets in the catgame club. I swear I've opened 30 + of them and I still need to collect 100 more hearts. Is this glitched???

Donator — AAAAAAAAAA Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/4 16:09:03 )

    @Yandere: i only ever type that shit out or sometimes vent to friends if it's something that's really bothering me ahaha
    but writing it down to destroy it later also sounds good :o (no patience

    ohhh omg i had pokemon gijinkas too!!! i actually made a comic back in the day in high school with a friend with our pkmn gijinkas LOL

    yay for drawing!!! (i wanna see :eyes emoji:)

    nope, someone came in and got like 16mil points through uh
    questionable means
    so we got baskets for days LMAO


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/4 16:23:17 )
@pachi: Yeah, that's understandable. I usually vent to my husband or co-workers (if it's work related). I try not to complain so much, but there's a lot of little things that get on my nerves. Bahahaha.
Yeahh! I've never been one to write, I guess besides venting online?? But it seemed like a good idea. U WU

Pokemon gijinka are still cool in my opinion. KOFF. I made gym leaders and a trainer for them too, but I never really did much past that. I'm awful at writing and I never seem to have enough money to get art of them or anything past that. So, they just sit there and look pretty. LMAO.

Ahhhh. I WILL POST WHEN FinISHED. I just started shading it before I decided to get sleep and pass out. aaaaa. When art inspiration hits too late. I'm going to be mad if I open it up and just hate it. This is why I finish pieces in one go. REEE.

This is insane. 16 minutes of opening baskets non stop. This person just wanted to see us suffer. TT___TT
Do we report him or something?? I'm tired of opening all these things

Donator — AAAAAAAAAA Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/4 16:27:48 )

    @Yandere: i know and i like to complain a lot LOL... having my priv twitter really helps with that haha

    oooh :o
    ours was following 4th gen storyline but with our stupid gags in them, had a tonnnn planned but we never got to my gijinkas ever appearing RIP
    i redrew one of them recently LOL

    omgggg i feel you too
    i was doodling last night and my friend was like 'i'll pay you $ for it if you made a clean version of it' and now i'm staring at it likeeee... man i hate painting LMAO

    but it's free stuffff
    i've never had so many gold bars and amulets LOLLLLL take breaks between opening :D


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/4 16:38:25 )
@pachi: Hahaha. I do too. There's just ... so many things. Bahahah.

Oooh, that's cute! * A* I never seem to plan enough. Making comic panels seems like a nice idea... but then drawing. Writing would do it too, but then... also writing. LMAO. I usually don't go past drawing them once or twice and then putting a small blurb about them. I'm so creative. hheh.
Here's my Gym leaders/trainers & gijinkas!. I love them so much sometimes. faskdjhfakjsd Even though a lot of them are really simple. ;;;

Bahahahaha. SAME. I've been offering sketches and base things lately because I've been so lazy.
Ohhh. BUT REAL MONIES IS INCENTIVE. Think about the anime figurines you could buy. Heuehehehe.

I know but....this is taking so much time. I swear if I don't get the event rewards from all of this. Aaaaaa. 100 points towards the event for every club basket that is opened.
I have like 5 gold bars. omg.
I entered a contest... i think. Opened the other things, got a new It's really a dog, let's be honest.
I have like 200 metal pieces now. xD I'll never need to craft string or uh...wood or metal. STILL OPENING THEM UP. Let's goooo

Donator — AAAAAAAAAA Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/4 16:51:16 )

    @Yandere: OMG you have so many askdjksjjf they're so cuuuuute

    i stopped making merch for selling a while ago 'cause it's too much effort (and i'm not in ~popular~ fandoms sdfshg

    LMAOOOO yeah i've been opening them on and off all day yesterday and today
    so many. so many gold bars. i have like 10 fhhdfhhg


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/4 17:12:25 )
@pachi: I have ... so many OCs in general. Ahahhaa. I love them all though. akfjhsdfkjasd. I was planning on getting a gijinka for every single pokemon... but I'm not that creative. So, I'll just stick with these for now. aAhahaaaa.

Awhman, that's awful. :c That's how everything works though, so ehhh. I would hate to flip-flop fandoms like that so often. I feel like there's something new and exciting every week. Being able to churn out art and stuff like that must be exhausting. I don't know how people do it.

I think I got like one more gold bar? i stopped paying attention past a certain point.

Also for the uh.. rewards thing. What is "collecting gifts" mean? @ w @;;; I've apparently done a few of them, but I have no idea what I'm doing. aaa

Donator — AAAAAAAAAA Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/4 17:17:18 )

    @Yandere: dude your toyhouse is so intense how do you keep track of so many OCs FJDHSHGHFD

    yeah... people hop on and off fandoms way too fast on the EN side lmao
    gotta keep up with what's ~trendy~ to stay relevant in making merch lol i got so exhausted by that when i was tabling at cons, i don't want to draw things i'm only mildly interested in and then have leftovers to burn

    omg you did???? i'm still going lol HFJDHJG so many baskets

    the gifts are like the lil giftboxes of gold in each cat room :3


Voltie — Tenno Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/4 18:00:53 )

@Yandere: Lol, all good. Not really sure when I'll be doing it again. On a closed species discord I'm in, there is an event that's going on. I gotta create a Seoc for someone on there. :) I already have a few ideas.
Its the same exact thing for me, so I get it. And I agree, the pandemic hasn't really been the easiest thing to deal with. There isn't really much we can do at the time being.

That makes sense. A friend of mine told me that emotes are a good 258x258, not sure if that helps. XD Also, I wish you luck on getting your things on toyhouse done for your characters. :) I should do the same, but I'm lazy. xD

I can't wait to see it, once you post it, that is. But I wish you luck with it. Just take your time with your art. :)
I downloaded a few for star/galaxy ones. I need to find a few more though. xD The ones I have I can't change the colors for the galaxy unless I use the hue shift, and I keep forgetting where to find it. And I understand on that completely, I've been using those mostly for background and not on clothing. Plus that reason there is why there is a pink version of my persona's dress. xD
Yeah it does. :) We could just send the CSP files to eachother over discord if we draw eachother's characters. XD But only if you want to.

Yeah, it does. Dx
Nothing wrong with alternating, everyone streams something different and some people can be more chill. Some streamers even have set days they stream on. I should see about doing that soon and probably alternating between art and game streams for certain days. But I'm not sure yet.
I understand on that, most of my friends commission me too, but I think it counts. But I also get that art is just a hobby for you. I honestly with I could throw the virtual money at you too. xD I need more cute chibis of either Prisma or Jace and Shyla from you. I would offer up my persona for you to draw her in one of her alt outfits, but I remember you said she was too hard to draw, and I don't wanna over whelm you.
I get the stable job thing. Right now, RLC and streaming (if people sub) is the only way for me to make a little money, but I do agree that it isn't stable in the slightest. A few friends of mine are buying art from me. So far, its just been for $5 each, but its ok. :)
Yes! I'd totally be down for a trade! But I'm gonna have to wait til after the event that I was telling you about. Plus I have a character in mind already. :) I got her design from a friend of mine since she was going on a moth kick a while back.

It is a pretty neat system, plus I think its nice that its implemented. I would love everyone that watched and follows me to use the emotes too, you know? I don't want them to feel that they have to pay to use the emotes with real money. Especially since I have them up on my discord for use on there.
Yeah, pretty much. I don't really do much on the competitive side since I've never really been competitive myself. I usually just take my time with things and have a lot of fun with it. :)

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/4 19:50:57 )
@dragonickittens: Yeah, no rush. I mean, I'm stuck indoors all day, but I still work Mon-Friday until about 4pm. I do have a mini spring break coming up, so I should have some free time coming up. Hahah. I'll be on the lookout. I'll just need to make sure that I check your twitter constantly and see if you post a link.
> > ;;;
Ooooh, that sounds like fun though. I haven't really had any ideas for any characters lately. q ___ q I've been in a design rut for quite some time now. Weep. Just more time to focus on my current OCS then. Not that I really have time to make new ones anyway. hahaha.
Yeah, I like being indoors and working remotely isn't that bad... but I really want this whole thing to be over. It's stressing me out a lot.

I think I've heard that size before too. o: I tried drawing on a 400 x 400 canvas last night... and I ended up not liking it at all so I trashed it. ;;;
Thanks! I still have the one piece to work on that I was talking about, but I've been cleaning most of the morning, so I've finally sat down and I'm starting to work on it again. ;;;; I feel like I need to go darker with some of the shading though. Aaaa. I don't know how to shade non chibi things,f asjdkfhaksdf.
Hahaa. I haven't even gotten started on really filling out all of their profiles, this is just the "cover" art for it so to speak. Squints.

Thanks! I'm taking my time, but I want to at least get some pieces out there, you know?
Ooooh! I'm sure there's a few out there. Galaxy is generally pretty difficult to come by though, I feel like a lot of people struggle with it. Lmao.
You can send CSP files? I had no idea. That's awesome! O : !! We can totally do that!

I think if you stream the same type of game or thing over and over a lot of people tend to get frustrated with it or easily bored. I was thinking about streaming myself, but I don't think I have the time or patience or following even for it, so I'm good with just roaming around and lurking for now. You do a great job at it, so keep it up! *A * !!! I'll definitely keep an eye out for the next stream- for sure!
I mean, you're still making money, so it definitely counts. Haha. Hey, I'll be here for awhile as far as arting goes, so you don't need to worry about it. : >
Hehe, I look forward to your future orders then! >:3cccccc
I mean, if it's game screenshots, I definitely can't draw it, but if you have clean art reference, I could probably pull from it as long as it's humanoid, which I'm pretty sure she it. @ w @ ;;; The teal/pink haired one, yeah?
Well, the job conditions right now are kinda crazy, so you take what you can get, you know? I'd come commission you too, but I'm the only one working right now and it's been ... really hectic over here. q ____q So I'll just support with my love for now. //////
OMG I LOVE MOTHS. One day I will have a cute pink moth OC. I think I should you the picture of the pink/yellow moth, yeah? I want to make a gijinka based off of that. Hahah.

Yeah, it is really cool! I didn't even know they had something like that. I only thought there was the buy with money option. It gives others a chance to buy and use it.
Being competitive puts a damper on things, I think. ;;; If something is too competitive and I'm not good at it, I end up stopping working with it completely, so I understand from that standpoint. U WU

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/4 19:57:29 )
@pachi: FAK. I THOUGHT I RESPONDED TO THIS ALREADY. OMG. DID I NOT HIT ENTER. /////////////////////////////

UHM. IDK. It's sort of been over time??? > > ;;; It's like... over a 8 year span so. Some of these OCs are REAAALLLY OLD. Some have been revamped, but still old designs in my mind. Haha.

Seriously... I swear there's a new thing every week. Whether it's an anime or a show or a meme. I can't follow it. I always join things in late.Literally like week or months later and then I'm like... where'd the fandom go. LMAO.
Yeah, I... don't envy those people. I'm surprise there are so many people that are able to keep up with it, unless I just realize things too late or something too. Bahahaha.

I did a lot when the person first did it too, but I stopped because I thought it was glitched or something. ahhahahaha.
I have so many basic supplies now. It was like 400 metal the last I looked. /stares off into distance.

OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH okay. That makes sense then. I always forget the names of things. THANK FRIEND.

Donator — AAAAAAAAAA Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/4 20:47:09 )

    @Yandere: my core set of OCs (comic main characters) are literally 14-15 years old now so i feel you ahaha
    but i stopped making more 'cause i was just like lemme work on these first--

    yeaaa i've learned to just stick to myself or a few people in fandom, i'm a super hermit anyway and i hate going at a pace that's not my own for consuming content haha
    my favs usually aren't that popular anyway so i'm just mehhh

    i just finished collecting the baskets too oof that took so long but i'm $$$rich$$$ now LMAO


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/4 21:16:04 )
@pachi: Hahaha. I have more art of my older characters, but they're designs are so simple so... I dunno what else to do with them. Changing some of them I feel like would alter who they are. So they will just sit there. U WU
I just ended up collecting a lot when the whole adoptables thing blew up on Gaia... and now I can't stop. AHhaha . /stares off into distance.

I feel like that's the smart thing to do. u wu ///
Gotta stick to what you like so you don't go crazy. ;;;
I think I've done like 5 fanart pieces in my entire drawing .... career? Drawing years?? Hopefully you get what I mean. Hahaha. I don't make stickers or anything either, so it would just make sense that way.
Ahhh, really? I usually just go for pink haired or yandere types. I have a weakness.


ALSOALSO I FINALLY FINISHED IT. It's not bad considering I don't draw in this style too often, but I'm pretty proud of it regardless.
Ta daaaaa U WU

Donator — AAAAAAAAAA Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/4 21:54:50 )

    @Yandere: haahaha that's the same with mine
    only 1 character got a major change and that was just the hairstyle haha
    omfgggg adopts
    ngl that concept is still wild to me esp for real $$$

    man getting back into drawing original stuff after a ton of fanart feels good though... drawing your own thing
    but then it's hard to build an audience on just that, gotta do some fanart to grab eyes--
    my favs are either long hair and/or tan skin and/or golden eyes and/or Nastie™ personality LOL my gd type...

    ooooo she's cute!!!! *v*


Voltie — Tenno Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/4 22:51:38 )

@Yandere: Yeah, lol. If I post it up again, I'll be sure to tag you sooner. I also forgot that I posted up on facebook too, so I'm gonna have to do a few of my friends on there. ^^;; So at least 3 slots (I think) has been filled. Then I had two friends on another server wanted me to draw their OCs, but I told them that they should had said something sooner. Plus 2 friends had memed the missing character (since I only drew 8, it had 9 panels!) with art I did for them in the past.
Oof, I understand. I still have a MYO for some new traits for the last Seoc event. I remade one of the owner's Seocs. I did a really good job with it too. This is her, btw.
You and me both. The only time I go outside is to walk to the gas station (If I need to stretch my legs) or go to the store.

Ah, I see. If you try again, just take your time on it. I tend not to go into major details til I get to the coloring and lineart. Makes it easier that way, for me at least.
I saw it up on Twitter, I really love how it looks. :D Plus I understand on the cleaning part, I did that today as well. ^^;; Also, I'm the same way on shading non chibi things. DX But I'm also not really good at shading. My lineless art tends to get shaded more than my other art works.
Oof, same here. The most I've worked on was for my persona for her main info, the rest of it hasn't even been finished for backstory and current story.

Of course. :) Taking your time with things is a good idea too. Plus with everything that's going on, its probably for the best.
I saw a brush that I liked, but I have to pay for it using "coins". You gotta buy those. :( It sucks since I saw a whole lot of cute ones on there too.
Yeah. :D I just have to drag and drop the file into discord and send it to you that way. :) So if you wanted me to color in some line art or resize something, you'd just have to send me the file. Its the same way with PSD files. As long as it isn't too big for discord to handle, you should be fine.

Yeah lol, that's why I've been alternating between Warframe and art streams, but I'll play something else every once and awhile. But luckly no one has said anything about the games getting boring for them. Plus I tend to get a lot of views and follows when I'm playing something that's popular. The only issue I'm having right now is with the stream lagging a while lot. A friend of mine is helping me with getting it fixed, but he said that it seems to be happening to small streamers at the moment. Anyone who has over 10k followers (at least) isn't having a issue with their streams. Its kinda sad since I don't want it to be choppy or laggy for my viewer base. :(
Of course, lol. :) And can do, I just need to make the plat/gold on Gaia and the volts on here. xD Oh, I know you are! <3 I love your art so much. I wanna eventually get art of all my characters in your style! (Warframes being the only ones not getting art in your style since I know you find them hard.)
Yeah, that would be Kitten. I mostly have my drawn refs of her on toyhouse. The game screen shots were for when I was first requesting art of her. ^^;; I still use them since its easier for me to give someone the color pallet of the character, you know?
Pretty much, that's all I can do. And all good, you should probably save your muns for now since its importaint. I already said something to my hubby about him buying cigs. They are REALLY pricey and we can't afford to spend $6 or $8 per pack.
Yeah! That was actually the one she based the character off of, the pink/yellow one. I was telling her how I was trying to make her but lost inspiration for her automatically. I'm sure you remember the design I was using. Her name is Maple and here is the link to her Toyhouse if you wanna check her out. :)

I mean, it was originally, but that was with subs. But subbing like that gives you the option to use the emote everywhere, even on someone else's stream. You can buy bits to throw at people, but that's all I know. Here is an image of what you can buy with stream points. Lucky I don't follow anyone that streams in "sub only" mode.

Agreed. ^^;; I have friends say, "Oh, I killed more things than you did! gET gEwD!" I tell them to shut up and that it isn't a competition. I end up not playing with that person anymore, but I'll keep playing the game. Some times I see that I'd kill more than my clan mates, but I'm usually surprised with it since they get more kills than I do usually. xD
Please ping me to get my attention

Pixel art by me
Click here for my twitter and other things.

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/5 00:14:39 )
@pachi: Hnnn. It's really hard to change characters. I tried doing like a time skip for one of them once.. and was like HA NOPE. You're forever 17, SORRY.
I mean, I've never spent real money, but I've used virtual currency like volts or gold on gaia. I definitely don't have the funds for buying anything with real money. Bahahaha.

Yeah, it is really nice. Just getting art for my OCs in general makes me happy. Or, even if I just do little doodles of them. akdjfhaksdf.
Unless you do like nsfw stuff. Huehehuehe. That usually attracts certain kinds of people. xD
It's really rare for OCs to get a lot of attention though, you're right. q vq ;;;

Hahaha. Awhman. Tan skin/white hair/yellow eyes are really nice tho. I SEE WHERE YOU'RE COMING FROM.

Heee, thanks!!! She's totally not my favorite currently or anything. SWEATS.

@dragonickittens: Haha, it's fine! You also tagged my art account, which I don't check as often. ;;; Ahhh, you need to get everyone together to watch the stream!! I mean, it's bound to happen though. Too bad you can't just post one comment and it goes to all of them. That would probably be interesting unless you were dealing with different audiences.
Still pretty good though. Even gaia art freebs take an hour for someone to post. I swear. ;;;
Hahaha. What good friends. Helping you out- even with memes. hhe.

Ohhhh. right right. I remember her now! I think I was in a stream where you were designing her clothes once. Of course I was sneaky. Heuehehe. >:3cccc
I haven't gone outside since I've been quarantined.. so 2-3 weeks now? I'll eventually go outside to get fresh air. BAHAHAHA. I can't even open the windows, I'm afraid bugs will crawl in since they're on ground level. I've also only really talked to my hubby and his grandmother the past few days. Though I haven't seen her in person for awhile. Trying to steer clear, you know?

Yeah, I know. It's just something new and I'd have to practice it with a bit more before I'd be content with it. I'll probably do a bit of research, but it seems like there's certain brush settings that a lot of people follow too for the icons. q vq I mean, the icon was a flop, but I did a non-chibi piece, so I'm pretty content. HAhaha.
Ahhh, thanks!!! It took a bit to work on, but I do like it. I think I changed her colors a bit though.. it's supposed to be a bit more muted, now that I'm looking at it. Might edit that later if I'm up for it. ;;;
Ehh. I'd look up tutorials on it, but I get defeated easily and don't have the patience to really sit and focus on it.
Hahaha. I have a lot of the stories for my OCs in my head, but a lot of the stuff is supposed to be secret (like who dies, who ends up with who), even though I'll never make a story out of it. xD I did that with the maids comic, but I'll probably never touch that again so... SPOILING AWAY.
Whaaaa? You have to pay for brushes? I mean, I guess that's how people make money, but still. Seems kinda weird. Is coins like for twitch or something? Pay for brushes that way? Like points on deviantart and then you get the download for it?
Ohhh, that's awesome! * A* I've never tried it that way. I usually save as a png and then upload. HMMM. Good to know, good TO KNOW.

I think I've seen you play warframe a long time ago, but I never really caught on with it. akjsdfhakjd.
That's good though! I know there's some people that only play one game and they get a following too, but to each their own! I tend to not play the same game over and over- heck I barely finish some of them. Gaming just isn't my forte, I guess. ;;;;
I've heard about the lagging too. I think that's just a small streamer thing too. My hubby had the same problem when he was streaming for awhile. Just need to keep building up the viewers and whatnot. ;;; Just gotta hope for the best?? Idk.

Hahaha. It's pretty easily to make volts on here if we keep chatting like this. LMAO. Our posts are getting to the essay range. O AO
I'm just not good with armor-y type things. ;;;;; IM GOMEN. I could draw her galaxy or pink outfit though! * A*
There's so many color swatches, I always get nervous with that, it's the same reason why I can't do RL references. There's too many shades/hues and I only use a base/shading/highlight.
Awhh yeah. Those are really pricey. X ___ X Thankfully my hubby's family has been helping out with food and whatnot. I'm saving a bit of money since I'm not travellng to work, so that's a little bit of extra money. Now is the best time to quit smoking, I guess. o ___ O ;;
Ohhh. Cool! I'll eventually make one too, but it's been a good year since I've really designed something. Designing mojo is dead. Haha.

Huh. I see. This is all news to me. adkjhfaksdjf. I'm still pretty impressed that there's all of this is on twitch. Q vQ
AHahaha. I mean, I do that too, but I'm also usually the one that doesn't do well. Hahaha.


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Having you as a Voltie would be awesome.