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Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/6 22:53:12 )
@Kairie: Yeah. right now crunchyroll is about to be a crap-roll to me. Because I tried to watch something, need premium. Decided hey, I'll look into the free trial and decide if I want to pay for this thing, right? Nope. Blocked in that because of some weird glitch. Okay, maybe I need to contact them. xD Apparently they want you to go to forums for help first, and their "contact us" link was broken and didn't work. Okay, so to the forums I go. Set my username, go to post what's going on. I apparently need CREDITS TO POST. xD Okay, so, clearly I need to talk to someone directly. I hunt for direct contact for them, NOTHING. I had to google their customer support, ready to find a phone number to leave a scathing complaint and get this fixed and find their convenient little sheet.

In my mind, do they want customers? Or is crunchy roll some sort of BS service that's being advertised with no customer support available at all? SCAMMY/SKETCHY MUCH?! xD sorry for my little rant, but I was irritated.

Anyways, I dislike older anime because the art style can be pretty grotty imo. xD I could never stand looking at inuyasha, as bad as that sounds. Hated the style of it. =X

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/7 03:01:30 )
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@Lucifera: Adljaljg what the fuck really??? Maybe they're just really pushing their premium, but I still can't believe that they have that many work arounds to try contacting them/are essentially hiding it?? That just seems really sketchy to me. D:

Aaaah that's fair, going that far back (Inuyasha and that sort of art style), I can really only watch anime I have already watched bc I'm okay with the art style then?? Which is a shame bc I know there are other good anime that are that old but art style. :(

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Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/7 04:25:24 )
@Kairie: It's super sketchy! And it's like, wow... I dunno if I should even consider paying for this. xD I don't know of any reputable places to watch other than netflix and prime tho, that's where my problem comes in. Like, if you guys show me you're worth it, I'll pay. But give me the runaround and you'll be lucky if I even have an account by midnight bruh. xD I will straight up poof right up off this site, betta believe it. (probably not possible but meant for comical reasons.)

Yeah... Some like, mid-style-change animes get really creepy too. Like vampire knight, I love that show. xD but holllyyy if the faces aren't straight-up creepy sometimes! LOL

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/7 04:29:35 )
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@Lucifera: I still can't believe that they're doing that big of a run around on trying to get people to try them out/see how it is going?? Like why?? Yeahhhh. I would suggest hulu bc they do have a decent bit of anime on there, but nothing really amazing, so Netflix/prime are still probably your best bet. <: hulu has a lot of anime I've never heard of before lolol.

Aaah I always wanted to watch vampire knight but couldn't ever bet past the art style. ID Which sucks bc I read a bit of the manga and LOVED it, but anime? nope no ty.

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Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/7 04:32:16 )
@Kairie: I wanna do Hulu but I dunno if they are available in canada yet. I heard they were trying to come up here, but they weren't even available when I came up here. But yeah. Waiting to see how they handle this because like, Needing credits to post in their *(help forum?* that was excessive. And what kind of friggin credits? ughhh... Just... peak irritation.

xD The mange art and anime art were always super comparable to me, tbh. The difference was one was colored, the other not so much. First season's art was like, yes. The second's was... OwO whatcha doin folksies?

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/7 04:35:13 )
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@Lucifera: I didn't know they weren't available in Canada! :o Well here's hoping they eventually move up there. Yeahh how do you get credits and if you need credits to get help it is just like??? ID At least give a ticket system or something so they can help at their own pace.

I think maybe it was seeing it animated for me? xD It just made my brain go 'no kairie'. I should retry it sometime though, maybe my adult brain will let me get past the first episode lolol.

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Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/7 05:26:11 )
@Kairie: Yeah! Last I heard, Hulu was trying to make some sort of licensing deal to be available up here. But, Idk if that's actually going to happen or if the sudden onslaught of new streaming services will render hulu useless. xD But Yeah. I shall see what happens.

Yeah. Stylized art looks good when it's 2D. If you see it in action and realize how strange it is as a moving thing, not shocking. xD you get kinda assaulted by how weird angles become and whatnot.

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/7 05:41:03 )
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@Lucifera: Yeah with more and more streaming services coming out it makes it harder for some to expand. IDD

It's easier to handle when it's 2D because like you said it's not moving. xD But seeing it moving just throws me for a loop sometimes haha.

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Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/7 05:53:16 )
@Kairie: The problem is, it'll eventually get unreasonable for consumers. =\ And some streaming services will have to fail or get bought out. I'm waiting to see who ends up winning before I commit to each and every one of them. xD

xD that's fair. I imagine when I take my animation class that I will be thrown when my artwork moves. I feel it's something strange for everyone.

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/7 05:56:48 )
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@Lucifera: Yeahhh. Honestly it'll be the bigger ones who win as they're able to keep giving $$ for titles people want. ID
Honestly I'm still hesitant on Disney+, I want it, but idk if I want it want it. lolol. I don't just sit and watch enough tv to justify it imo, but disney is such good background noise.

But seeing your own artwork move will be a little bit exciting as well I would think? :D Since it is your artwork. Versus seeing specific styles of art suddenly start moving. xD

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Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/7 06:58:39 )
@Kairie: True. Kinda hope disney+ ends up being bought out by the OG companies and dies. xD Why couldn't they do all they wanted to with netflix? Just kinda contract under them or something? Like, it's an insane amount of money to pay for prime, hulu, netflix, disney+, HBO, etc. etc. It's a large amount of money. People are gonna get cut. xD And I'mma sit back wif my popcorn and WATCH.

Ehhh. Kinda. Lol. I've seen some artists I love have 3-d models of their work made and once it is I'm like. O_O It's ugly.

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/7 07:02:10 )
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@Lucifera: They're a big enough company I don't think they will. ID But ideally they would have partnered with one of the big original companies, but everyone wants that $$. It'll be interesting to see which ones die.

Ooo that is interesting. :o I wouldn't have guessed that would be the case regarding art going to animation. xD

Also cute avi. <3

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Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/7 07:08:03 )
@Kairie: I hope they do. Tbh most disney stuff I just don't like lately. Like it's been a steaming pile of dookie for a while, imo. But yeah, it will be.

Yeah.. xD It's what I'm scared of. But when you mess with the proportions of something, it's a given that at some angles, it's going to be pretty horrifying. xD It's why I am kinda dreading it.

TY! I don't really like it. xD I am trying to make it cute and I have an idea in mind but... I'm missing some spiceee.

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/7 07:09:56 )
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@Lucifera: I mostly just want disney+ for its older stuff. ID I don't really keep up with newer disney movies/things.

xD It will be interesting when you get to that point though!

xDDD Oh noo, well hopefully you find that spice that makes you like it!

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Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/7 10:06:50 )
@Kairie: See, but like... Even then disney is a suuuper niche thing. Like it's one facet of entertainment. You may as well just rent things from the library. ^^; Like, I'm sure there may be some redeeming things on there but... Eh... Not worth it imo.

Indeed! I kinda can't wait but I am also pretty scared.

Yeah... idk what to do with it though. xD


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/7 21:17:23 )
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@Lucifera: it’s the fact they own so much. Marvel, Star Wars, Disney originals. So while it’s a niche they keep buying more and more things which will get them plenty of people buying their service. ID

It’ll be fine!!

Ahaha I’m sure you’ll think of something. :)

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Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/7 21:24:41 )
@Kairie: tbh, Netflix has a lot of popular titles itself. And with their success with superheroes vs. disney's, I'm waiting to see if disney doesn't re-partner. Disney+ and netflix partnership, or maybe one buying out the other, could arrange setting up a new service combined. But then again, fanciful thinking. I just like Netflix's tendency to explore the darker/taboo things, and disney's magical hoodoo vibes.

Same. xD I kinda want to get year of the rabbit orb. xD I am so horrible. But I need to keep my money. I ran out of cotton pads to use my toner with for my skin and I am dying. My toner removes every ounces of dirt/oil/deadskin but is moisturizing and it makes me feel so refreshed... But I can't go out until I get the call about my CC.

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/8 06:02:51 )
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@Lucifera: True, I guess I just see a lot of people going away from Netflix in general. But that might just be the group I'm around/I see online. xDD

RABBIT. Oh no, gotta get more cotton pads for your toner! D:

Also now your avi is super cute. <333

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Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/8 06:09:13 )
@Kairie: I actually use netflix like, a lot. Obsessively. I haven't met many people who don't have netflix. xD Prime is iffy, their originals don't often hit with me. Hulu used to be my jam but obvi idk now. Sooo... xD


And thank you! I feel like this site needs a cup-cake themed DI and I wish i had the skills to design it because a little frosting sworl hat? Oh yuhssss.
Ping me for fast replies!

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/8 06:14:06 )
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@Lucifera: Really? I feel like a lot of people that I know/follow on social media that are around my age have dropped netflix bc of various reasons. xD

A cupcake DI would be so cute!!

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