> Working on updating this. Sorry for disappearing! Personal life happened

Welcome to my Animal Crossing hangout!
This thread is mostly themed around New Horizons, but feel free to chat about anything at all.
This thread may contain spoilers of the game. Please refrain from viewing beyond this point if you don't want to see any of that!
Exchange friend codes
Schedule ingame hangouts
Exchange fruits, DIY recipes
Share design codes
Share art, updates, screenshots, literally anything relative to the game is welcome in this thread!
[center]International Museum Days
"The museum is set to receive an expansion for art as part of a New Horizons update that brings back returning character Redd, who now makes periodic appearances in the game. Starting on May 18, there will be a Stamp Rally event that equips you with a stamp card that you can fill out by browsing the fish, insects, and fossils you've collected. Collecting stamps will lead to an unspecified reward." - Gamespot