Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/14 23:22:23 )
@Kairu: I don't know, we'll see. With not being at work, it's definitely given me a lot of free time so I've been doing quite a bit of drawing. My main reason for being hesitant about art shops is that I'm SUPER picky about what I draw. Then I end up feeling bad for saying no to drawing somebody something lol.
@Totalanimefan: well, a lot of democrats won votes over republicans a few months ago, so I really do hope that extends to office. I live in good ol' Mike Pence's home state... Indiana. And on top of that, his hometown..... I hate it. My fiance and I only moved here to start our lives (jobs here are plentiful), and now that it's started we're looking into buying a house OUTSIDE of Indiana. We're hoping to go to his home state of Wisconsin.