@Keo: I don't blame you. I think many are feeling overstressed so it's good you're taking time away to help relax.
Lol Thank you! I figured I'd try anyway. XD
Welcome! *^* It turned out awesome~ I didn't realize there was unicorn items. (Or pretty sparkles) *^*;; I don't look since no monies to donate. XD
It's been okay... Stressful. ;;>> My hubs has had peps over to get the last bit of the room, we're working on now, done. He's been staying up late to do it so we haven't been sleeping well. We just have minor remodel stuff to do after though so easier soonish. On the plus side, we managed to replace our fridge so our food won't keep going bad from the temp error anymore. And kiddo will be gettin his tooth fixed this next weekend. Since as far as I've heard, his insurance will cover it. (Fingers crossed there cause poor kid hasn't been eating much since he broke it.) =^=; ((Sorry bout the rant))
What about you??
@PoeticTorment: The unicorn item is new? It came out yesterday xD
Oh ho ho my dear sweet friend!
Then do I have a trade for you~~~
Well it sounds like you've been busy but are getting things done!
That's awesome! :D
How much longer do you think until you get done with your remodel?
Oh no! I hope things go as planned with his tooth and everything is taken care of!
Tooth pain is no joke poor little guy ;m;
Aw its ok! No sorry needed :>
My little one is getting bigger and bigger and has started teething! So his attitude has been not that great x.x;;
Been trying to get him on a schedule because he has his days and nights still flipped around and its leaving me like a walking zombie
Staying in quarantine with my family has me constantly annoyed lmao
I'm getting sick of everyone in my home xD
Oh ho ho my dear sweet friend!
Then do I have a trade for you~~~
Well it sounds like you've been busy but are getting things done!
That's awesome! :D
How much longer do you think until you get done with your remodel?
Oh no! I hope things go as planned with his tooth and everything is taken care of!
Tooth pain is no joke poor little guy ;m;
Aw its ok! No sorry needed :>
My little one is getting bigger and bigger and has started teething! So his attitude has been not that great x.x;;
Been trying to get him on a schedule because he has his days and nights still flipped around and its leaving me like a walking zombie
Staying in quarantine with my family has me constantly annoyed lmao
I'm getting sick of everyone in my home xD
Hello. I'm kinda in a terrible mood at all times again, so I've been backing off of avatar sites before I slip into old habits of being an asshole to everyone but I'm still here.
Edit: also, my artist friend in Maine drew my cat for me and now I'm eagerly awaiting for her to send it to me here in Kentucky.
Edit: also, my artist friend in Maine drew my cat for me and now I'm eagerly awaiting for her to send it to me here in Kentucky.
@Keo: Pff, I realized after posting it was the new di... ;;>> I derped. XD
Aww... Are you sure?? Is there anything I can give as a thank you?? *^*; I'd feel bad for just taking them!
Yeah, they've been working hard on it. I've avoided getting in the way since my allergies have been bad. So I'll basically do clean up and painting. For the room? We've just got to mud and paint it. Then everything else is minor so maybe a few days on those?
Yeah, I can hope! I've been super worried about it. With the corona stuff, they had canceled and rescheduled once already so we've been waiting months at this point... I'm terrified he'll lose the tooth. :/
I just try not to rant. I know many are dealing with a lot so I don't like unloading... ;;>>
Aw, poor yall!! Teething is tough... (For both of you) If you have some vanilla, you can try rubbing a bit on his gums. It works wonders. Or frozen teethers and the vibrator teethers work great too if you can get them.
Oh no! I understand the feeling. I hope you get a break from everything soon.
@Gatorlec: Understandable! Just take care of you~ We'll be here when you feel like chatting. :)
Oh cool! Are you going to frame it? *^*
Aww... Are you sure?? Is there anything I can give as a thank you?? *^*; I'd feel bad for just taking them!
Yeah, they've been working hard on it. I've avoided getting in the way since my allergies have been bad. So I'll basically do clean up and painting. For the room? We've just got to mud and paint it. Then everything else is minor so maybe a few days on those?
Yeah, I can hope! I've been super worried about it. With the corona stuff, they had canceled and rescheduled once already so we've been waiting months at this point... I'm terrified he'll lose the tooth. :/
I just try not to rant. I know many are dealing with a lot so I don't like unloading... ;;>>
Aw, poor yall!! Teething is tough... (For both of you) If you have some vanilla, you can try rubbing a bit on his gums. It works wonders. Or frozen teethers and the vibrator teethers work great too if you can get them.
Oh no! I understand the feeling. I hope you get a break from everything soon.
@Gatorlec: Understandable! Just take care of you~ We'll be here when you feel like chatting. :)
Oh cool! Are you going to frame it? *^*
@PoeticTorment: You can give me whatever you want or nothing at all lmao
I doesn't matter much to meeee
Oh that's awesome that you are so close to the finish line! :D
I'm excited for you!
Yea that's fair. I honestly didn't think dentists would be open because of covid. But then that'd mean there would be so many people suffering for it.
I hope they can save the tooth!
Is it a baby tooth or an adult tooth?
It gets a bit rough ngl. Sometimes I lose my patience because he doesn't stop screaming and I can't calm him x.x;;
He loves frozen teethers! vibrating teethers sound amazing though :0
I never thought of vanilla on gums but that sounds worth a shot ;w;
I doesn't matter much to meeee
Oh that's awesome that you are so close to the finish line! :D
I'm excited for you!
Yea that's fair. I honestly didn't think dentists would be open because of covid. But then that'd mean there would be so many people suffering for it.
I hope they can save the tooth!
Is it a baby tooth or an adult tooth?
It gets a bit rough ngl. Sometimes I lose my patience because he doesn't stop screaming and I can't calm him x.x;;
He loves frozen teethers! vibrating teethers sound amazing though :0
I never thought of vanilla on gums but that sounds worth a shot ;w;
@PoeticTorment: Yes, I definitely will!!
Do you like my animal crossing dude? Sir Shamus of Titsburg.
Do you like my animal crossing dude? Sir Shamus of Titsburg.

@Keo: Lmao I'll probably send you some stuff. *^*; I have a few older event items you may like that I'd never use. XD
Yeah, I'm really hopeful! My folks were laughing at me though. My hubs doesn't get serious about stuff like this until he starts throwing money at it so they didn't believe we were getting close to done until I mentioned he's paying someone to help and buying everything we need to finish. Lmao That stimulus went straight to helping someone else basically. Though we did pay our bills and stuff first... *^*; We're caught up for a while.
They did have spots open for emergencies so kiddo should have been able to keep his appointment since it was a sudden break. Poor kid has waited months now. :/ I do too... He's eating so much less since it broke and it's only getting worse since then. A baby tooth, thankfully; but if he loses it so early it can damage how his teeth grow in later. ;;>>
Yeah, I'm sure! That tends to be the worst.
They have then on amazon if you can order them. It saved kiddo a lot of pain.
Yeah, it's calming and helps numb the pain for most. So I hope it helps if you try it. *^*
@Gatorlec: That's great! :)
Lmao Love the name!! And the outfit is cool. XD
Yeah, I'm really hopeful! My folks were laughing at me though. My hubs doesn't get serious about stuff like this until he starts throwing money at it so they didn't believe we were getting close to done until I mentioned he's paying someone to help and buying everything we need to finish. Lmao That stimulus went straight to helping someone else basically. Though we did pay our bills and stuff first... *^*; We're caught up for a while.
They did have spots open for emergencies so kiddo should have been able to keep his appointment since it was a sudden break. Poor kid has waited months now. :/ I do too... He's eating so much less since it broke and it's only getting worse since then. A baby tooth, thankfully; but if he loses it so early it can damage how his teeth grow in later. ;;>>
Yeah, I'm sure! That tends to be the worst.
They have then on amazon if you can order them. It saved kiddo a lot of pain.
Yeah, it's calming and helps numb the pain for most. So I hope it helps if you try it. *^*
@Gatorlec: That's great! :)
Lmao Love the name!! And the outfit is cool. XD
@Gatorlec: lmao dude thats a wonderful villager! and an even better name >u>
how is animal crossing? I've been teetering on buying it because it looks fun but also kinda don't want to spend the monies for it xD
@PoeticTorment: aw that's awsome! I'm still waiting on my stimulus *3*
But since I collect disability and the rest of the household had essential jobs we weren't suffering the stimulus check is pretty much gravy >w<;;
It's a shame he had to wait so long to get it fixed :C
But I'm sure the dental industry has been panicking over the virus x.x;;
I hope his eating habits haven't reflected his weight or growth ;m;
Well at least it will grow back if worse comes to worse.
How has your day been today? :D
how is animal crossing? I've been teetering on buying it because it looks fun but also kinda don't want to spend the monies for it xD
@PoeticTorment: aw that's awsome! I'm still waiting on my stimulus *3*
But since I collect disability and the rest of the household had essential jobs we weren't suffering the stimulus check is pretty much gravy >w<;;
It's a shame he had to wait so long to get it fixed :C
But I'm sure the dental industry has been panicking over the virus x.x;;
I hope his eating habits haven't reflected his weight or growth ;m;
Well at least it will grow back if worse comes to worse.
How has your day been today? :D
@Keo: Jumping in... I also have Animal Crossing and it's a super relaxing game. It's been what I play to chill with. It's very cute.
Oh. I hope you get it soon! My hubs still has his job, they had just cut hours so it basically just gave us a push where we needed it. XD
Yeah, I had told them it had broken do to him tripping so they had gotten us an appointment as soon as they could so we could talk about the options but it took them a few months to even get an appointment to fix it then the cancel made it even more difficult. (I honestly think the only reason they did this appointment so soon was that I explained he's eating way less and it was detrimental to his health.)
Oh yeah! They have a lot of rules they have to follow to even stay open. So I'm just thankful they got him in as soon as they could; like they normally don't do weekends so it's great they are. He's losing a bit of weight, he was already a picky eater so this is super worrisome for me. *^*;;
It's been okay! I got up early and cleaned the whole house and now just trying to catch up on laundry since kiddo feels like he has to change every few minutes. XD How about you?? *^*
Oh. I hope you get it soon! My hubs still has his job, they had just cut hours so it basically just gave us a push where we needed it. XD
Yeah, I had told them it had broken do to him tripping so they had gotten us an appointment as soon as they could so we could talk about the options but it took them a few months to even get an appointment to fix it then the cancel made it even more difficult. (I honestly think the only reason they did this appointment so soon was that I explained he's eating way less and it was detrimental to his health.)
Oh yeah! They have a lot of rules they have to follow to even stay open. So I'm just thankful they got him in as soon as they could; like they normally don't do weekends so it's great they are. He's losing a bit of weight, he was already a picky eater so this is super worrisome for me. *^*;;
It's been okay! I got up early and cleaned the whole house and now just trying to catch up on laundry since kiddo feels like he has to change every few minutes. XD How about you?? *^*
@PoeticTorment: Thank you. My flag is a pair of tatas and I hope non of my friends report it or I'll throat punch them. xD kidding of course.
How are you doing?
@Keo: Hows baby? How's motherhood?
How are you doing?
@Keo: Hows baby? How's motherhood?
@Gatorlec: Lol That's awesome! XD
I'm alright! Been busy and tired. *^*
I'm hoping things wind down asap after the remodel work is done.
How about you??
@lullaby: Thank you! How are you?
I'm alright! Been busy and tired. *^*
I'm hoping things wind down asap after the remodel work is done.
How about you??
@lullaby: Thank you! How are you?

@PoeticTorment: I'm okay!! I'm just chillin since i've no more work . how about u :o?
I have to be tested for covid-19. Jenni's mom tested positive and they just saw each other yesterday. >: C They've been seeing each other almost every day.
@lullaby: Oh, that's good! Just managed to get it done early?? May I ask what you do?
We've been busy with a remodel and I have my kiddo home since the school closed down so super busy most days.
I miss the few hours he was at school so I could clean and Keep it caught up, with him home 24/7 I'm struggling to do it all.
And it doesn't help my hubs is a messy person too + the remodel clean up. X'D I'm tired and there's not enough coffee in the world... *^*
@Gatorlec: Oh no! I hope the rest of you don't get it... *^*;; That's super concerning.
We've been busy with a remodel and I have my kiddo home since the school closed down so super busy most days.
I miss the few hours he was at school so I could clean and Keep it caught up, with him home 24/7 I'm struggling to do it all.
And it doesn't help my hubs is a messy person too + the remodel clean up. X'D I'm tired and there's not enough coffee in the world... *^*
@Gatorlec: Oh no! I hope the rest of you don't get it... *^*;; That's super concerning.

@PoeticTorment: It's school work not a job job; my job closed so I'm home right now.
That sounds really busy though! You're getting 'er done and it just shows how resilient momthers are. How's the remodel going ? Are you working on a common area :0?
That sounds really busy though! You're getting 'er done and it just shows how resilient momthers are. How's the remodel going ? Are you working on a common area :0?
@lullaby: Ah, okay. So you get to do school at home then? That must be nicer than being in class. *^*
Yeah, it really is! XD I can't wait for it to be done. We have to be!! Or chaos ensues ~ Lol
Pretty good! We have someone coming in and mudding a texture on the walls so I'll be able to paint soon-ish.
Yep, pretty much. We're working on upgrading the whole upstairs. So new electrical, insulation, walls... The whole nine yards in most of it. So was already taken care of but we've been slow... XD It's been halfway done for a while now so this is a huge step.
We'll still have to do the bathroom and a really small room we're using as storage but the rest will be done in a few days.
Maybe a week or two at most, since we're waiting on a new attic door to get here and it's late.
Yeah, it really is! XD I can't wait for it to be done. We have to be!! Or chaos ensues ~ Lol
Pretty good! We have someone coming in and mudding a texture on the walls so I'll be able to paint soon-ish.
Yep, pretty much. We're working on upgrading the whole upstairs. So new electrical, insulation, walls... The whole nine yards in most of it. So was already taken care of but we've been slow... XD It's been halfway done for a while now so this is a huge step.
We'll still have to do the bathroom and a really small room we're using as storage but the rest will be done in a few days.
Maybe a week or two at most, since we're waiting on a new attic door to get here and it's late.
@poetictorment: I've been waiting for two days. If they don't have tests, they should refer me somewhere else, otherwise, you'd think they'd take it seriously and test me asap but alas, I have yet to find a doctor who isn't an arrogant prick and takes my concerns seriously.

@Gatorlec: Yeah, I heard most places are low on them! Here they just tell you to stay home of you have signs of it unless your life seems to be in danger. Hopefully, y'all avoid getting it!!

@PoeticTorment: i did school from home but it was the most stressful thing i've ever been through because my courses weren't meant to be online, so the teachers completely ruined my will to continue. but i finished, and i'm glad i can no longer stress.
that's so much work!! is this the first house you've ever bought? i hope it becomes just like you've dreamt it, and a tour would be lovely! do you have any ideas on what you'll turn the storage room into?
@Gatorlec: idk if you're in america but cvs is doing free testing and results in 30 minutes. it's limited to certain states/areas though.
that's so much work!! is this the first house you've ever bought? i hope it becomes just like you've dreamt it, and a tour would be lovely! do you have any ideas on what you'll turn the storage room into?
@Gatorlec: idk if you're in america but cvs is doing free testing and results in 30 minutes. it's limited to certain states/areas though.
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