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Forums Welcome Committee Hey ✧゚・: *ヽ(・∀・ノ) * :・゚✧

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/4 10:04:52 )
Hey everyone!
I just made this account yesterday after a friend recommended it to me after she found out I'm a sucker for avatar sites.
It's lovely to meet you all!~

A bit about me:
Hi I'm Rose, an illustrator and animator from London!
I'm a big nerd for all things fantasy which is probably why I enjoy avatar sites so much, this one already seems to have such gorgeous items ((even if I'm still a little lost on the sites formatting and where to find/get more items, hah;;)
I like reading, drawing, playing games on the switch and all those sorts of nerd hobbies, haha!
I hope to get to know some of you too!

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/4 10:08:34 )
Hello and Welcome! I'm new too. Our usernames are so similar haha.

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/4 10:40:08 )
Hello and Welcome! I'm new too. Our usernames are so similar haha.

Ayyy!! They're so close to being the same, though Kreatura sounds slightly more magical!
Where did you get your name from?~

Mines a Hebrew name my mother was going to name me but dad decided differently. I like the sound of it a lot so decided to use it as an art name!

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/4 10:42:47 )
@keturah: I stole it off someone else on another website I went on like 10 years ago heheh.
That's so beautiful! I'm glad you're using it in some way, like paying respect to it.

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/4 10:50:08 )
@kreatura: Awhh, haha! It's a great name to steal!
I definitely did the same thing with one of my old gaia name, Mimki, was stolen from a friend as it was such a nice sounding name to me at the time.

Ah! I'm glad you see it that way too, my mum loves that I use it ;w;;

Donator — UWU/ Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/4 10:50:18 )
@Keturah: heya welcome to voltra!

awesome you can animate!!! i wish i be able to do that also. sadly, im now working as a major part of paying the rent/basic necessities. As much as i want to do it, nobody can replace me to cover the needs. I do save some money. i dont have the time to go to day classes. Online courses are a bit too much for me to do homework with (while at work, im still to this day need to learn new stuff)

sometimes it be nice if i have a partner to support my animation studies. i guess its not gonna happen any time this decade.

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/4 10:56:09 )
@kairu: Thank you so much!!

Oooo do you animate?
I couldn't see any of your animations but your illustrations are lovely! (sorry for stalking, haha!)
I haven't quite worked out the forums yet as to where to post my stuff or if it's worth it currently;; I always love joining sites as a resident artist but I'm still a bit confused on how to find items and their worth to know how to trade art for them.
Ahh! I'm so sorry to hear you're to focused on rent you're not able to be more creative! It must be super hard. What do you work as? (if I can ask!) I truly hope you're able to find more time for online courses too! I totally understand the feeling of never having enough time! I'm currently trying to work on some OC outfit pages and it's taking me forever because I just constantly don't have time or energy to do them.

I really need to get into doing more personal animations! My last one was from over 6 months ago ;___;
All the animations I do are for work now days~

Donator — UWU/ Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/4 11:03:35 )
i didnt have the opportunity to get into animation class. I do want to though. aside that its going to pull a lot of savings just for a bachelor degree, im not sure if its wise for me to study it as my first career. besides that my parents back then didnt think about art as a good primary source of survival back then so they didnt push my indecisiveness.

Im currently working as a developer in an IT company. Its a contract tho but it has so much stuff that is related to my uni studies. Even as it stands now, I cant go to a full time animation class. There is no such thing as part time in the local place and also there is no evening animation class. I just hope that covid era will make them realised that they needed a different approach of learning animation class.

i wanted to learn animation for various reasons. one of them is to help me self learn to improve my art through a guidance of art mentors. second is to create my own comic through the animation fundamental practise, lastly is to get into the entertainment industry.. whatever the job in there, i wanted to participate in any story formation projects to be created into cgi/ people film etc. that is pretty much my second dream job.

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/4 11:13:31 )
ah that seems like a really common theme among artists is parents not realising that art can and is a viable career. Though obviously it's a very hard industry to get into, there are many non-creative career paths that are also hard to get into but aren't looked down upon.

There are a lot of online resources, I'm not too familiar on animation ones but there are tones of artist ones to be found and learn from in your own time. Though obvious the fun will be trying to find the time to do them! Drawabox is a great course i'm going to spend a week doing next week to boost my perspective work and help generally drawing from scratch, which I can do but I could always improve on!

I'm not sure on how animation helps you create comics but I wish you luck with it all!!! I personally work as a 2D animator but find it's mostly building and moving assets to simulate frame by frame motion. I'm learning a lot but I definitely throw in any frame by frame I can have when necessary!
In my free time I don't even think about animation as I'm too busy drawing fantasy characters. I'm not sure if I'm more or less passionate about animation than illustration! I like em both in different ways.

Donator — UWU/ Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/4 12:18:12 )
I'm currently being guided by a couple of trusted people where one of them is a self study artist. I have a long history about my coping to the approach of art fundamentals. Had many different mentors, had many hiatus till I finally come back with some small improvements (more on observing my mistakes when grinding).

Believe it or not, there are skills that you can learn from doing other things unrelated to art that helps learning better. The more I dive into the grind, the appreciative I am to the artists of the past who does art to survive by doing multiple skills from paper to sculpting in which is something everyone are competing over for gaining identities. But that was all in the past. Art in modern times has a different symbolism. Despite all that, I wish that people would appreciate how the fundamentals was design and proven that these ideas exist to make art look pleasing while they go out of their way making new wave of art evolution. Time can only tell until there will another einstein of art later to the next decade.

So going back on why I insist on taking animation class despite I can self study, there is something from participating in class work that will help me gain more skills/techniques to learn art in a certain way. If I have given opportunity to have myself funded my basic monthly needs while I study animation, I would take that offer.

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/4 12:40:35 )
That's awesome you have mentors who have helped you along on your art journey.
I've always been doing mine with peers, rather than mentors so have no idea what that's like. I went to university for illustration animation but found most of my fundamental skills and practices came from self learning.
I loved having peers to grow and swap new skills with though I lost quite a few along the way as I improved and changed the way I worked, a lot gave up or moved on to other 'hobbies', haha.
Though I'm proud of how far I've come, I don't feel I have any deep connections with any peers anymore which sucks, but at least twitter makes it a bit easier to interact with peers. Even if it's not on a personal level.

Oh yeah I definitely believe that.
It's something you either are taught or work out that looking at different sources of creativity often will drive you in your own work, as well as trying out new ways of working helps determine what you enjoy or want to do with your work.
There's a lot of historical art movements I don't personally enjoy the look of but it's definitely important to realise their importance in art, as you describe! The issue is there's almost too many great artists now days. The industry is oversaturated so that art geniuses exist all over the place with how much access we have to learning tools.
I just have to remember to ground myself in my own learning and growing at my own pace.

I understand fully why you'd want to move into a structured learning environment, I'd never question that! A lot of people say you don't NEED art degrees now days but the truth is some people do and some don't. It's a very personal and situational decision that you'd know best what to choose! I'm glad I went to university but I also accept some people may not have needed the structure to learn as much as I did.

Do you do art for Voltra or is all your time, when not in class, focused on learning?

Donator — UWU/ Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/4 12:53:46 )
@Keturah: the remaining art mentors that I chose to trust have mellow down when critiquing my work over the years. Well you would understand too when you tried helping multiple artists. At some point I use discernment to decide if I need to go all out or not. Same goes for my mentors too. Like they do, theres stuff I cant help with. It does make my art circle much smaller than before. It didnt mind me not having many friends online and irl in the process.

Especially in covid era I would give people the benefit of the doubt cos everyone's on the edge cos they cant go out. System has been wack due to the virus interference to processing of the old. I'm certain that after covid is over, people online will be relax. . They'll be back to normal selves.. prolly most of them.

I'm mostly working for illustrations when there is an event. Otherwise, I'm giving pixelist some design ideas for new pixel items. You might see staff names when theres new item release. They credit who made them.
月の兎 ☆★☆ 鹿の光

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/4 14:20:58 )
I just realised!!!
Are you an artist for the site?? I wasn't sure if the ''artist'' header was from settings or because you're a website artist
* w *
Where do you meet /communicate with your mentors? Do you have a website/twitter/insta I can check out? I'd love to see more of your work if ya don't mind!
I'd love more artist peers of a similar level as it gets quite different the more I learn and more I see I have to learn! It's always been hard finding someone who matches that passion and interest in art as It's pretty much both my day job AND hobby.

That's so cool!! I know the site isn't hiring rn but I did apply to be an illustrator as it doesn't hurt to try!
Is the artist galleries the only art section of the site? do we just... make a post and post our work? even if it's old?

so sorry I have a lot of questions, haha;; still getting used to stuff around here~

Donator — AAAAAAAAAA Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/4 14:29:28 )

    welcome to voltra~ you're already looking very fancy |D


Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/4 14:35:10 )
Awhh!! Thank you so much both for the welcome and the compliment uwu!
I'm only so fancy thanks to my sweet friend Amber who sent me some event items to get me started! All the pixel items are so detailed, it's so cool seeing what other avatars people have created!

Ooooo did you draw the webcomic in your signature?
The art style and colouring is gorgeous!
It's great to see fellow artists on this site too ;w;

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/4 14:35:55 )

Welcome to Voltra!


currently: new novel who dis?

q u e s t i n g :
beanie doll! thank u cookie

Donator — AAAAAAAAAA Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/4 14:37:08 )

    @Keturah: hehe sites are more fun if you have friends to post with imo |D
    also great for making new friends!!

    and yes i did~ thank you :3


Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/4 14:42:55 )
So truee!!
It doesn't hurt to meet new people, especially those with similar interests and these sites are great for that!

That's awesome! I've always wanted to do something more with my work but aren't sure about the workload and time it takes to create a comic!
I'm still in that weird limbo stage where my art is skilled but still lacks compared to my ideas, haha! Super annoying!
I love that you have a shop here tho! I was thinking of making one once I get a bit more settled into pricing and item worth ect~
silly question, are you able to trade both Volts and Ohms? what's the translation rate between them?? I think I know 100 Ohms is 1$ right?

sorry if that's a stupid question

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/4 14:43:33 )
Thank you so much!!!
Everyone seems so sweet here and your avatar is so cute
I keep seeing so many great avatars I'm so lost as to what items to start trying to get! haha!
( ✧≖ ͜ʖ≖)
art dump ll instagram ll twitter

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/4 14:45:38 )
not gonna lie when I saw your name on the newest volties list
I thought you were a mule for Kreatura haha

and after love and loss and all the tears that I cried, I find that here we are in the future

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