Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/21 07:51:31 )
@xvz: I've got a few campaigns going on right now, most of them are home-brew, but two of them are modules.
Homebrew game 1: Faysira Lejen- Halfling- Fighter Samurai (lvl 16)
Homebrew game 2: Seraphina Apóchrosi - Scourge Aasimar - Divine Soul Sorcerer (Lvl 8)
Star Wars Module: Zehsassi Kezad- Dathomir Night Sister- Guardian Form VII Juyo
Homebrew Game 3: Ildan Mordan- Half Elf- Paladin Oath of the Ancients / Oath of Devotion
Curse of Strahd Module: Moriyah - Human - Sun Soul Monk
Homebrew Game 4: Lesthana - Half Elf- Wizard Blade-singer
And that's not including all of the one shot characters I have XD