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Forums Hangouts A little nook of my own... Page 40 prize- sketch

Voltie — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/7 21:29:48 )
@lullaby: Oh dear. That sounds awful. Sorry, it was so stressful! I'm glad you managed though.
It really is and my hubs has done most of the work himself since I'm so allergic to dust and such. I really don't need to end up sick cause of it. He hired a friend of his, since he doesn't have a job atm; so it helps him and gets us closer to the finish line.
We haven't bought a house at all actually. It was his dad's place before he passed away and it's split willed so it's stuck with us forever. (can't sale) It's a super old victorian, one of the first houses that was built in this area. We're just updating what's needed so not a dream home. At least for me! XD I was a cuter cottage type home. We hope to buy a small amount of land and build our dream home as a retirement thing and he agrees with my idea on style! <3 (At least for the inside, I dunno what he'll do on the outside. :/ )
The storage room will probably still be storage, mixed with a crafts room. It's really not very big so if we clean it out, it might just end up a sitting room with a tv in there.

Donator — stand user Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/7 22:13:15 )

@PoeticTorment: sorry to hear that about your hubby's pops :( i understand how that feels. that sounds like a perfect retirement home! what an amazing idea and plan, and then ur kid can have this super cool victorian! are u gonna teach them the importance of the house or will you let them decide what they wanna do?


Voltie — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/7 22:27:28 )
@lullaby: It's alright. He passed mainly due to old age. (He was sick but he was really old) He was a kind old man that fall in love with a younger woman. *^*; Yeah, it's sucky. I can hope so! I've had the plans drawn out/doodled for a while now so I'm hoping it happens sooner rather than later... I don't really care for the layout on this house. It's rather weird since it's so old so many people have added on to it. XD
Oh, he'll know it's the family home! It's permanent in our family due to the will so it's kinda a must. But he'll get to decide if he wants to live here or find someplace else when he's older. Cause I'm no way going to force him. lol If he chooses not to live here, I'm thinking rent house if I can get hubs to agree when the time comes. It'll be a few years off though.

Donator — stand user Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/8 01:57:20 )

@PoeticTorment: I love that for him, he was lookin for something to make him HAPPY. I'm glad it was old age though, and I feel for older people who have to live through this current state of the world because most of them just sit here, you know? and just watch..

sorry i have grandparents that i'm meeting tomorrow and i'm a bit morbid -w- "

what kind of cottage are you thinking? :0 i love older homes maybe hit me up in a few years and i might take a gander in renting :o. if you settle on what you want to do, that is.


Voltie — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/8 02:59:10 )
@lullaby: Yeah, my thoughts exactly. I feel the same way, it's sad how some are cut off from the world completely. :/
It's okay. It happens. *^*
I'm thinking a mixed type but I'm not sure how to explain it? XD Like cabin/victorian/english cottage with stone. *^*;;
Lol Sure if you're in our area~ But I dunno if you'd be in small town panhandle. XD

Donator — stand user Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/8 03:08:21 )

@PoeticTorment: :< right? is so sad, just like this entire thing hmph.

stONE !! i haven't seen that in buildings a lot but it sounds like a wonderbul idea overall :o. i give u my luck. and also !! i dont mind relocating if it means big victorian home >:D


Voltie — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/8 03:29:30 )
@lullaby: Yep... Fully agree. *^*
It'll probably be fake stone or something cause we plan to have a lot of wood inside. Thanks! I'm hopeful. Lol
XD Okay! I'll keep that in mind but it'd be several years so dunno if I'd remember.

Donator — stand user Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/8 03:34:49 )

@PoeticTorment: good luck owo, stone and wood were my favourite combos back in my minecraft days.

das oki, i might see it on zillow when i'm starting to become The Ultimate Adult


Donator — - Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/8 19:32:14 )
@PoeticTorment: pinging
@lullaby: both of you

I went to the hospital and sat in the testing tent. I don't know how good the cvs tests are because the hospital told me that it'll take 24 hours for a result. As for the money, my insurance picked it up.

It was... interesting. They shove a big long qtip type swab up your nose all the way. It was unpleasant and Jenni was flailing her arms as the guy doing the test is trying to tell her to relax.

Voltie — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/8 20:30:42 )
@lullaby: Lol It's been forever since I played minecraft. XD True enough, I tend to forget that there are the house seller sites. Never had to use them.

@Gatorlec: Oh yuck! I heard that was how they were testing but it sounded farfetched... That makes my sinuses hurt just thinking about it. I don't blame her for freaking out! That would look terrifying.

Donator — - Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/8 21:03:27 )
@PoeticTorment: It wasn't painful, just extremely unpleasant. Jenni cried. However when I asked her if she was crying because they hurt her, she went, "I'm NOT crying, Shamus!!!" But she was indeed crying. I think she was just so caught up in the unpleasantness.

Donator — stand user Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/9 00:48:38 )

@Gatorlec: i saw the test diagrams and how many people are conspiring with it. i hope the tests come back negative so you can social distance the best way!

@PoeticTorment: same, minecraft updated for the last time on my xbox 360 and the music is already sad, so knowing it won't update anymore makes it ultimate sad.


Donator — - Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/9 15:37:38 )
@lullaby: I'm an essential worker, so I was scared about possibly having exposed all my coworkers, plus my kids and ex wife.

But it's negative. Phew.

@poetictorment: It's negative!!!

Voltie — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/10 00:00:22 )
@lullaby: Yeah, I can understand that. It's always sad when the support stops. *^*

@Gatorlec: That's great!! I'm glad it worked out.

Donator — stand user Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/10 00:53:18 )

@Gatorlec: i'm glad it came back negative :D woot woot

@PoeticTorment: ;-; yeah especially since i don't wanna shell out on an xbox one..


Donator — - Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/15 08:36:22 )
My supervisor got promoted and I'm going to miss him being my supervisor. He's chill and understanding.
For example: I have lupus and I sometimes I feel just very sick. He knows this. Tonight I had a dizzy spell and was extremely nauseous. My supervisor let me sit down and rest until it passed.
Me: Hey, I don't feel good. I feel like I'm going to throw up.
Him: Yeah, I can tell. You don't look good at all. I mean, you never look good. Haha, kidding man. Yeah, go sit down and chill for a bit, you don't have to find me and get permission. I know that you have medical conditions.
I'm just gonna miss that kind of stuff. I just hope that his replacement will be as chill and cool too. He's still going to be here, he's just going to be my manager's assistant. He said that he won't let someone come in and be mean to us. So he said that we need to tell him if his replacement is because he'll settle it.

EDIT: Also, Happy birthday to my now 3 year old son, Noel. Feels like just yesterday I was telling you guys on Cae about his birth.

Donator — Fox Lady Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/15 09:09:54 )
*peeks into the thread*

Herro I'm bored and it's too early to sleep. So...hi o/

Donator — - Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/18 21:47:28 )
Look what I bought for me the kids.


Voltie — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/28 01:22:06 )
@lullaby: I don't blame you there. The new stations are rather pricey.

@Gatorlec: Well, I hope the new one is as nice! But it does sound like the old one will still look out for y'all.
Also, where did you get those?? I need to get a set... *^*

@Crystalkitsune85: Hi! Sorry that I wasn't around to greet you~ It's been super busy here. I hope you managed to find a cure for your boredom.
Please ping!! I'm a busy mom and tend to get lost~

^^Page prizes = FREE Sketch!!
It's only forever~ It's not long at all...

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/05/28 01:22:56 )
@PoeticTorment: hey Poetic how are you doing today?

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