@genuine fake: where you from and what time is it there ?.. its 9.51am here ..
It sure is ive seen alot of familiar people from a few sites im on now ^.^
Forums General Chit-Chat Tell me an interesting fact about yourself
@LilMissKushy: It's 5:02AM and I'm from Northeastern US. I haven't slept yet hehe.
What other sites are you on, if you don't mind me asking? c:
What other sites are you on, if you don't mind me asking? c:
@genuine fake: im from northern Ireland ^.^ i started off on menewsha.. i joined solia but tried logging in recently and it wont let me.. also roliana i tried but apparently its gone now so didnt get far lol.. im on nikki dress up i like that game its cool.. i also tried zantarni the other day but theres so much to do on there like u build gym stats and stuff and was bit too much XD i will log in again later and try again lol wbu?
Are ya ready, guyz?!
@Genuine Fake: unfortunately, I don't remember most of it now, but it's still better than the 8the grade spanish class I took
You could look to the teacher for help during your spoken final, get it, and not get dinged for it
Even the kids known to be the smart kids who overachieved were lazy!
You could look to the teacher for help during your spoken final, get it, and not get dinged for it
Even the kids known to be the smart kids who overachieved were lazy!
Put ya guns awn!
**** (> ^ w ^ <) ****
@Genuine Fake: That drawing in my signature, yes I drew it. *nods* Thank you, seeing your reply actually made me happy and please don't be sad! :c It's not my intention to make anyone sad.
Also to answer your question on the other thread you first made, I played Sims on PC as I don't have console. And what's a Cricut if you don't mind me asking? :o
And congrats on taking the first step on your opportunity and I wish you the best to reach your goal! ^^
@Genuine Fake: That drawing in my signature, yes I drew it. *nods* Thank you, seeing your reply actually made me happy and please don't be sad! :c It's not my intention to make anyone sad.
Also to answer your question on the other thread you first made, I played Sims on PC as I don't have console. And what's a Cricut if you don't mind me asking? :o
And congrats on taking the first step on your opportunity and I wish you the best to reach your goal! ^^
@LilMissKushy: I feel like I may have made accounts on Roliana and Solia but never got too into them. Idk whyy though. I think I was just content with Gaia at the time mainly lol. I never heard of Nikki Dress up o: I'm only on Caedon and here actively atm. I do have a Recolor account I made forever ago as well but I rarely log in and I don't think I've ever even posted. XD
@Kitalpha Hart: oh my gosh that sounds ridiculously easy. But yea I get that, why bother trying when you literally don't have to xD Sucks when you actually wanna learn something. I wonder how some teachers get away with being so awful at their job lol!
@ChiffonOrange: I love the art in your sig, you should definitely pursue it! c: I would buy art from you~ Cx
I've been playing Sims 4 on the PS4. My laptop was just too old and laggy, I just made the switch. I really miss having CC and mods tho. I would have preferred a gaming computer but the PS4 was cheaper than the PC I would've wanted lol. And now I'm way too committed (spent too much) to switch back to PC, at least for Sims 4. I have a lot of expansions for 3 on PC. I hate that your games/expansions don't transfer to PC and console. Like, I get it. But it sucks you gotta buy it twice. They're already making tons of money off all their game/expansion/stuff packs. T-T
and a Cricut is this cool machine that cuts stuff out on a ton of different materials. You gotta buy different blades n stuff for it. It can do a lot, though. You can make stickers and vinyls for on tshirts and other items. It's really neat. I think there's similar things to it but I haven't looked into it and don't know what any of the other brands are.
Thank you n-n <3
@Kitalpha Hart: oh my gosh that sounds ridiculously easy. But yea I get that, why bother trying when you literally don't have to xD Sucks when you actually wanna learn something. I wonder how some teachers get away with being so awful at their job lol!
@ChiffonOrange: I love the art in your sig, you should definitely pursue it! c: I would buy art from you~ Cx
I've been playing Sims 4 on the PS4. My laptop was just too old and laggy, I just made the switch. I really miss having CC and mods tho. I would have preferred a gaming computer but the PS4 was cheaper than the PC I would've wanted lol. And now I'm way too committed (spent too much) to switch back to PC, at least for Sims 4. I have a lot of expansions for 3 on PC. I hate that your games/expansions don't transfer to PC and console. Like, I get it. But it sucks you gotta buy it twice. They're already making tons of money off all their game/expansion/stuff packs. T-T
and a Cricut is this cool machine that cuts stuff out on a ton of different materials. You gotta buy different blades n stuff for it. It can do a lot, though. You can make stickers and vinyls for on tshirts and other items. It's really neat. I think there's similar things to it but I haven't looked into it and don't know what any of the other brands are.
Thank you n-n <3
Are ya ready, guyz?!
@Genuine Fake: small school, she taught more than Spanish, and her other class wasn't as easy as Spanish
And also a lot more interesting
And also a lot more interesting
Put ya guns awn!
**** (> ^ w ^ <) ****
@Genuine Fake: Ah perhaps someday lol, and I see. Using CCs and mods on PC tend to be much easier than on console I suppose
and I did played Sims 3 before but I wasn't interested in it anymore due to Sims 4's robust character creation xD and yeah it does sucks if you had to buy the same games for a different console.
Ooo that sounds nice! And I see, I see. *nods*
You're welcome, anytime!
@Genuine Fake: Ah perhaps someday lol, and I see. Using CCs and mods on PC tend to be much easier than on console I suppose

Ooo that sounds nice! And I see, I see. *nods*
You're welcome, anytime!
@Kitalpha Hart: Huh. How odd she'd just say "screw it" to that one class basically XD That's so weird. Maybe because she was teaching the other ones though and it was easier to juggle that way. o:
@ChiffonOrange: Yea you can't get CC or mods on the console at all. /: At least not on the PS4. I agree. I honestly haven't tried going back and playing Sims 3 because even it was laggy on the laptop I had. But I used to have Sims 2, and when 3 came out, I hated it at first but stuck to it for the cool new features. Then I LOVED it way more than 2 and couldn't go back. So I'm sure it would be the same if I tried to go back to 3 now. I love the multitasking and the sims do show more personality than they did in 3 like you said. There's so many improvements.
@ChiffonOrange: Yea you can't get CC or mods on the console at all. /: At least not on the PS4. I agree. I honestly haven't tried going back and playing Sims 3 because even it was laggy on the laptop I had. But I used to have Sims 2, and when 3 came out, I hated it at first but stuck to it for the cool new features. Then I LOVED it way more than 2 and couldn't go back. So I'm sure it would be the same if I tried to go back to 3 now. I love the multitasking and the sims do show more personality than they did in 3 like you said. There's so many improvements.
**** (> ^ w ^ <) ****
@Genuine Fake: I see. *nods* And true, I heard people saying it was laggy when you play 3 :o or sometimes just freezing your sims whenever you clicked an action on an object.
Ahaha same, despite 2 is my favourite Sims game of all time during my childhood lol. And yeah, it's hard to go back to older Sims games since Sims 4 has already improved compared to 2 and 3 (including 1 as well) and yeah, they do have more personality and emotions than ever. Though... there are some people who outright hate Sims 4 and always kept saying how Sims 4 is worse than the other two and my mind's just like "you guys need to chill out, nobody forced you to like 4".
@Genuine Fake: I see. *nods* And true, I heard people saying it was laggy when you play 3 :o or sometimes just freezing your sims whenever you clicked an action on an object.
Ahaha same, despite 2 is my favourite Sims game of all time during my childhood lol. And yeah, it's hard to go back to older Sims games since Sims 4 has already improved compared to 2 and 3 (including 1 as well) and yeah, they do have more personality and emotions than ever. Though... there are some people who outright hate Sims 4 and always kept saying how Sims 4 is worse than the other two and my mind's just like "you guys need to chill out, nobody forced you to like 4".
Are ya ready, guyz?!
@Genuine Fake: I think we didn't care as much in seventh grade
After she left, the next Spanish teacher, I heard, taught the class expecting them to know stuff they, in fairness, should've learned, but since she had been so lenient, no one did
Thankfully by then I was taking ASL so i didn't have to deal with it
After she left, the next Spanish teacher, I heard, taught the class expecting them to know stuff they, in fairness, should've learned, but since she had been so lenient, no one did
Thankfully by then I was taking ASL so i didn't have to deal with it
Put ya guns awn!
@Genuine Fake: take youre Time till you really want it :) maybe the baby of your sister Change your mind... babies Change a Lot things xD thank you dear i Love my Job ist the best and most rewardibg Job to raise a Child im 28 now and i wanted to be a mom my body was just ready even with the pill xD
Okay but tell me if you saw items you like ^_^
Okay but tell me if you saw items you like ^_^
@ChiffonOrange: Mine too! I agree lol. It's not like the old games stop working or something. They can keep using them. Like you said, no one is forcing them to like it or switch. I was really hoping that they would add an online feature though to be able to play with a friend. xD That would have been so cool. I had heard a rumor they might, but nope. ): It's still cool though! I can't wait until I have every expansion pack *_*
@Kitalpha Hart: Wow haha that would be sucky for whoever had the new teacher! Hopefully they were given a chance to actually learn the information XD Lucky you though getting outta there! I wouldn't wanna deal with that.
@Miss Sandman: Right sometimes I'm not sure if I even want them, as much as I adore the kiddos in my life. My fiancee I think would be perfectly happy if we didn't ever have kids, I feel like he'd be doing it more for me. So that kinda influences my thoughts/feelings about it. But other things do, too. Sometimes I just don't think I would be a good mom and labor scares me lol. Hopefully if I decide I want them, me and my fiancee can both agree we are ready and he is more on board! Maybe it'll just happen for us one day if it's meant to be, like it did for you! And it'll just be the right time. :D
Awww okay I will. You're too sweet, thank you<3 n_n
@Kitalpha Hart: Wow haha that would be sucky for whoever had the new teacher! Hopefully they were given a chance to actually learn the information XD Lucky you though getting outta there! I wouldn't wanna deal with that.
@Miss Sandman: Right sometimes I'm not sure if I even want them, as much as I adore the kiddos in my life. My fiancee I think would be perfectly happy if we didn't ever have kids, I feel like he'd be doing it more for me. So that kinda influences my thoughts/feelings about it. But other things do, too. Sometimes I just don't think I would be a good mom and labor scares me lol. Hopefully if I decide I want them, me and my fiancee can both agree we are ready and he is more on board! Maybe it'll just happen for us one day if it's meant to be, like it did for you! And it'll just be the right time. :D
Awww okay I will. You're too sweet, thank you<3 n_n
**** (> ^ w ^ <) ****
@Genuine Fake: Yeah, as long as one enjoys playing old or new games alike and they had a choice whether they can keep their older games or not unless they still refuse to listen or kept being jerks to other fans who enjoy newer (or both) games. Hmmm.... an online feature sounds unique and maybe we can see what our sims doing while we play or just watch their interactions lmao but I doubt they're gonna add it in Sims 4, they would probably add said feature in future Sims games if they don't mess up that is :viosweat:
I only brought some expansion and game packs but only one stuff pack 'cause there's too many stuff packs to choose from haha xD I'm gonna wait until the sales appear and sorry if I went afk, I had dinner just now ^_^;;
@Genuine Fake: Yeah, as long as one enjoys playing old or new games alike and they had a choice whether they can keep their older games or not unless they still refuse to listen or kept being jerks to other fans who enjoy newer (or both) games. Hmmm.... an online feature sounds unique and maybe we can see what our sims doing while we play or just watch their interactions lmao but I doubt they're gonna add it in Sims 4, they would probably add said feature in future Sims games if they don't mess up that is :viosweat:
I only brought some expansion and game packs but only one stuff pack 'cause there's too many stuff packs to choose from haha xD I'm gonna wait until the sales appear and sorry if I went afk, I had dinner just now ^_^;;
Are ya ready, guyz?!
@Genuine Fake: I don't know if the new teacher figured out that they had none of the knowledge she expected them to have, or just assumed they were griping because high schoolers, no matter the school size, do have some things in common
We did drive off a sub once. "Back in Korea they do it by themselves and faster" was her whine. Our teacher allowed us to work together
Also, she insisted my name was Gail. Not. Even. Close!
If the school had been big enough to have the population hierarchy, I would've been low on it. Thankfully, too small for cliques, so people mix and match. As it was, I was one of the lesser-known kids, one of the quiet ones that some liked to pick on until I slung it back, and even those that disliked me found her insisting that her way of saying my name was right to be really bad
We never saw her after that day
Get rekt, bitch. Betcha your oh-so-good-kids wouldn't do thaaaaaaaat >:)
We did drive off a sub once. "Back in Korea they do it by themselves and faster" was her whine. Our teacher allowed us to work together
Also, she insisted my name was Gail. Not. Even. Close!
If the school had been big enough to have the population hierarchy, I would've been low on it. Thankfully, too small for cliques, so people mix and match. As it was, I was one of the lesser-known kids, one of the quiet ones that some liked to pick on until I slung it back, and even those that disliked me found her insisting that her way of saying my name was right to be really bad
We never saw her after that day
Get rekt, bitch. Betcha your oh-so-good-kids wouldn't do thaaaaaaaat >:)
Put ya guns awn!
@genuine fake: i liked solia... i didnt talk much on there it was a pretty quiet site..
I seen that recoloured when was looking for avatar sites but i didnt sign up.. i might have a look and check it out ^.^
I seen that recoloured when was looking for avatar sites but i didnt sign up.. i might have a look and check it out ^.^

Probably everyone else here knows this and is sick of hearing it lol... but I'm narcoleptic! I also just had a baby, so my sleep schedule is whack.
@ChiffonOrange: I agree! (: And yea, I doubt they'll add it too. They'll save it for 5 if they do it at all probably, but we'll definitely pay for it if they do add it surely lol! It won't just be a free upgrade for 4. But yea I don't see that happening, I just heard rumors before 4 came out that they might be including it as a feature. I thought it would've been really cool if they found a way to make it work. o: It would have changed the dynamics of the game to a degree though, I think, to make it work. So I can understand why they didn't/possibly won't.
I don't think I have any stuff packs except for ones that came in bundles. XD And as kind of a rule for myself, I ONLY buy Expansions/Game packs when they're 50% off because the sales are often enough, why not. xD Here and there I'll buy them if it's a new release and I'm SUPER excited and can't wait but not often. I just can't justify $40 (I can buy a whole new game for that T-T) for an expansion when it'll go on sale eventually for half that. o:
@Kitalpha Hart: Ohh wow she sounds like something else lmao. She definitely would know what your name is better than you XD How dare you. Obviously you're the one that's wrong. ;) Lmao. Seriously though at least you guys never had to deal with her again!
I don't know how you remember all of this so vividly, my memory is crap lol! Off the top of my head without thinking super hard about it, I can not think of a single sub I ever had XD I guess it had reason to stand out though, and like I said, my memory is garbage so xD
I get all that though about being quiet in school and stuff. You basically described my HS experience. Although it was a little clique-y, there was probably still more mix n matching than in bigger schools.
@LilMissKushy: Oh yea I forgot about that one! I think I might've posted there just a little bit years ago, but didn't stick around. >: It's not that I dislike any of them, I guess I just don't really like starting over on new sites. Like making friends and starting from scratch with no monies/items. Idk, I just liked having my nice big inventory full of items that I built up from years of playing and donating and events.
@Glume: I've only known (not real well) one person who has that. I'm always interested to learn about things like that, although I really don't know anything really about narcolepsy other than what it is basically. Is that controllable with medication, or is it just something you kinda gotta work around? o: Congratulations on the new little one :D I bet he/she is just precious! <33 I don't gotta baby but my sleep schedule is pretty whack too. D: haha
I don't think I have any stuff packs except for ones that came in bundles. XD And as kind of a rule for myself, I ONLY buy Expansions/Game packs when they're 50% off because the sales are often enough, why not. xD Here and there I'll buy them if it's a new release and I'm SUPER excited and can't wait but not often. I just can't justify $40 (I can buy a whole new game for that T-T) for an expansion when it'll go on sale eventually for half that. o:
@Kitalpha Hart: Ohh wow she sounds like something else lmao. She definitely would know what your name is better than you XD How dare you. Obviously you're the one that's wrong. ;) Lmao. Seriously though at least you guys never had to deal with her again!
I don't know how you remember all of this so vividly, my memory is crap lol! Off the top of my head without thinking super hard about it, I can not think of a single sub I ever had XD I guess it had reason to stand out though, and like I said, my memory is garbage so xD
I get all that though about being quiet in school and stuff. You basically described my HS experience. Although it was a little clique-y, there was probably still more mix n matching than in bigger schools.
@LilMissKushy: Oh yea I forgot about that one! I think I might've posted there just a little bit years ago, but didn't stick around. >: It's not that I dislike any of them, I guess I just don't really like starting over on new sites. Like making friends and starting from scratch with no monies/items. Idk, I just liked having my nice big inventory full of items that I built up from years of playing and donating and events.
@Glume: I've only known (not real well) one person who has that. I'm always interested to learn about things like that, although I really don't know anything really about narcolepsy other than what it is basically. Is that controllable with medication, or is it just something you kinda gotta work around? o: Congratulations on the new little one :D I bet he/she is just precious! <33 I don't gotta baby but my sleep schedule is pretty whack too. D: haha
**** (> ^ w ^ <) ****
@Genuine Fake: True, gotta save it for a potential Sims 5 if that happens unless the creators say Sims 4 will be the final series for the Sims franchise, then there's nothing we can do about it but to wait.
Same about the sales! I always try to grab the opportunity to buy the packs I wanted lol, then again I was considering to buy a bundle buuut they're pretty darn expensive than a single pack ( ;_ ; ) not helping that I live in a country that has a smaller currency rate than USD or SGD, so I tend to rely on sales often, especially sales about expansion or game packs.
Edit: Oops, I accidentally clicked trade with you while on mobile, so I cancelled said trade. Sorry about that :viosweat:
@Genuine Fake: True, gotta save it for a potential Sims 5 if that happens unless the creators say Sims 4 will be the final series for the Sims franchise, then there's nothing we can do about it but to wait.
Same about the sales! I always try to grab the opportunity to buy the packs I wanted lol, then again I was considering to buy a bundle buuut they're pretty darn expensive than a single pack ( ;_ ; ) not helping that I live in a country that has a smaller currency rate than USD or SGD, so I tend to rely on sales often, especially sales about expansion or game packs.
Edit: Oops, I accidentally clicked trade with you while on mobile, so I cancelled said trade. Sorry about that :viosweat:
@Genuine Fake: yeah i really can understand your feelings! i worked at a daycare and i just love kids but also was scared to be a mother long time! and well i cant say that the labor was very nice xD but this painful nasty thing called labor is just natural and you can just hope you have nice nurses and doctors with you =)
if it happens it happens i need to say i was so scared after the positive test i just cried like 2 days
if it happens it happens i need to say i was so scared after the positive test i just cried like 2 days
~Pls Ping me~
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Nothing fancy to see here!!!
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