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Donator — Whatever Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/9 15:47:58 )
Are ya ready, guyz?!

@Genuine Fake: that's just how memorable that bitch was
We were the first class of the day too, and word spread fast. Every other class she had went into chaos mode to get rid of her

There's also the time where we didn't have a teacher at study hall so the principal had to watch us
Poor woman's so tiny, that even with three inch heels the high-set phone was still above her head
And I wasn't there because homecoming game is sports and blah sports, but apparently she broke her back at one due to a massive brain fart
And then for a different one she mandated that the band had to be there. If the lid was a cheerleader or in the team, they were excepted
She never made that request again because none of us wanted to be there and we gave our team a ton of fouls by being rowdy >:)
How, you ask? It started small. One trumpet would play that horse race fanfare, and the rest of the trumpet players would yell charge. By the end, all the trumpets were doing the fanfare and the rest of us, including the band teacher, yes yelling charge. Yes, the principal was there, so she didn't hear second-hand. I had to hold the one door open because her kid was being scared about all the noise and stuff and so they were gonna go inside for a bit
And for someone who wore high heels all the time, she could literally sneak up on you without a sound. So, ninja principal

Put ya guns awn!

Donator — she/they Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/9 16:10:15 )
@Genuine Fake: It supposedly is manageable by medication but I chose not to. I enjoy my narcolepsy, but I'm lucky that my symptoms aren't scary or overwhelming to me. I've got the normal fall asleep at unusual times thing. This comes with cataplexy, which means sometimes my muscles stop functioning and parts of me, usually just eyelids and neck, but sometimes my hands or legs, go limp. Quite often as a child, I used to get sleep paralysis, and see the shadow people that commonly go with it. I hallucinate, but usually nothing scary, and it doesn't take me too long to figure out if its real. I always lucid dream, which is my favorite part.
Here's a weird thing to try to explain, lol: I used to have a persistent dream world, I could map it out if I took the time... but when I was pregnant, that changed. All my dreams suddenly took place in my childhood home. Once I had my baby, that changed again... I actually had a dream where my brain was looking for a "new dimension" to settle in. For the past two weeks since I had my baby, I've been in a much more "cinematic" realm, all my dreams are now like movies, and the cast of said dreams are secretly mutants or monsters. I have no idea what this says about my mental well-being XD

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/9 21:24:57 )

I am left-handed owo
Not the most interesting fact but my mom wanted to correct it by using my right hand more when I was young, but my dad intervene and said it to leave me be. So umm yay for dad xD


Voltie — Cat Lady Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/10 08:09:13 )
@ChiffonOrange: Right haha. I find in the long run you save money with the bundles, and when they're on sale they're cheaper than a single pack at full price. But it may be different since I'm in the US. I don't ever buy full priced bundles though xD I've only bought maybe 3 full price and it was like Strangerville, the magic one cause I was super pumped about it, and Sims 4 that came with pets when I first bought my PS4. I'm sure I've saved hundreds waiting for the sales! Usually the sales on PS4 include everything except the newest releases and they do them pretty regular. No worries, I saw that and was confused so figured I'd just leave it alone xDD

@Miss Sandman: Yea it sounds like you felt similarly, so I'm sure one day I will be ready. :) Right lol! My little sisters labor was pretty smooth and quick thankfully. She literally only pushed for like 10 minutes. She got very lucky! But she's still sore. Yea it sounded like she had nice doctors. She was only allowed one person in the whole hospital with her because of the virus though ): But she got to have our mom with her, so that's all she really needed anyway. <3 We just had to wait to meet the new baby until she was discharged. xD Awww <3 I think that's probably a normal way to react though. It's crazy knowing you got a little human growing inside of you and your whole life is going to be about them now. <3 c:

@Kitalpha Hart: Lmao sounds like she brought it on herself, otherwise I would feel bad for her!

Lol wow sounds like there was never a dull moment at your school for being small! You guys sound rowdy af. Those are some crazy stories. How'd she break her back bc of a brain fart? o.O

@Glume: Oh that's good your symptoms don't scare/overwhelm you, then. I get why you may opt out of taking medication, then. Are you awake when your eyelids/neck go limp? Or are you asleep? I can't imagine what that would feel like! Thanks so much for sharing about your experience! I find it so interesting (not that I find it interesting when people suffer or anything but I think you know what I mean) when people share first hand experiences like that. I always imagine what it's like to be other people, so I like hearing the first person narrative.

I'd love to hear more stories about the sleep paralysis and shadow people! I love reading stories on reddit about that. :) Lucid dreaming sounds very cool too! I think that would be my favorite part as well. I've never successfully managed it myself D: I'm glad your hallucinations aren't scary and you're able to tell. That wouldn't be fun to say the least. /:

Oh my gosh that's so interesting and scary at the same time! My dream worlds aren't as consistent but I do have reoccurring places pop up. Though I also don't always remember my dreams, either. That's so cool though. I wonder if it has to do with how you lucid dream and stuff. o: The cast secretly being monsters and stuff would creep me out. My nightmares are sometimes people not being who they're supposed to be, and it freaks me out so bad. XD I find "possession" type stuff and monsters hiding in "skin suits" real creepy in movies and stuff if it's done right. Nothing scares me like my own imagination does though lmao. XDD I can't let it wonder too much on topics like that or next thing I know I'm making my fiancee come pee with me cause I'm scurred. xDD Oops.

@Totalanimefan: Yes exactly! Honestly depending on the accent, I can be TERRIBLE at understanding and it makes me feel like a giant pile of poo. >: Usually I get used to it really quickly, though. For example the shop I always go to for vape juice. I used to not understand the guys there very well, but now it's not often I don't understand something and when they repeat it I usually get it the first time. I just hate the getting used to it part. I get anxiety and stuff so I just always worry after like, "they probably hate me and think I'm so rude" and stuff XDD

@PurpdaBurpPurp: Oh neat! My fiancee is left handed as well. My Gram was, too. She told me when she was in school they'd smack her hand with a ruler if she tried to use her left. >: Thank goodness for Dad!!

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/10 08:13:59 )
**** (> ^ w ^ <) ****

@Genuine Fake: Haha yeah, the sales are better than non-sales though. And I also liked Realm of Magic pack too! Along with Strangerville xD, I think I prefer City Living and Get Together (the latter is mainly because I want dancing skills for reasons lmao)

Forgot to ask something, who's your favourite Sims character? :3 Can be from any series!

And glad you understand my reason for accidentally pressing the trade button which I didn't mean to.

Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/10 09:47:23 )
@genuine fake: yeah im the same.. i was all for menewsha until i realised certain things wont change its sad .. but i got to join here and caedon and i already made some friends and already friends here from other sites im on so it all worked out well ^.^

Donator — Whatever Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/10 10:19:08 )
Are ya ready, guyz?!

@Genuine Fake: she did. We aren't normally nasty to subs, so the fact that we united to drive one out says a lot

Okay, so I was basketball game. Or at least in the gym
On one side, up a floor, there's a mezzanine. It has a pair of large garage doors that they open up and set bleachers in front of for extra seating. For safety, there's rails in front of these doors. The top of the gym bleachers are high enough that a person can climb over the railing and into the mezz. There's space enough between rails and doors that people can and will use that as a seat when they're shut. Or they would, but there's the gym teachers up there, keeping kids off of them
SO. As you know, principal is tiny, she wears high heels any time she's at work. She's a the game, discovers that someone has a bag in the way, a tripping hazard. So, in the matters of safety, she confiscates the bag. Now, a smart idea would be to use one of the ground-level doors (there's space enough for movement even when the bleachers are fully opened) and take it to the pickup zone that way
Nope, she has a complete brain fart, and goes to CLIMB OVER THE RAILS with one hand encumbered and wearing high heels
Naturally, she slipped and fell. And broke her back. Not the spine itself, but the knobby bits. So, she didn't register that something broke until after she had driven home
And I didn't hear until a month and a half later what had happened, to tell you how out of the loop I normally am about such things

Put ya guns awn!

Donator — she/they Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/10 10:26:35 )
@Genuine Fake: I'm both awake and asleep when cataplexy hits. Sometimes I'll see my dreams superimposed on the real world or vice versa.

Here are a few shadow people stories for you: I used to see them a lot in my youth. They'd tug on my covers and scare the crap out of me until one day I willed myself to roll over and scratch one in the face. I felt it under my nails. It was so real that I was checking my parents for scratch marks the next day. They left me alone for a long time until one night when I was sleeping over at my aunts house. I took the room next to her and her new boyfriend. A shadow person appeared in a far corner. The room lit up, but the shadow remained as dark as ever. The room began to vibrate the phrase "Get Out!" over and over until I woke up. I absolutely got out. Later on in life I found out my aunts new man was a sexual predator. My shadow person saved me. Cut to a few years ago, and I saw something completely different: beings of light. They were bright, transparent humanoid creatures with tendrils of light coming off of them. There were about five hovering over my sleep-paralyzed body doing something almost surgical. I watched them for a long time until one noticed me noticing it, then they all flew away.

I love how I honestly don't know if they are a trick of the mind or if I'm able to peer into different dimensions. My brain is convinced they are real, so using logic to say otherwise rarely works :p

Voltie — Cat Lady Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/10 11:19:22 )
@ChiffonOrange: I honestly beat strangerville the day I got it but I used cheats, so a little while later I did it again without cheating. But I haven't done anything with that particular pack since. >: I really like Island Living, I'd say it's the one I've been playing the most. I move almost all my families to the lot on the private island hehe. And honestly I don't really have a favorite XD I usually play my own families. The Goth family is kinda cool though. c: What's yours?

@Totalanimefan: Yess! My anxiety makes me panic sometimes and then like you said I just blank even more than if I stayed calm. -.- I really hate it lol. Then as soon as it's over it's like my brain resumes functioning like normal. xD

@LilMissKushy: I agree. c: They're both nice little communities, I enjoy them!

@Kitalpha Hart: Oh my gosh! That sounds painful though. >: At least when she sat! My sister bruised her tailbone really good once and was in a lot of pain for awhile. Poor little ninja principal!

@Glume: That must feel odd. I know sometimes when I'm really tired and falling asleep but trying to fight it, I'll hear real noises/voices and they'll be in my dreams or I'll try to respond and think I did, but I only did in my head lmao. So that must be kinda trippy, to experience something more intense than that cause I think it's weird enough. xD

Holy crap! That would be so scary I don't think I'd ever have the balls to reach out and scratch it lol! My fiancee told me a kinda creepy once about how he was asleep on the floor and THOUGHT he woke up to see a woman and feel her lick the side of his face. He said he could feel the wetness and her tongue on his cheek. He said it was just super real and scared the crap out of him!

I'm soooo glad I don't have sleep paralysis or anything. I'm a big baby and that stuff would scare me so bad xDD You sound so much braver than me. That's so neat your shadow person saved you though. I think I read something on reddit about people discussing how there may be bad and good shadow people. So I mean, if you do believe it's real you're definitely not alone lol. A lot of people without narcolepsy see them, too. I've never seen them but I can see how seeing it for yourself and it feeling/seeming real would convince you it's real bc like... why wouldn't it be, you experienced it first hand, it happened. xD So I get it, and I'd probably struggle with that as well.

I believe in paranormal stuff though, sooo. I don't know if I believe shadow people are real or not. I don't really believe anything I read or see (like on reddit, stuff like that where people post their stories) because it's so easy to fake videos and things now. It depends though, I do keep an open mind I just try to be skeptical. I do believe there's stuff out there we don't understand, and I always believe first hand accounts from people I'm close to and trust. You can tell when someone you love recalls a story and you can hear the fear and emotions in their voice while they retell it.

Sorry I got slightly off topic xD Those are some really cool stories though. The time you saw them doing something surgical or something, did you notice/feel anything off when you woke up? o:

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/10 11:22:38 )
**** (> ^ w ^ <) ****

@Genuine Fake: I see and who doesn't use cheats to beat the game (depending on your playstyle)? xD and I've been thinking about buying Island Living but I also wanted to buy Get Famous first lol, mainly due to the acting skill and that video streaming skill. True, I also do play my own families as well and sometimes making their lives either better or worse haha. I suppose the Goth family is very iconic since they debuted in Sims 1 and most Sims fans know who they are.

Voltie — Cat Lady Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/10 11:31:35 )
@ChiffonOrange: I used to cheat all the time but got bored, it was too easy. So now I don't. Plus on PS4 you can get trophies, so it kinda made it exciting again, to have like goals to meet. And you don't get a trophy if you use cheats, soo. O: Right, those are cool features! I've been wanting Get Together or the parenthood one. o: Though I'm not sure if I want parenthood or not bc I already obsess over my toddlers have like full skills and it's a pain, I drive myself crazy. So that would add a whole other skill for me to obsess over while tryna raise kids and I'm not sure if I need that. XDD

Donator — Whatever Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/10 11:31:44 )
Are ya ready, guyz?!

@Genuine Fake: she was out of work until...December? And the rest of the year she wore flats
The following school year there was a rule added that any heels above two inches were dangerous and thus forbidden
Had a classmate who always got told off for wearing stilettos the entire year, and then graduation wears around and she can wear stilettos for that and what does she wear? Flats
Everyone heckled her for that

Put ya guns awn!

Voltie — Cat Lady Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/10 11:34:04 )
@Kitalpha Hart: Lol I like how the heels were the safety issue rather than her climbing over things rather than walking around. That's hilarious. xD Yea who knows your friends logic. Maybe she only wanted to when she couldn't just to be defiant lol!

Donator — Whatever Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/10 11:46:41 )
Are ya ready, guyz?!

@Genuine Fake: the no climbing over the rails is already a rule, so they added the heels rule to make sure she didn't forget
Classmate, not friend

Put ya guns awn!


Donator — she/they Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/10 12:23:32 )
@Genuine Fake: I think being skeptical is the best tool in a believers arsenal. Thats how you know for sure you've found something real.

The light beings came with a feeling kind of opposite of dread. An at peace/blissful feeling, but only when they were there. When they left, the feeling went with them, sadly.
Ping me, Devil Daddy, ping me.

Donator — PomePome Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/10 12:28:01 )
@Genuine Fake: awww how nice she had a good labour! Mine was problematic xD Corona also makes the work from midwifes complicated i hope she has a good after labour treatment! And soreness is okay in some weeks her vag will be much better ;)
~Pls Ping me~
Nothing fancy to see here!!!

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/10 12:42:57 )
**** (> ^ w ^ <) ****

@Genuine Fake: True, true. Using cheats can be fun for a while, as you said, it was too easy and somewhat boring. I tend to use cheats if I want to add anohter sim or edit my sim's appearance/traits/etc. and I see, that's quite interesting :o

It really depends if you want the Parenthood pack or not and I soooo agree with you about the toddlers lol, they may be very cute but they're a bigger pain than children hence why I rarely play babies and toddlers and sometimes children and teens lol

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/10 17:50:11 )

@Totalanimefan: Yuuss leftys unite!! ٩(๑^o^๑)۶
@Genuine Fake: Yep I guess that's common back then. I never had a teacher correct me too so thank god for that also ^^


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Donator — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/10 18:48:28 )
I'm a lefty when it comes to writing and using a knife, but am perfectly fine using my right hand for most other things.

But my fun fact is that my son and I were each born on mornings of "falling back" for daylight savings time.
Goodbye, Voltra.
Feel free to add me on Discord: aisu9811

Voltie — Cat Lady Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/06/13 16:06:16 )
I hope no one minds I reply, even though I'm a bit late. D: I'm sorry about that. It was my fiancee's days off, so I was distracted. >:

@Kitalpha Hart: Ahh okay that makes sense hahaha. Funny how sometimes authority figures act as though they're above their own rules (even if they aren't "their rules" exactly, they are somebody who should be enforcing them - not breaking them).

@Glume: That's so neat! It would be cool if the feeling lingered around, it sounds like a good feeling! Do you see stuff like that pretty regularly? Like how often? Nightly/weekly? o: I've never experienced that, and for you it probably feels semi-normal. That's so cool. I wish we could make recordings from our perspective, like through our eyes XD

@Miss Sandman: I honestly don't know if she has any kinda after labor treatment. o: I mean she's using these like cooling pad things but that's all I've heard her mention. But I think she's already starting to feel better :3 She went on a really long walk yesterday so she's not quite as sore anymore! c: Thank you n-n

@ChiffonOrange: Right haha. I have one save where I just mess around and build, so I use cheats on that save so that I can have all the items unlocked and unlimited monies for buildin'. c: I usually make my own families like I said, so they already look how I want. If I wanna change their clothes or anything I just go to the world editor thingy and edit the household. I don't think you can change facial features that way though, so I get why you'd need to cheat sometimes.

Luckily, I've been trying to play legacy challenges so I like seeing their "genetics" and it doesn't bother me how the children are born looking lol. A down side of the legacy challenges is having toddlers all the time though >> and it slows me down because I'll obsess like I said, so I'll turn off aging until their skills are maxed XD I've been trying to do a "speed legacy" (it's just setting their life span to "short" basically) to force myself out of that but I haven't been successful. I'll be like, "Wellll... maybe another game could be my speed legacy. This one is a normal legacy" and I go back and change the life span to normal or long XD

@PurpdaBurpPurp: Right! It seems so odd to imagine that that was such a big deal at one point lol. The things people worry about sometimes xDD

@Totalanimefan: I hate it -.- It's nice knowing I'm not alone, though! xD

@Aisukohi: I wonder if you're ambidextrous! o: Have you ever tried to write with your right? And that's so cool! What a fun coincidence c:

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