@Kozi: Yeah, it happened on Monday. Car wouldn't budge from where it was parked, so I had to hit the gas and ended up backing into a car behind me. No one was hurt thankfully. 4 hours just to get the claim number though.
As for the fall, I honestly don't know what it was. I had breakfast and water before my brother and I left for the supermarket. I got lightheaded while in line to buy stamps and wobbled trying to keep my balance. Went away after a bit, so I bought the stamps and helped my brother get the rest of the groceries. Right as I finished putting in the PIN, the lightheadedness came back, I wobbled and fell. Hit my head against the counter. Brother and the woman behind us grabbed me before I hit the floor. They fetched a chair for me, got me a bottle of water and gave my brother a tissue with alcohol on it to wipe the cuts I got, which I didn't even notice I had. He called mom to bring the grocery cart so I could use him as support to walk home(market is behind our building). Took a shower when we got home and took it easy for the rest of the day.