He stood atop the roof of the building, the thick fog muting the almost-full moon that looked down upon the city.
"....." he was silent as he took a deep breath, held it for a moment, and then exhaled it slowly.
He then scanned the immediate area, until his eyes rested upon a figure that was fleeing through some of the back alleys.
She was the one he was looking for... in a sense.
He closed his eyes, concentrated for another moment, before nodding.
If he was to act, it had to be now.
'All right.' he thought.
'Let's see if I can't get this done without a hitch.
Forums Role Playing Darkness before Dawn [Lunakiri x Colin]

At the moment, she was focusing on how she was trying to get somewhere safe for the moment. She had to get the hell away from the one that she knew was chasing her. She knew she had to avoid him. She knew that there was nothing that she could do if they caught her.
She had her headset in her hand as she ran, and as she dove over a couple of larger boxes or bins. She wasn't sure what the hell it was that was gonna happen next, but she knew she had to keep going. Even if she was tired as all hell, she felt ready to drop. She could b arely breathe, even. She was not in good enough shape for this, and she knew that. Sure, she could run, and she could run for long periods... but about an hour at top speed? That was a bit more than she could handle.
She wasn't watching her feet, considering how dark it was it was very much unsurprising, and ended up tripping over something. She had no idea what it was, but she knew that there was something, even before she careened into the ground and her headset went across the way. She'd hiot hard enough to make it hard to breathe, and she was seeing stars for the moment as well.
It was the perfect time for the one that that was chasing her to close in.
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As she scrambled to reach her headset, a foot stepped on her hand, pinning it down.
".....I'm impressed." the figure said.
"To have been able to detect me as you did is quite the feat."' they commented.
"...so much so, it's almost a shame to do this, but at the same time, it's necessary." they lamented, a faux-pained tone to their voice... before they opened their mouth and laughed... their sharp and elongated canine teeth.
"It will be such a treat to do this." they commented, before lifting their foot and grabbing her by the collar.
"I'll bet you taste divine."
".....I'm impressed." the figure said.
"To have been able to detect me as you did is quite the feat."' they commented.
"...so much so, it's almost a shame to do this, but at the same time, it's necessary." they lamented, a faux-pained tone to their voice... before they opened their mouth and laughed... their sharp and elongated canine teeth.
"It will be such a treat to do this." they commented, before lifting their foot and grabbing her by the collar.
"I'll bet you taste divine."

"Let go of me." She stated, her voice voice not very threatening. It wasn't anything too surprising though, she wasn't a very threatening person overall, and she knew that. She had tried to change that, had tried to make it that she was more of a threat, but it never mattered. Nothing she did would change that. Nothing would make it that she wasn't so cute and sweet.
Eventually she grew to appreciate it. IT kept her out of trouble - most nights - anyhow, so it wasn't something to toss to the side.
For now, at least.
She knew she didn't stand a chance here. She may have known what he was, but there was nothing that she could do about it. She tried to avoid him, and tried to run... but that led to nothing, sadly.
It hadn't made a difference.
Dear Lord.. please... save me... She thought, her mental voice almost in tears.
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Once again, the man laughed.
"I won't let go of you until you are nothing more then a dried husk." he promised her.
"And I am going to enjoy this." he went on, as the fog thickened, causing the figure to be cloaked in darkness.
He then brought her closer, and started to bring his fangs to her neck... before she felt him pause, and utter a gurgled choking noise.
With that, he dropped her... and when she landed on her ass, she saw WHY the individual in question had let her go; a blade shone in the pale moonlight, sticking out of their throat.
"....what you're going to do is die." the second, new, figure said, before they quickly moved the blade to the side in a slashing motion, partially decapitating them, and sending them crumpling to the ground.
"I won't let go of you until you are nothing more then a dried husk." he promised her.
"And I am going to enjoy this." he went on, as the fog thickened, causing the figure to be cloaked in darkness.
He then brought her closer, and started to bring his fangs to her neck... before she felt him pause, and utter a gurgled choking noise.
With that, he dropped her... and when she landed on her ass, she saw WHY the individual in question had let her go; a blade shone in the pale moonlight, sticking out of their throat.
"....what you're going to do is die." the second, new, figure said, before they quickly moved the blade to the side in a slashing motion, partially decapitating them, and sending them crumpling to the ground.

As the fog thickened, and she looked around, trying to figure out what the hell was going on, she watched as what she could see around the one that had been chasing her faded, until it was gone. Leaving just the body she could barely see, with the blood dripping down it... and the echo of something akin to what was chasing her fogged over to the point she couldn't make it out clearly.
She didn't say anything before scrambling to her feet and running off, her headset laying forgotten in the shadows where they'd landed as she vanished into the fog and around a corner, out of sight. She'd left them, and her headset, and didn't seem to care.
For the moment, she had to get out of there, get somewhere she knew was safe.
Which is why once she was out of sight of anyone, she vanished from where she was, a rather large gust of wind blew some of the fog away, to reveal that she was gone.
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The one that had saved her was about to call out to her, but found it was too late.
She was gone.
And all that she had left behind were her headphones. Her rather expensive-looking headphones.
He sighed quietly as he lifted them up off the ground, and inspected them.
'...never seen this kind before...' he mused.
'Suppose I can't let these lay here. Some random crackhead'll grab them and pawn them off.' he then reasoned, before shaking his head and looking around.
'I guess I'd best make myself scarce...'
She was gone.
And all that she had left behind were her headphones. Her rather expensive-looking headphones.
He sighed quietly as he lifted them up off the ground, and inspected them.
'...never seen this kind before...' he mused.
'Suppose I can't let these lay here. Some random crackhead'll grab them and pawn them off.' he then reasoned, before shaking his head and looking around.
'I guess I'd best make myself scarce...'

Meanwhile, she had returned to the alley the next day, in the daylight, to see if they were still there. When she saw that they hadn't been, she had been quite dejected, and knew how she could find them again.
But she wasn't really brave enough, she didn't think. She had to call them, but she couldn't use her phone. They'd been made to have quite the ridiculous range on them so that if she needed to, she could call them from antoher line to find them. Sadly, it seemed she needed to now.
It took a couple of days, before she made her way to the club a friend of hers owned. She had to fight to get in, due to how it was a show night, but the bouncer eventually let her in, and she made her way inside, and to the crowd.
The volume in there was loud, with lights bouncing and dancing everywhere. She could see various posters and such, making it quite apparent who this was a night for.
"Huh... Saber's performing here tonight." She muttered before sighing.
"There's no way I'll find Kalin in this crowd." She then added with a sigh before sitting down at the bar and ordering some water.
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As she ordered her water, a pair of figures stood behind the downed curtain on the stage; one male and one female.
"....pretty big crowd." the male commented.
"I'm still amazed that I can bring so many people in. Specifically, those that probably wouldn't venture into such a crowded and popular place." he went on.
"Bloody hipsters..." he mumbled.
He then continued to scan the area, before looking to the female.
"2 hour show, right?" he asked her.
"....pretty big crowd." the male commented.
"I'm still amazed that I can bring so many people in. Specifically, those that probably wouldn't venture into such a crowded and popular place." he went on.
"Bloody hipsters..." he mumbled.
He then continued to scan the area, before looking to the female.
"2 hour show, right?" he asked her.

'Yeah, two hours." She said.l
"Although people generally expect yours to end within half an hour earlier." She added. 'It's pretty common knowledge you like to spend some time in the crowd." She laughed lightly after that last bit. It really was common knowledge, and there was no way that he could deny that, either. No matter how hard he may have wished to try, he knew he couldn't.
"Then again, haven't you told me that you performed for your fans? If nothing else, you gotta make sure they maintain interest in you and what you do" She added.
"Anyhow, you've got about fifteen before you're do up front and center."
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The man just sighed again, and moved his large blonde bangs out of his face. He straightened his black beanie cap, and nodded slowly.
"Yeah." he said.
"I know." he muttered.
"I mean, some try and portray my image as some weird underground loner that gargles razor blades and vodka every morning, while I curse the sun for not making the world a 24-7-365 darkness fest shrouded in gloom... but only those that WANT me to be that way actually buy into that." he continued.
"Cognitive dissonance is lovely..." he mumbled further, before scanning the crowd once more... and then pausing as something seemed to catch his eye.
"....." he was silent before taking a few steps back.
"...it can't be..." he muttered to himself.
"Yeah." he said.
"I know." he muttered.
"I mean, some try and portray my image as some weird underground loner that gargles razor blades and vodka every morning, while I curse the sun for not making the world a 24-7-365 darkness fest shrouded in gloom... but only those that WANT me to be that way actually buy into that." he continued.
"Cognitive dissonance is lovely..." he mumbled further, before scanning the crowd once more... and then pausing as something seemed to catch his eye.
"....." he was silent before taking a few steps back.
"...it can't be..." he muttered to himself.

"Jaden? What's going on?" She asked, concern to her voice as she stepped a bit closer.
"Seriously, what's going on?" She then asked before looking out at the crowd through the small part in the curtains. She didn't see anything that really stood out - aside from some pink hair. With a light chuckle, she just turned back to Jaden. There was no way for her to know what was going on with him for the moment. He was in a perfectly fine mood before, and now suddenly he seemed to be... scared?
This was a side of Jaden that she hadn't seen thus far. She never saw anything other than his usual confident self, barring the couple of times he'd shown up worried about his mother. That was different though, that wasn't honest to goodness fear as it seemed he was showing here.
To say it concerned her, well... that'd be quite an understatement.
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Jaden just shook his head again.
"Kalin... in... in the crowd." he said.
"I... I felt it." he told her.
"Come to think of it, I felt it before, but I was too distracted to notice." he then went on, seeming to go off on a bit of a tangent.
"There's strong mana out there." he then said further, bringing the topic back to the present.
"Mana that... well... isn't nice for someone like me." he continued, which she knew would be a massive understatement. Whenever Jaden said something like that, it generally meant the mana would kill him.
"Just means my audience interaction will be... well, possibly a bit more limited." he then finished.
"Kalin... in... in the crowd." he said.
"I... I felt it." he told her.
"Come to think of it, I felt it before, but I was too distracted to notice." he then went on, seeming to go off on a bit of a tangent.
"There's strong mana out there." he then said further, bringing the topic back to the present.
"Mana that... well... isn't nice for someone like me." he continued, which she knew would be a massive understatement. Whenever Jaden said something like that, it generally meant the mana would kill him.
"Just means my audience interaction will be... well, possibly a bit more limited." he then finished.

"Well, duly noted." She then said.
"I'll look into getting the various mana barriers - the stronger ones I have here - up and running to try and spare you any pain." She then assured him. It was something that couldn't be denied. He knew she would do so, and he knew that it would be effective.
Although what he could feel out in the crowd, that extremely strong presence, he realized that there was a decent chance the barriers would do nothing for that. If that was how it was, there was no knowing what it was that would come next, all in all. Would they do as he feared? He was sure that they would mean him harm, for that was why she had it. Right?
'We talking Pure mana?" She then asked after a moment.
"I merely wish to know so I know what element to protect against."
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"Yes. Yes, it is pure." Jaden responded.
"But... but there's... there's more to it than that." he said.
"I... Kalin, the Eye is out there." he went on.
"The Evil-Seeing Eye." he continued.
"There's someone out there with that eye, Kalin." he reiterated, before shaking his head once more.
"I... I barely saw it. But I KNOW it's there." he finished, sweat starting to pour down his face now.
"But... but there's... there's more to it than that." he said.
"I... Kalin, the Eye is out there." he went on.
"The Evil-Seeing Eye." he continued.
"There's someone out there with that eye, Kalin." he reiterated, before shaking his head once more.
"I... I barely saw it. But I KNOW it's there." he finished, sweat starting to pour down his face now.

"Duly noted, JAden." She said after a moment or two. "But I don't think they mean you harm." That much was true. She was pretty sure she knew who it was if that was there - and if he was right. For all she knew, he could be mistaking it something else for it, but she did realize just how unlikely that was.
"At any rate, Jaden, ust relax." Kalin then said, as she looked over.
"You'll be fine here on stage. No one will start an issue here, people have tried and all of them have been taken care of quick. It's what I get for having a Lantha that I'm involved with." She laughed here, because it was true. Her other half was the one that had set up a lot of the protections.
"So please, just breathe. You can't have everyone seeing you be freaked out, now can you?"
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Jaden was silent as Kalin said all she did, and then sighed.
She was right, and he knew it.
"Yeah." he said.
"Yeah, you're right." he admitted.
"I just need to calm down. Just need to breathe." he muttered.
He then put his hand on his chest, and started up his usual breathing exercises. He couldn't be nervous. Not with the kinds of shows HE did. That was the difference between life and death for him.
She was right, and he knew it.
"Yeah." he said.
"Yeah, you're right." he admitted.
"I just need to calm down. Just need to breathe." he muttered.
He then put his hand on his chest, and started up his usual breathing exercises. He couldn't be nervous. Not with the kinds of shows HE did. That was the difference between life and death for him.

'Good. Just try and calm down a bit. Your nerves can literally kill you, Jaden." She said, knowing he already knew it. She still said it though, despite that, because she knew that a reminder was a good thing at times. Having someone verbally remind you of something did help, and she knew that. She'd experienced it, after all.
"I will do all I can to make sure that the mana that may harm you does not get close, all right?" She then asked. It was the best she could do, for without just cause, she couldn't actually kick anyone out, and even then... she knew the person of whom he spoke. She knew the young woman in question, and wasn't about to kick her out anyway.
There was never any reason to.
She'd broach that with him later. Maybe. If it came up.
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Jaden nodded again.
"Right." he replied.
"I just need to concentrate on the show." he said further.
"Need to make it good, after all." he reasoned, picking up a sword and twirling it in his hand.
"Need to shock the newbies." he smirked.
"I love seeing them freak out."
"Right." he replied.
"I just need to concentrate on the show." he said further.
"Need to make it good, after all." he reasoned, picking up a sword and twirling it in his hand.
"Need to shock the newbies." he smirked.
"I love seeing them freak out."
"There is no shame in deterrence. Having a weapon is very different from actually using it." - Ghandi

"Hah. Wow 'em." She said with a laugh.
"I'm sure you will. You've got my usual crowd in here tonight, and most haven't seen you perform yet. They've heard about you, but that's about it." She added honestly. "And you know seeing is believing." She paused here though and took a peek out at the crowd. Everyone was mingling, but it seemed that some were getting a bit antsy, eager for the show to start. That wasn't surprising, it was pretty standard actually, but as the lights dimmed a wave of silence fell over the crowd.
Kalin looked over to Jaden before backing away.
'The stage is yours." She said before retreating into the shadows, and seeming to vanish from where she was.
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