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Forums Mini Shops a little art shop- Open temp...

Donator — Female Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/1 02:53:27 )

@PoeticTorment: . . .
That is too damned cute~<3
Thank you so much!

Do you have a credit preference?

♫Born of graves and left below ♪ Painted ashes, painted snow♫

Voltie — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/1 02:57:18 )
@Amber Lynne: Glad you like it! *^* Not a problem~ I really appreciate you being patient with me. XD
My instagram: @poetictorment
I don't have anything else I'm active on sharing my art. lol

Donator — Female Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/1 02:59:27 )

@PoeticTorment: Completely fair! I just like to ask =)
And if you post her on IG, please mention/tag/credit me for the chara! @artbyamberlynne
I'll add you to my highlights on my page for art that has been done of my characters //nodnod

And of course, thank you SO much!
I'll likely be back later for another piece, because I love your work~<3

♫Born of graves and left below ♪ Painted ashes, painted snow♫
My Youtube. I upload Tuesdays

Ping me. always
ALWAYS looking for art of my Characters
If you do art, PM me

Voltie — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/07/1 03:11:13 )
@Amber Lynne: Just posted it! And I made sure to @ you.
I appreciate it! XD
Not a problem~ I'm just glad you like it.
Alright! I'll look forward to it. lol

Voltie — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/08/15 01:21:27 )
I updated the front! I now offer either or, on digital or traditional, as I now have a new graphics tablet~

Donator — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/08/15 06:19:14 )
@PoeticTorment: -scoots in here to-
Heyoooooo!!! Are you up for drawings OCs or voltra avis? '3'

Voltie — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/08/15 15:35:15 )
@Keo: I do both so it's whatever you want drawn~ X'D
Just let me know what style and such when you post a reference. :p

Donator — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/08/15 17:34:53 )
@PoeticTorment: whooooooo!! Would you be willing to draw anyone of your choice from here?
Aaannnd this gal right here

I would prefer digital if thats okay!
omg you got a new tablet!!!! Whoo! I remember you were without one for a while there :0
What brand did you go with? I had to recently replace mine.

Ill be paying wittttthh::
Groom of Death
Bride of Death
Heartbreak Hammer
Dreams of Delight

Voltie — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/08/15 18:11:14 )
@Keo: So two pieces then? What styles would you like me to do?
The doll style is like this-
(since I forgot to add that detail upfront..)
Of course! I've been doing mostly digital art now since the new tablet. XD
Yeah, I was super thankful when I got it. I went with Huion!
The one I had was an XP-Pen star 02 and it was okay (better than my bamboo wacom was) but it was an older model so driver support didn't update enough to keep up with the windows updates. The Huion I got is the new Kanvas 13. (Hubs didn't give me an option for a cheaper one since it was my dream tablet XD)

Donator — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/08/15 19:21:23 )
@PoeticTorment: yes 2 pieces if that's alright ^^
If the payment isn't enough for 2 pieces I can dig around and see what else I can add to it :D

For the avi I think your doll style would be adorable! *u*
As for the oc style is your choice! :D Surprise me! lol

awww that's really nice! Is it a screened tablet? How big is it? *u*
I went with Gaomon. I still miss my wacom and if I had the money to go back to wacom I would lol
I never really used huion before but I hear good things! :D

Voltie — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/08/15 19:30:13 )
@Keo: Yep, that's fine! I'll do them as I can.
It's fine! I've just been letting everyone do offers cause I dunno how much to charge, honestly. X'D
Okay! So one doll and one surprise... lol

Yep, it is! It's a 13-inch display, I think? It gives me a drawing space that's about the size of a regular piece of paper.
Lol Wacom is pricey. I honestly had too many issues with it and the Huion has been way better. They do contests for both Huion and XP-Pen to win free tablets so might check out their FB and whatnot. (Good luck if you enter) XD

Voltie — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/08/15 20:24:44 )
@Keo: I'm not having any issues with sketching the avi so I'll get a sketch to you soon! My biggest problem is trying to choose an OC cause all of them are great! XD So I might take a while on picking one. (Also, make sure to stick around my chatter thread so I can toss a freebie your way! Cause I already have an idea... >> lol)

Donator — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/08/16 04:19:53 )
@PoeticTorment: okie dokey!!! Ill send trade :D

Oh god that sounds glorious!!!
Wacom is stupid expensive lmao
But its the brand im most used to? My last tablet was a bamboo one and it was my faithful baby RIP
Just plug her in and zip-zoop everything is smooth sailing!
Though figuring out the driver installation and uninstallation for wacom was awful lmao

Gaomon works decently but has its issues. I cant figure out why PS wont respond to it. But since I use Sai mainly for drawing and PS for effects and stuff I havent gotten around to figuring out the issue xD
Still bugs me tho :0
I like the pen pressure and it feels smooth to use. But i got something so much bigger than im used to OTL i thought bigger would be better?
But its been an adjustment lol

Oooohhhhh!!!! That sounds pretty inticing ngl! Ill have to check it out :D

Eeeeee thank you! Im excited!!!
Haha its one of the reasons I can never single out an OC for anyone to draw xD
I love them all so much!

Awwwww your so nice ;w;

Voltie — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/08/16 18:01:41 )
@Keo: Sounds good! I'll only accept when I have the finished versions. *^*

It's super nice and I haven't had any real issues with it. I had to use the driver to adjust where the pen touches once and that's it. XD
Yeah, Wacom really is and it's really not much better then XP-Pen from what I've seen. Huion seems to be a little better out of the three but it's because it was pretty much a plug and play with sai which is what I use most for my art so less issue with it the better. Lmao Yeah, it really was but I did enjoy my bamboo when I had it even with the driver issues.
If you use PS and have Windows 10, might see if the windows ink is turned on. It caused a lot of issues with several art programs so might see if it helps. (Some of the drivers have an option for it in the program to adjust it too)

It can be pretty helpful when you just want to try another version. XD The art contests vary so lots enter.
I stopped entering only cause I have my dream tablet now. ;>>

Not a problem!! I figured out which OC I wanted to draw and got the sketch started traditionally, I'm gonna switch over to pc now.
It was super difficult! Like they are sooo nice. XD I don't blame you.

Haha I just like tossing arts at people which is why I have freebie posts...
I only do the shop sometimes so I can make pretty avis with new stuffs. ;>>

Edit: A storm is hitting so might lose power so might be later before I can send the sketches your way but I'm still gonna try for soon. *^*;

Donator — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/08/16 19:41:30 )
@PoeticTorment: Ohhh I'll have to look into Huion :>
I'm not above buying a new tablet either because I'm not 100% pleased with my current one lol
I don't use PS quite often, only when I'm compiling gifs or need to use a tool that sai doesn't have, like gaussian blur or color dodge >w<
So it's no trouble for me to just use my mouse, I keep the brunt of my arting on sai.
I just toggled the windows ink and it didn't work x.x;; Thanks for the suggestion tho!
I'll have to be an adult an look up some troubleshooting to fix it xD

I don't enter art contests all that often. I think I may have joined one like once or twice? If that lmao
My confidence takes a beating every time I enter one ;3; There are so many talented artists out there!

I'm sure it's nice to have your dream tablet! What's it like using a screen tablet?
I've never used one before!

whhooooo!!! Thank you again >w<

Oh I can understand that! I've been teetering on opening an art shop but I get to flustered by commissions and end up closing the shop a little after opening it xD
It's much easier doling out freebs tbh

Aw That's ok! Take your time :>
I'm patient :D

Voltie — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/08/16 21:33:19 )
@Keo: Lol I don't blame you there. I normally wait until I can't use what I have before getting a new one so this was a huge step up. XD
I'm guessing you have Sai 1, then? Sai 2 has a gaussian blur and the layer options has burn and dodge. *^*

I had heard the Gaomon can have issues like that. I hope you figure something out. *^*;
Same here! I had mainly entered cause I couldn't afford a new tablet then hubs started to save up for me... I was originally going to get a cheaper non-screen tablet and he said no. (Well, he had actually said, "If you buy that cheap one, I'll send it back... You ARE getting the one you want.") Sooo...
It's pretty awesome, really. It feels more like drawing on paper since you don't have to look up and back down as often but with the ability to use your favorite programs. So it cuts the time in half so I can get the artwork done faster when I have time to sit and do it.

Who?? I thought you wanted a surprise?? XD I can send over the photo of the traditional sketch now if you really want to see. (Just know, I still have to fix stuffs... It's more of figuring out poses.) Not a problem. *^*

Ah, yeah. I fully understand that. That's why I have difficulty keeping my shop open. So I figured I'd try the one slot rule and see how it goes. ( Plus I'm a lurker so harder for me to gets items... ;;>> )

I'm just a bit frustrated! I keep having to stop before I get to do any of it and I wanna draaaw. X'D

Donator — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/08/16 21:46:17 )
Man or woman... It doesn't matter! One of Strenth.. And nobility...

@PoeticTorment: tbf is just a "unofficial" version of Sai. Actually i think its the same version you emailed me like a million years ago if you remember xD
The blur I like using is a filter :0
It blurs the entire layer instead of being a brush setting.

Awwww thats so sweet!!!
Ohhhh how nice! Im sure being able to draw faster is such a huge plus! Finding time to sit and draw has been my biggest issue lately x3

Do you have to use keyboard shortcuts with it??

Oh no no! Keep it a surprise! I meant whoo as in whoohoo! >w<;;

I try to do the 1 slot but then stupidly accept more people if they're interested ;3;
I burn myself out with my inability to say no haha
Yeeee same to the lurkiness! The only reason I have some nicer items is because I donate lol

Oooohhh the struggle is real!!!

Is always a prince.

Voltie — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/08/16 22:14:06 )
@Keo: Oh okay, then yeah! That's sai one. XD You want sai 2?
Yeah its this-
Then the modes have burn and dodge which does the same thing as the PS version. (I think)

I had felt sooo bad though! It was way pricey. *^*;; I love him to death for being so sweet but I can't help but be a cheapskate so he gets on to me for it... ;;>> Yeah, especially since I don't get much time to draw. XD I love doodling.
No, you don't have too. I don't cause I forget I can. I never use it though, I treat it like I draw traditionally. *^*;;
I don't even set up the shortcut buttons for my tablet. The blur shortcut is the backspace button.

Lmao Okay, okay~ I was just teasing. XD

Ah, yeah~ I do that too. :/ Now I don't offer waitlists... Most I'll do is ping someone if they really wanted me to draw and whoever pings me first gets the slot. (I feel mean by doing it but I can not add extra stress)
Lmao I know!! I can't donate though soo... I gotta stick with what works. XD

Right?? I'm running back and forth just to try to doodle/be online. Lmao At least it's quieter today.

Donator — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/08/17 04:38:41 )
Man or woman... It doesn't matter! One of Strenth.. And nobility...

@PoeticTorment: I would love a copy if you have *0*
Yup that exactly the things I was talking about lmao!

Awww you guys sound like quite the cute couple!

Keyboard shortcuts are amazing!!! They make the digital drawing process a lot faster imo. Takes some time getting used to tho :0
I haven't gotten used to tablet buttons yet either! I've yet to start using them to lol

Thats a smart thing to do tho :0
A lot easier to deal with instead of suddenly being overwhelmed!!!
I like looking around art request threads and throwing freebs around there >w<

Hahaha!!! The items here are so pretty!!! Gotta get em some how xD
I wish today was quieter ;3;
I felt like I was being pulled into 20 different directions all day today x.x;;

Is always a prince.
I'm gone babyyyyyyy~~~
You can find me on
DV // TH // Lasria
....Sry I don't do discord....

Voltie — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/08/17 17:08:49 )
@Keo: Yep! Sent ya a message. It has lots of textures and stuff preloaded btw since I just did a copy of mine.
Lmao Good. It might save you some time then!

I suppose? I think we tend to look rather goofy but it might look cute to others. XD

Lol I just don't like them since I'm so forgetful I end up hitting the wrong one. *^*;;
I forget they're there honestly. I get way too wrapped up.
(Sorry I couldn't get the digital sketch to ya yet, hubs had friends over and we had a memorial thing)

I know... It still feels cruddy though. XD This is very true.
Lol That's so fun to do!

Yeah, they really are. I just wish I knew what was what instead of having to guess by the announcements. XD
Aw, bad day? I feel that. We ended up being busy on top of having others over.
(Thankfully they stayed outside so it was still pretty quiet in the house)
Please ping!! I'm a busy mom and tend to get lost~

^^Page prizes = FREE Sketch!!
It's only forever~ It's not long at all...

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