Donator — She/Her
Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/08/20 04:22:56 )
Yea I’ve been working from home too.
I don’t even know when there’s gonna be a bad storm cause I don’t check the weather anymore. I only recognize the weekend by like ‘oh guess I get to not work for 48 hours cool’.
Donator — She/Her
Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/08/20 04:24:05 )
Sometimes I wish I could work from home, but then I know for sure I'd go stir crazy after a while. I need the social factor that physically going out has.
Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/08/20 04:26:35 )
being a hermit has its perks and this is one of them |D
at work we were pretty isolated to our own desks too, we don't even really talk to each other in the office since everything's done online anyway
but i don't speak english at home so my english has been slowly deteriorating LMFAO
Donator — She/Her
Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/08/20 04:34:20 )
Ohhh, gotcha.
I get tongue tied when I speak, and it's like my brain processes what I want to say a lot faster than what my mouth articulates. But I learned several years ago that I actually physically am tongue-tied, so there's that lol.
Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/08/20 04:37:44 )
OMG physically tongue tied... damn
im like i gotta slow down when i talk
but also damn not actually having socialized with anyone and then seeing a couple of friends over the weekend... damn it was kinda awk
Donator — She/Her
Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/08/20 04:45:48 )
I didn't know that being physically tongue-tied was a thing until I went to get my wisdom teeth removed several years ago, and my surgeon pointed out that the thing that connects my tongue to the bottom of my mouth was a little too far close to the front of my mouth, so he offered to cut it back. But my tongue-tiedness never bothered me, so I declined.
Ohnoes! I'm sure talking to people will come easier the more you do it.
Donator — She/Her
Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/08/20 04:48:55 )
My work was the same way before I became work from home (which was like... three months before the pandemic looool irony)
Programmers are not the most social folk on the best of days.
I have enjoyed some work enviornments that were a little more social. But work from home is better for my nerves. Inevitably my work has rather large gaps of time where I am very legitimately waiting for something to happen. Whether it’s waiting on work from my peers, waiting for my work to be verified, waiting for the requirements to be figured out, etc. In an office I get to sit and twitch and hope I don’t look like I’m goofing off to my superiors. At home I can goof off on avatar sites and nobody cares.
Donator — She/Her
Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/08/20 05:06:52 )
That's great!
It's funny, I used to be so content to be a hermit and stay home all the time. Nowadays I look for just about any excuse to get out if I can.