alright here was the menu!!!
- kale salad and butter lettuce w/ golden raisins, apples, walnuts, and apple cider and lemon vinaigrette
- roasted sweet potatoes w brown sugar n cinnamon n other spices
- brussel sprouts and acorn squash w/ honey balsamic vinaigrette (sooooo good)
- corn bread muffins w fresh lavender
- apple cider donuts for dessert
- cocktails:
⠀ - mulled red wine (mulling spices, orange slices, cranberry)
⠀ - chilled bottle of orange wine
⠀ - decaf coffee w/ chocolate liqueur
^ this was "my" portion and my friend came over on thursday and we cooked it all that day lol
and then the other friend i cohosted w made:
- vegan sausage w potatoes carrots celery etc.
- stuffed peppers w quinoa and other protein/veg
- green bean casserole
- stuffing
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