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Donator — they/them Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/12/6 00:22:12 )
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aww scheduled video chats :3 how far away are they? are they weekly or?

i think we usually just call whenever we feel like it lol ... having it scheduled regularly is probably p nice tho :0
omg i never watched jojo ... is it worth getting into lol
ahahaha how many times ?? fma is super good but when i watched it as a adult i was like wth this is so heavy???? i can't believe i watched this as a youth and was just like oh ok ??

edit - oh also all of my crunchy roll shows have been free ?? :0 do ppl pay for cr?

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Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/12/10 19:29:02 )

@xvz: I have a pretty set process for cel-shading, its what I default to when I dont wanna think haha
1. airbrush the flats
2. cel-shade with hard brush, one color, some kind of layer mode
3. airbrush the shading
4. blend out some of the hard edges
5. add extra things (highlights, details, etc)
during art fight I was experimenting with softer shading.. im not really sure what im doing ADLFKJ

for post-processing I usually airbrush some color and mess with layer modes
I used to be really into white layer —> add noise —> overlay haha

Id be interested in seeing your progress pics!! yeah that part of painting is really scary to me
do you always just keep going and going until it looks good? or are there times when youre like "ok its better to start over", and how do you know when to do that?
do you prefer the one-layer method or the multiple-layers you've been experimenting with?
crying.. MERGING SO SCARY... what if I want to unmerge
altho I guess that's what saving progress files is for hmm


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/12/10 19:32:21 )

it depends on the friend group, one's weekly, one's monthly, and others are whenever ALDKFJ

haha I love Jojo sm… its hard to describe the appeal, its just very unique ALDKFJ its bold and stylish and is a fountain of meme content
thats what I love about fma tho.. its a series that grows with you. I think kids like it bc its action-adventure-y but the heavier themes you don't understand til you're older. haha I think I've only seen it in full 2 times.. I've seen the beginning many times bc I start a rewatch and then decide "well maybe I should watch something else" ADLKFJ

yep, crunchyroll shows are free (with ads)
you can pay for ad-free and to watch eps as soon as they come out (free users have to wait 1 week), it’s a nice model for free users
ahaha we were talking about this and then news dropped that funimation (sony??) acquired crunchyroll so WHELP ?? monopoly I guess


Donator — they/them Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/12/11 10:33:42 )
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@hachi: oohh airbrush flats ?? that's fun ... i feel that idk what i'm doing either lmao
ohh i didn't think of adding noise to a white layer :0 i only do it at the very end after merging everything but sometimes i'm like oh no i wanted to change something guess i can't lol

haha i'll try to compile prog pix sometime when i have time!! i can ping u or something? :3
i keep a copy of the unmerged group and just turn off the visibility :0 having one layer can be helpful for when i wanna erase stuff and don't have to dig thru every layer lol ... but yeah i was afraid of merging at first but eventually i was like ah i don't care anymore lol... plus i think w painting the mindset is like ... if you make mistakes you just paint over! (which is how you would think abt irl painting)

yeah i even if i hate it i force myself to keep going lmao ... i feel like the post processing can "save" a lot of my pieces - idk if that's a good process though >_> but i think sometimes adjusting curves fixes like value issues. i think my mindset is that everything leading up to post processing (including the airbrushing colors part) is just laying the foundation to do the fun stuff ... (once again idk if this is good or bad or not....) i think it works for me cuz i really enjoy photo editing and i think the post process is similar fun lol
multiple layers is nice cuz you can clipping mask for specific sections ... but more effort sometimes... i think i'll do multiple layers if i'm trying to go more cell shading and i do one layer if i'm painting and feeling lazy?

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Donator — they/them Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/12/11 10:40:51 )
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ohh friend Group ?? Group vid chats ?? Multiple Groups ? lol hachi so popular ;3

haha when i live alone again i'll have to check out jojo and see what the hype is all abt ... and omg fma was way harder for me to watch as an adult lol ... what's ur take on fma vs. fma:b ? lol

oohh i've never had ads but i wonder if it's cuz i use adblock ?? :0 bless cr honestly ...
omg wow i just looked it up ... yeah media monopolies
i hope it stays free and that they don't change the model... :<

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Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/12/12 05:08:24 )

@xvz: yeahh ping me when ya post it
ohh I see, that makes it a lil less scary do you use an opaque brush for painting? or do you set the opacity lower or make it dependent on pen pressure? or is this something you change often during the process.. I feel like I zone out when I draw so I never change brush settings in the middle of it asflkj

I think it's ok to depend on post-processing! a lot of speedpaints I've seen, people do sooo much post-processing, I wanna learn their techniques haha.. I think it can also train your eye a bit, like sometimes its hard to tell if something looks off until you change it? I think it might help you see the values better next time
but yeah it's fun.. I enjoy it bc you can change so much in a short amount of time, so it's fun to play with and not as stressful


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/12/12 05:33:19 )

haha I think the general fandom says fmab is better.. but I think ppl forget how good the original was when brotherhood didnt exist yet ALDFKJDF
standing alone, they're both very good! but different. fma is sadder and more of a small, introspective story. fmab is a big adventure with a happy ending

personally I like brotherhood more overall bc of the payoff at the end. these characters have been through so much just let them have some happiness ok ADLKDJF
but I like the original's characterization of Lust better, and it spent more time on the beginning of the story, which made the nina, hughes, and yoki arcs better. also the soundtrack..... is gold...

yeah same funi is less generous with their catalog so I hope they don't change things LFKJDF if anything I hope they adopt cr's model


Donator — they/them Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/12/14 11:19:02 )
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@hachi: haha ok !! and hmm i think i tend to use a combo ... for face details sometimes i use size and opacity, or just size w/ opaque brush ... but generally i use just the opacity pressure brush for like blending / painting if i can ... i think i do change it a lot but probably just bc idk what i'm doing Ahahaha

yeah true! have u ever seen a photographer's edits? it's like mostly post processing imo, like the photo by itself is just a foundation for the editing
sometimes when i'm editing i'm like is this even better ? or did i just make it worse ?? lol

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Donator — they/them Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/12/14 11:20:41 )
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ahh maybe i'll rewatch the first fma ... but idk it seems sadder and darker lol
i don't think i ever finished the original fma ??

do u use adblock :0 or no bc u wanna give them ad revenue ?

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Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/12/15 17:25:46 )

@xvz: ohh I see, hmm.. I need to find the size pressure brush in CSP, I don't think I've ever used it before do you use any of the like.. blur/blend tools? I feel so lost with the tools theres so many ADLKFJ on paper I just use 1-3 brushes with different sizes HAHA

yeah! I'm always very impressed by people's photo editing skills before I never realized how much of the photo was edited, bc they make it look so natural? I think the editing is a big part of a photographer's style
like I was looking at my friend's photos one time and was REALLY impressed by the color of the water in the photo? I was like WOW I WANNA GO THERE bc the water was a really nice teal color, but turns out it was editing ADLFKJD but I was so convinced ok
why can't real life look this good

sometimes it's not better or worse but just different! haha


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/12/15 17:29:04 )

it is sadder and darker ALFKJ even the color palette is sadder and darker HAHA

I use adblock on every site except youtube and streaming services bc yeah the ad revenue..
except I pay for cr so no ads there haha
and I usually watch ads on funimation but Im blocking them now bc I cant sync with my friend otherwise ALDKFJL LISTEN if the world could just come up with a better service for syncing shows online, I'd use it


Donator — they/them Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/12/17 11:33:44 )
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@hachi: oohh noo i usually just blend manually or w the soft brush :0
yeah honestly i never feel like i know what i'm doing until i finish the piece lmao
i think having both size and opacity pressure on i usually use for details like eyes, nose, and sometimes hair strands? but otherwise for big shading i just use the opacity pressure? :0
i'm taking some process screenshots but i realized it's for the art exchange piece so i guess i can't post them for a while lmao >_>

yeah when i found out how much was edited i was shocked haha!! i guess in my head when i was starting out i thought it was like cheating / misleading ... i was surprised to find out that the editing is sometimes like 90-95% of it ... >_>

oohh does cr have premium shows or anything ? or it's just the ads
i probably could/should be better abt supporting ad rev but i just hate being advertised to T_T
you should try the teleparty thing sometime tho if u haven't already !! :3

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Donator — Female Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/12/23 02:58:29 )

@xvz: Hey there darlin'~
I just got the bust from Rax that he said you were the artist for! I was wondering if you have a credit link preference? I'd like to post it to her TH page~<3
And thank you very much ^ ^

♫Turn off my brain, this all feels the same♫
My Youtube. I upload Tuesdays

Ping me. always
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Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/12/24 21:24:02 )

@xvz: OOPS has it already been a week

yeah I think "not knowing what we're doing" is just a part of experimenting/trying new things.. I feel like once I do know what I'm doing, I get bored and want to do something else hahaha

hmm cr used to have premium shows but I can't think of any in recent memory. sometimes if they get the licensing for an older show they'll lock it for a few months but then it becomes free afterward haha

wahh I wish teleparty covered more streaming services but I guess I could just subscribe to one of the bigger ones haha
does it work across services? like if my friend has netflix and I have hulu can we sync like that? or do we both have to be on the same service


Donator — they/them Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/12/31 17:51:19 )
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@amber lynne: aw thank you!
hmm i don't think i have a credit link preference! my toyhouse or da maybe .. ? anything is fine tho :-) thanks for the credit and i hope you liked it!

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Donator — they/them Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/12/31 17:53:11 )
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@hachi: omg it's ok i think this is the longest i've gone wo being on voltra since joining :0
how have your holidays been going? ^^ happy new year!

yeah i can feel that - when it turns into just a tedious thing and you're not feeling like you're learning / growing? :3
i think teleparty has to be the same service unfortunately... is there a specific show you're trying to watch? :3

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Donator — she/her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/01/5 00:11:28 )
Hello xvz! I hope you’re doing well!


Donator — they/them Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/01/7 12:46:06 )
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hi lina!! how have you been? how were ur holidays? ^^

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Donator — she/her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/01/8 00:26:55 )
My holidays were good!
But the season was very busy for me. Glad it’s over. OnO

Find me @ PlayWithErica on instagram, twitch, youtube, and discord.

Donator — they/them Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/01/28 21:19:17 )
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ahhh sorry missed this post lina! i'm glad ur holidays were good though, did u spend it w ur sister?

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art by kiwi and koneko <3

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