"I can't..." She growled.
"I just... I can't. This..." She continued before shaking her head, violently as she attempted to keep her wits about her. She couldn't barely even finish a thought anymore. Her mana pulsed, she couldn't control it, the darkness that was going with it was rather ominous, and was something that wasn't unknown. Another strong pulse, and she was brought to her knees, her blonde hair a mess, her blue eyes dark.
She let out a cry, a scream, however it was painfully feral sounding. Inhuman, and most certainly not right. That scream though, along with it was a massive pulse of mana, something that was almost as strong as her brothers. It was most certainly strong enough to send him against the wall, purely from the force.
"Vic!" He called out to her as he watched her suffering.
"What can I do?" He asked, finally getting to his feet and approaching.
"I..." She started, trying to answer, and finding herself having a hard time with it. She didn't know what to say, how to do it, and certainly couldn't come up with the words. Her mind was failing her, cohesive thoughts were getting to be more and more difficult, if not bordeline impossible.
"... Switch..." She managed to get out, her voice sounding less human with each passing second. It was the only way she knew of to pause it.
She was dying, her soul was eroding, as it happened. Swapping her soul as they'd spoken about would at least give this form some more life, as her properly and fully succuming would not do the world any good. The problem, was that it was likely to be a temporary solution. The soul that was pulled and placed there would likely become the same as her, and quicker than she did. Maybe some information could be passed back to the pas with this, to allow this world to change.