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Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/03/18 20:41:45 )
@Koah: My mom can be very hit-or-miss. She can be supportive, but she definitely has her own perception of things (with no room for interpretation or even discussion /eyeroll/), and right now, she's trying to 'diagnose' my son with some learning/nervous system dysfunction when really, he just needs to sleep and stop being so protective and guarded with us about what he's doing (He's trying to assert his adulthood and trying to avoid perceived criticism of his decisions (i.e. suggestions/help/experience, which he wants/doesn't want)). I'm amazed I am as sane and well-adjusted as I am, tbh (but that's mostly due to my own growth, away from my family)! It sounds like our moms are cut of similar cloth... although I didn't get the "autism preparation speech", over the years my mom was periodically convinced my kids suffered from something diagnosable and kept trying to get me to get them evaluated for something or another, when whatever they were going through was a phase, or a growth spurt, or something completely reasonable and which worked itself out over time. I try not to talk to her about intense things any more because like you, I refuse to play that game with her, but since my son crashed at her place a couple times last week, it was pretty much inevitable...

Cooking is easy but it takes some time and trial and error (like everything else). I never bothered spending much time in the kitchen until I had my kids. It's just a matter of choices and priorities. I have been doing more 'winging it' lately too...


Donator — PomePome Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/03/18 20:55:02 )
@Wildfire: Yeah i do. I learned the Job of an caregiver for kids some years..... I know Kids need to get dirty and experience as much as they can. But sometimes even i get triggered easily and i hate myself for. I know but Time flies dear! :)

Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/03/18 21:03:50 )
@Wildfire: Hopefully your son is just in that beginning phase of adulthood. 'rebel against what you know' kind of thing.
I did something similar at 18. Got hitched quickly, dropped out of school, moved in with my new husband. [all these things were super frowned upon on both sides of my family]. Luckily my mom housed me when my husband had to deploy overseas. That's when my passive-self broke and I realized my mom really nurtured me to be passive and unbothered by anything. Once I broke my mold, she and I fought like cats and dogs.
I don't imagine he'll be that crazy.
I'm mentally preparing for whatever my two kiddos will do to me in 12 years. =3="

Also, It's good that he crashed at your mom's. At least that's a safe place to be instead of someone's garage.. or couch or something.

Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/03/18 21:17:58 )
I'm disappearing to the store for a bit. <33
I might not be online again tonight.

Voltie — she/her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/03/19 05:28:02 )
    @Ava: sometimes you might try out for one role and get another, or so i've heard about castings. so maybe you might be chosen to audition for a role you're more comfortable with! or you might be able to audition with them later for another role you like better. but yeah it's a good thing you worked hard on this audition and it will definitely pay off in some way! good luck, i hope you land the kind of role you want!

    also your avatar is so cute.

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Voltie — Sha/female Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/03/19 14:08:55 )

@Wildfire: all things considered yeah. ^^

Currently recovering from large amounts of PTSD. I'll post when I can, please ping for replies. Things are very difficult for me right now.

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/03/19 15:50:29 )
@Miss Sandman: Yup - kids definitely need to get dirty and play hard and learn their own lessons. And if you know yourself well enough to realize when you get triggered by your own past, and can at least explain that to her, it should teach her self-awareness and the idea of 'doing the best you can', regardless. I'm sure you'll be fine. Lots of lessons are ahead, as well as lots of Joys. <3

@Koah: Yes, that's some of it. He's finding himself; something I too "get" and actually encourage. But it doesn't need to be this sudden, or extreme. It was like a lightswitch - very little transition or preparation :(

@Ava: Kuddos to you for trying out for a role that you're not comfortable with!! That takes guts <3
Dinner was steak and spinach and cauliflower, and apparently I should have made rice or something too because everyone was snacking after the fact! XD

@Whimsy: Good morning.

@Shadami: Well, it's good to see you posting around again! <3


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/03/19 15:53:19 )
Good morning everyone.
What's on your radar for the day?

I slept late this morning, but that's partly because I was up and awake for a few hours in the middle of the night again, which is never much fun. So that's going to mess up my day a bit, especially since I feel like I could (and probably should) still be sleeping, although in total I managed to get 9hours or so of sleep. It's weird. Beyond that, it will probably be a cooking, cleaning, and laundry day here. Gee, I can't wait /sarcasm.


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/03/19 17:26:46 )

Is my birthday today! And I have done absolutely nothing so far but watch anime and had some instant noodles xD
I was awake last night too because I passed out too early and woke up around 2 x.x
Went back to sleep around 7...


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/03/19 17:44:29 )

I'm sorry you didn't sleep well last night, but it sounds like you're having a low-key and relaxing birthday! <3


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/03/19 17:46:11 )
@purpsy: I kinda did the same thing last night... I fell asleep around 10:30, then was awake from about 4am until 7am, and slept again from 7-10:30am. I hate it when that happens - it messes everything up!! :(
Hopefully we'll both get some good solid sleep tonight :3


Donator — PomePome Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/03/19 17:49:07 )
@Wildfire: well said!!! Today she was an Angel at daycare her caregiver told me she was so nice and even sleeps without crying iam so proud of my little bumpy *_*
~Pls Ping me~
Nothing fancy to see here!!!

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/03/19 17:56:53 )
@Miss Sandman: That's awesome. She sounds like a comfortable little thing :3 <3
So how are you? What have you been up to lately?


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/03/19 18:56:50 )

@Wildfire: Ugh yeah *crosses fingers for the both of us*
These days I just want to pass out around 6 my sleep schedule is just way off x.x


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/03/19 18:58:12 )

@Wildfire: It feels like any normal day for me just a little bit different.
Birthdays nowadays is an excuse for me to be a lazybutt xD

But ty so much~ <3


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/03/19 19:01:20 )
@Purpsy: Yeah, me too lately, actually. It seems that my day starts winding down around 2pm and somewhere between 6 and 8 I'm just kind of "done" for the day. It's weird. :3

Oh, you're welcome! I always view my birthday as a personal holiday to do with as I want. They have usually ended up being lazy, eat take-out, maybe do something fun (but maybe not) kind of days. I hope you enjoy your day, whatever you do with it! :3


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/03/19 19:54:16 )

@Wildfire: Yeah and it's honestly worse when I wake up extra early like around 5 or 6am and it feels like the day is extra longer x.x
And I'm the type that gets depress easily when I got nothing to do or have no purpose for the rest of the day.

Yep is like a free card for me lol
I might actually go out for a bit and got to the convenient store and treat myself with some snacks or something and that's how I celebrate it xD
And is friday can't eat meat and my family decided to celebrate our birthday (I got a twin brother) tomorrow so yep


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/03/19 20:16:40 )
@Purpsy: Yeah, I'm not sure which is worse - to be up and awake super early or to go back to sleep and wake up later. Either way, the sleep schedule is messed up and the day just feels weird. :3

Maybe you can do a special fish dish (I'm assuming you not eating meat on Friday is religion-based) for your birthday? I hope you (and your twin) get to celebrate by doing something at least a little special :3


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/03/19 22:00:29 )

@Wildfire: Yeah that's it but is been already decided we have a feast tomorrow since we both love our meat lmao.
I honestly just got home from a walk and bought myself with some bag of candy kinda regret not pairing a drink with it but my anxiety just acts up on public places and just can't think straight x.x


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Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/03/19 22:06:21 )
@Purpsy: that sounds like a good compromise. I'm glad you got something 'special' for yourself on your special day, even if it feels a little incomplete without the drink

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