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Forums Vibrance Day Event 2021 ┤▒├ Wild Sweet Treats

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/3 01:45:18 )

Silence, the White Mage is now speaking.

@Wildfire: that sounds delicious!
what are you up to now? dessert? xD

I am not an actual NPC.

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/3 01:53:52 )
@Purpsy: I made chicken satay, saag, roasted rainbow carrots, and rice for dinner. It was apparently a hit because there's not much on terms of leftovers


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/3 01:55:20 )
@Vixen: nah. We don't usually do dessert, actually. I'm getting ready to chill with hubby before calling it a night


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/3 02:20:08 )

@Wildfire: Well that's good then xD

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Donator — She/Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/3 02:26:43 )
@Anarchist Beauty: Thank you! <3 I'm glad I was able to use items I never/hardly use!

@Wildfire: We're looking for a house to buy. However, the market is crazy, because it's definitely a seller's market, and yet houses are being snatched up left and right. So we're most likely looking at renting elsewhere when our lease is up. The cookout didn't happen, but we all still got good food, so there's that lol.

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/3 02:51:59 )

Silence, the White Mage is now speaking.

@Wildfire: have a good rest of the evening :D

I am not an actual NPC.

avatar closetshop
please @ me

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/3 03:09:44 )

      @Wildfire: Unrelated story about marshmallows:
      When I was younger we had a dog who had gotten into a bag of marshmallows we accidentally left on the back patio.
      In the morning we found the wrapper and went 'oh no, who ate them?!'
      And then the dog comes waddling out... She was HUGE.
      The marshmallows must have expanded in her stomach because I swear to you she blew up like a balloon.
      Nothing else was wrong with her, no pain, no poop problems, no puking.
      She was perfectly fine, just blown up even bigger than when she'd gotten pregnant.
      It was hilarious.

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/3 03:11:49 )

      @Aisukohi: I do love attempts at using items I don't normally use.
      I try that often with my Gaia avis, bc I have way more items there than any other avi site. lol
      Sometimes it works wonderfully, other times I end up with a scrap pile - so to speak - the size of Everest. XD

Donator — She/Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/3 03:17:10 )
@Anarchist Beauty: My Gaia inventory is the same--full of stuff I never/hardly use. xD My problem is, if I like a certain item, I have to have it in ALL the available colours lol. Even if I never plan on wearing those colours. >.> I haven't logged in in months though lol.

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/3 03:21:56 )

      @Aisukohi: I am that way, but with items I do like and would like to collect in every color for the purpose of using them. lol
      Like I've finally gotten ALL of the Semi-Corporeal hairs!
      And I'm working on the Butterfly Dreams... I think I'm missing one or two?
      I have to check actually.
      But ugh, there's an endless list of things I want to get the full sets of. lol
      And endless task.

Donator — She/Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/3 03:25:20 )
@Anarchist Beauty: Yeah, there are tons of items I'd love to collect too, some of which I want the full sets and others not so much. I got a ton of my starts to sets from RIGs from Lake Kindred. I love opening RIGs though. xD
Goodbye, Voltra.
Feel free to add me on Discord: aisu9811

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/3 03:37:07 )

      @Aisukohi: I'm so lazy with Lake Kindred.
      It takes too long to do things. lol
      My main problem is some items being god awful expensive.
      Like ugh.

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/3 14:05:15 )
@Aisukohi: Yes, it is definitely a sellers market. I keep hearing stories here about people putting offers on houses above what they were listed at, within hours of it being listed, and in some cases, still losing the bid. That said, one house in our neighborhood sold and closed and new people moved in within two weeks and another one that was listed at about the same time appears to still be on the market. I wish you luck with your house search. It is a crazy one right now :3 I'm sorry your BBQ fell through.

@Vixen: Thank you.It was a relaxing night. How was your evening?

@Anarchist Beauty: Holy Moly! That sounds both hilarious and wildly uncomfortable for the dog! I have never heard of something like that happening before! Yikes!

Wow... Gaia and inventories there. I don't think I could even get in to my accounts there at this point... assuming they haven't been locked and deleted or something...


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/3 14:10:33 )

Good morning! I'm not sure why, but this morning seems to demand an assortment of goodies^^^

Today, I have to put my vehicle back together; I had it detailed yesterday for the first time since we bought it and now I'll need to readjust my seats and put all the stuff back in it that I need or like to have (which isn't much, actually, but still). Other than that, I have an appointment in a little bit, and I'm hoping to do some meal prep type things and figure out a plan to get me back on track with basic diet and exercise again. At some point too, I'll need to run over and get the keys to my son's truck, and follow up with him on his school options :3

It sounds like a busy day for me.

Maybe I'll just sit here and drink coffee instead....


Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/3 16:51:43 )
@Wildfire: I hope you get a lot done today. <3
I wrote a list and most of it is calling big companies to get estimates. =;= anddddd paying monthly bills.
I did start on the right foot yesterday, I restocked our fridge with better food. Now I just need to clean the kitchen, so it's comfier to cook in.

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/3 17:55:51 )

      @Wildfire: Neither had we!
      It was strange and we were concerned until we watched her and determined that she was still her ordinary self.
      She still ate - though admittedly not a lot - and we watched her poops.
      She was good, and the bloating went away; but it was the strangest thing I've ever seen.

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/3 19:21:43 )
@Koah: Thanks. I managed to make it to my appointment (no help from a stupid FedEx driver who apparently wanted to either hit me or run me off the road /eyeroll/), but now I'm kinda pooped, so I may just go sit on the lanai and enjoy the day for a while before doing the whole evening routine thing (it's only 2pm here but it feels later somehow... or maybe I'm just being lazy? LOL!) I hope you get some good estimates and get all your bills paid without headaches! :3 Food? Oh? What kinds of things did you buy? What kinds of things are you planning to make? Did you decide to pursue the Mediterranean diet plan?


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/3 19:22:34 )
@Anarchist Beauty: Yeah, I bet you guys were more than a little concerned! We would have been too. I'm so glad your dog seemed to suffer no long-lasting ill effects from eating the marshmallows!! Silly doggies! <3

┤▒├ Hangout with me! ┤▒├

Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/3 20:28:55 )
@Wildfire: We're easing into the Mediterranean diet. c: I did buy a lot more fruits and veggies this round at the grocery store. I didn't even try to do the freezer aisle for easy foods. That was a win for how absolutely unmotivated I've been in the kitchen for the last couple of weeks.
oof, these phone calls are financially brutal. All the plumbing estimates hurt. >3<

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/3 20:34:17 )

      @Wildfire: Dogs will really just eat anything that smells appealing. lol

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