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Forums Vibrance Day Event 2021 ┤▒├ Wild Sweet Treats

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/3 21:32:07 )
@Koah: Good for you! <3 (I don't even go down the freezer aisles 99% of the time)
Yeah plumbers are not cheap...

@Anarchist Beauty: ... and several things that... don't. /dead/


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/4 13:37:03 )
@Ava: I have heard of that kind of thing happening before and it's really unfortunate that it happens. I'm sorry that you have to deal with that. :( Salons in general are a little baffling to me, though - I keep things simple on my own head (short hair, and if I want it bleached or dyed I'll do it myself)... but I'm also not doing regular auditions and trying to make a career where how I look matters. Speaking of the auditions, I do hope something positive comes out of them for you! :3

LOL - doing the digital art for the contest was fun, and yes there are a lot of great entries! BTW, I was going to include your avatar as one of the ones in my submission, but got sidetracked or something midway through working on it. Oops. Maybe next time.

What do you have in store for today? - anything fun?


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/4 13:38:39 )
GOOD MORNING everyone. Happy Star Wars Day!


Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/4 15:59:47 )
@Wildfire: May the 4th be with you!
I love your Avi today!

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/4 16:18:30 )
@Koah: May the 4th also be with you! XD
Thank you for the compliment on my avi <3 ... it was time to change it up again ;) I love how yours keeps evolving, btw! It's obviously "the same" avi, but now you're performing on stage instead of just causing trouble ;) lol!

How are you doing today? How's all the phone calls and stuff going?

I'm waiting for hubby to get off a call so he can move his car, so I can go run to the gardening store... it's time to do some of that and I need to replant a few things, and need to buy dirt (buying dirt still bothers me, but it's necessary here because everything is sandy, and there's only so much composting one can do in a certain period of time!).

Other than that, I'm trying to take care of a few random loose ends - bills, appointments that need to be made, meal prep, etc. Oh! I just ordered 3 new cookbooks that focus on the Mediterranean diet... like I need more cookbooks... and like I need three for one diet plan that I'm already familiar with!! /eyeroll at self/ Yeah... I am beginning to think I have a cookbook problem... XD


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/4 16:37:54 )

Lmao Star Wars Day?
I didn't know that's a thing but I love the movies xD

I would say good morning but is nearly afternoon here so... Goodnoon~

Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/4 16:38:40 )
@Wildfire: I found my favorite type of fern, and they've been sitting inside with their roots too big for the pot, I need to get those outside. I just don't have a spot for them. I need to sacrifice one of my big pots until I find a good place in the yard for ferns. [surprised they haven't died yet. e.e' ] A couple weeks ago, I went to buy dirt and accidentally grabbed specialty dirt. e.e' OMG! 70$ for DIRT.
I have a collection of cookbooks too, however, they were given to me. I'm sure you'll find some new recipes in your 3 new books though
If you find any really simple ones you should scan those my way. XD <3 Think of me as a novice kitchen person.
Sometimes when I throw together an avi that suites me, it'll grow with new items for a while and there's a chance I won't change this avatar for a couple months. cX then again, Voltra has a pretty good closet system to utilize.

Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/4 16:40:35 )
@Purpsy: It goes "May the 4th be with you" "Revenge of the 5th" and "This is the May." <-The last one is new this year from the Mandalorian "This is the Way." It's like a fun Nerd Holiday~ lol.

Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/4 16:46:19 )
@Ava: Do you have any social medias I can support you on? I think I might've asked before, but I can't remember. I'm not one to watch live-stream stuff. :d
I did modeling some 5 years ago and the field is intense, so kudos for you for sticking strong and keeping a top-notch attitude. <3 My online following dropped significantly, which I'm happy about. I'm no longer playing with photographers and going to events.

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/4 16:51:47 )

@Koah: Loool xD
I love it! The puns are on point hahaha

Sadly I'm not nerdy enough to know this lmao

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/4 16:54:39 )
@Purpsy: Yeah... "May the 4th (force) be with you"... "Revenge of the 5th (Sith)"... I haven't heard of the other one that Koah mentioned. XD
And yes, good almost-afternoon! :)

@Koah: Yes, I'll definitely share recipes! I'm looking for simpler and not-so-heavy-meat based things, now that I'm not having to feed growing children any longer. I'm tired of spending so much time cooking, tbh... but I do enjoy cooking and eating good healthy meals.

@Ava: Yeah, I don't blame you for considering doing that. It's not difficult to do, but I understand your hesitation. Do you have a friend or family member who can help you, maybe? In my case, it's not a big deal because if I botch it, I'm not auditioning, etc., and my hair is short, so it'll only take a couple of months to grow out completely... so completely not the same thing. Whatever you decide, I wish you luck!


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/4 16:59:54 )
@Koah: Congrats on finding your favorite fern, btw - what kind is it? We have renegade houseplants growing wild in my backyard... ivy, and fern, and a couple other things, including the porthos that is climbing up the trees - the leaves of which can get bigger than my head!!

I don't think I'm going to Lowe's/Home Depot for gardening things today... hubby is distracted and I don't really need to get there today. I have some preparation stuff to do in the yard first anyway... and it looks like it's a lovely day out there (I haven't been out of the house yet)

@Ava: What are you planning on cooking? And what do you plan to do with your day off other than go to the gym? What movie did you watch?

I'm trying to get get motivated to go do a little gardening/preparation and then some meal prep stuff. Otherwise, it's a business-type phone calls and making appointments type day...


Donator — She/Crazy Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/4 17:01:29 )

YES! Happy Star Wars day to you all! ♥
May the Fourth be with you!


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/4 17:01:40 )

@Wildfire: Lmao wow May is the perfect month for it pfft xD


Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/4 17:06:01 )
@Purpsy: lol I get it. My husband is the star wars nerd. I'm not dedicated anymore to nerdy shows. :0 Got kids to raise n' whatnot.
How's your day going? c:

@Wildfire: I got reminded last night that I need to eat healthier. My husband cooked and I ate 3 servings. He let me put as many veggies in the meal as I wanted him to cook. There were a lot of veggies. lol He got annoyed. But I ate like I haven't eaten in weeks. =0 So I'll be focusing more on making dinners this week, as I stopped sometime in the last 2 weeks due to stress.
So my fern is a Washington state fern, they grow wild there. 'Male Robust Fern'. I grew up in WA state, these ferns helped me so many times that I've been looking for them since I moved away from my hometown. The seeds that grow on the bottom of the leaves help with poison ivy. Or at least, that's what I was taught as a child and from my experience, I'm sure it's true.
I got a lot of outdoor work to do today. I just needed a project to distract me from our failing plumbing system. Yesterday, I drained our nasty pond and my task today is to pressure wash the algae.

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/4 17:09:39 )

@Koah: Yeah my brother is the same way, he actually got me into the series but I wouldn't say I'm a big nerd for it too.
My day has barely started since I woke up recently *sips my coffee* But is going well so far.

How's yours?


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Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/4 17:10:16 )
@Koah: Yeah, my diet and healthier routines have taken a nose-dive the last couple of weeks too. It's time to get back on track, which is partly why I bought the cookbooks and why my plan is to spend some of today looking through my others, and just finding a few things that make sense to make and keep in the fridge or freezer so I can find something healthy and premade when I'm hungry in the middle of the day...

It sounds like you have a lot on your plate today!!!


Donator — She/Crazy Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/4 17:12:08 )

I was just thinking that I needed to eat healthier myself.
Weird that we are all on the same wavelength. ^_^


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/4 17:28:00 )
@dragoness129: It's pretty cool that we are, imo - we can help support each other, share recipes, etc.! What kind of healthier eating are you looking in to doing? Are you looking at a specific diet style?

┤▒├ Hangout with me! ┤▒├

Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/4 17:31:33 )
@Purpsy: My brothers started me on star wars, and I thought I liked it a lot. But it turns out I'm more enchanted by the costuming than the storyline. lol My husband is invested in the politics of the movies/books and species and whatever else.
-sips coffee as well- I'm on my 2nd cup of coffee and trying to scrape up enough motivation to do more phone calls today and then go outside to do yardwork. e.e'

@Wildfire: That's my next step, find recipes that can stand the freezer for quick snacking. <3 [and are simple enough for me to do ]
My last trip to the grocery store earned me some praise from my husband, I went ahead and bought all his favorite fruits and stuck them in a bowl. He's trying to lose weight and my own normal diet is causing his weight gain [without realizing it].
I needed to work on something other than the headache plumbing. omgosh. I got a local septic guy wanting to give me estimates and help, but he hasn't called about a meetup time and 2/3 of my bathrooms aren't working. =0

@dragoness129: It's that spring/summer vibe of well-being. <3 Our bodies are ready for sunshine and watermelon and garden food. :}

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