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Forums Vibrance Day Event 2021 ┤▒├ Wild Sweet Treats

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/4 17:44:34 )

@Koah: Haha true. I was the same way when I got into it when I was younger but I grown to appreciate the storyline and everything now. My brother has similar interest so he's into movies like that. Still not a huge fan like the whole storyline is hard for me to digest.

Me and you both is hard to find motivations these days but we'll get by xD I'm currently practicing my cursive and is not looking so great for today. My hands are a bit shaky atm.


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/4 17:48:09 )

      Everyone: May the 4th be with you!
      My brain: And also with you.

Donator — She/Crazy Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/4 17:48:59 )

Wildfire and Koah - Sounds logical. ^_^
I enjoy many fresh vegetables and want to make more of the things like I have on my Healthy food Pinterest board. (not sure if it is visible, but will give it a link anyways)

Hugs Ana


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/4 17:55:56 )

      Bah! Health food! /hisses

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/4 17:59:15 )

Pffft xD

Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/4 18:04:12 )
@Purpsy: Kudos for keeping up with your cursive practice. <3 I have not been dedicated to my hobbies as of lately. e.e' Aside from gardening. XD That's my new focus this year. lol. omg, the neighbor kids came over and were like "HUH You LIKE Gardening DONT YOU?!" and I couldn't help but respond with "No, I hate it." OTL They were too young to understand sarcasm and my porch right now is Full of gardening stuff and plants and pots n' whatever else.

@dragoness129: O00oOOh, I'm stealing a few of those recipe links from your pinterest. c: I'm on a veggie kick this week and I need some new ideas. Thanks for sharing. I did try the zucchini chips recently and I messed them up twice. :T I think they'd be better off in an air fryer than an oven.

@Anarchist Beauty: Why Hello. 'This is the May..' -insert baby yoda meme here-

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/4 18:06:05 )

      @Koah: Hola, hola.
      How goes it?

Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/4 18:09:34 )
I'm going to disappear for a couple of hours. I got responsibilities I can't ignore. -cry face-

@Anarchist Beauty: I'm doin okay. I got things I can't ignore anymore for today. e.e' uhhhgggggg. I just wanna be a potato with coffee in my little spud hands. How are you? c: How's it goin? I will be back for more chats, I just need to step away before I justify sitting on my bony toosh all day.

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/4 18:11:10 )

      @Koah: Ew, responserbilities.
      You poor soul.
      For me, I am the little potato with nothing but time on her little spud hands. lol
      Today just requires a shower and then I'm gonna head out to my mom's for the week.

Donator — She/Crazy Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/4 18:44:24 )

@Koah: No worries! Glad to help out!
Same issue with me! They always seem to burn when I try making them in the oven.


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/4 18:49:47 )
I step outside to dump the compost and throw more bird food in the feeders and <3 at all the conversation!

Star Wars is pretty much pure nostalgia for me XD

@Koah: Oh, I really hope you get some estimates and a plumber out there real soon to fix that issue... it's not a fun one to have to deal with!

@Purpsy: lol.

@Anarchist Beauty: My brain did that too

@dragoness129: *trots off to look at your pinterest*


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/4 18:53:52 )
@dragoness129: Looks like you're heading down the Keto route - is keto intentional, or just full of things that caught your eye? If you're not necessarily trying to go full keto, you might also want to take a look at Paleo, DASH, and Whole30 diets for some healthy recipes that aren't necessarily so cheese- and red-meat-heavy like keto tends to be /just a suggestion/


Donator — She/Crazy Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/4 19:11:04 )

I have pieces of Keto, but I can't cut out breads, grains, and sweets entirely.
I do have several Food categories on the board, that one was just the healthier stuff.
I would like to make some of them as side dishes and main meals during a majority of the week with the breads and grains being just splashed in there a couple days of the week.


Donator — She/Crazy Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/4 19:12:20 )

I am super cheese addicted also, probably to the point where the cheese itself might be unhealthy rather than healthy.
Cheese, especially cheddar is one of my favorite all time foods.


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/4 19:14:33 )

@Koah: Yep~
And I'm actually getting better! Or so what my dad says but he also mention I should practice slanting my handwriting more too which will also takes time getting used to. Lool is fun to mess with kids xD What other hobbies are you interested in other than gardening?

@Wildfire: Lmao.

Art DumpAvatar GalleryQuest Items

Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/4 19:15:17 )
@dragoness129: that sounds like a good approach, overall, and yes, cheese is addictive!!


Donator — She/Crazy Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/4 19:16:31 )

I have been enjoying Zucchini a lot recently, but the kids don't like it too much... We do all seem to like Cauliflower though, so that's good!
I need to get a wider variety of vegetables for them to try.


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/4 19:20:44 )
That's actually a little weird... usually it's the other way around for kids, but whatever works, right? Both can be very versatile in terms of cooking and ingredients. What else do you want to try?


Donator — She/Crazy Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/4 19:37:19 )

Yeah. But I am glad they do at least enjoy some of them. ^_^
They still don't like onion and mushroom too much.
I'm not sure what else. Any suggestions?
I have used eggplant in eggplant parmesan a couple times. I didn't care for the taste of brussel sprouts when I was little, but it's probably time for a re-taste to see. We like making a side of asparagus and letting it simmer till it is super soft. Broccoli is always great and the girls do like it too. My husband doesn't like the taste of green beans, but the rest of us do not mind. I will sometimes put spinach in some dishes. I prefer it cooked to uncooked.
What else?


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/4 20:43:38 )
@dragoness129: Oh... the best recipe for 'picky' brussel sprout people... pressure cooker version / regular version / or do a search for other options ... adjust the spices to your tastes, obviously. I have done this sweet-style only (no spicy hotness).

Broccoli is awesome. In so many ways! Try rapinni if you guys like broccoli (it's basically baby broccoli)

What else...
bell peppers - cut in to strips, can dip in things (like hummus, baba ganoush, or even salad dressing). Red and orange and yellow are sweeter (more mature) than the green, which can sometimes be a little tart.
tomato - alone, fried, or turned in to a salad with cucumbers and a little onion (look online for recipes - soooo easy)
Swiss/Rainbow Chard - sauteed with garlic or bacon or....
Sweet potato ... Sooooo many ways to cook and use this!
Kale - baby kale, massaged and with a good dressing (look for recipes) can be "fluffy" and awesome to eat with nuts, raisins, etc. mixed (or alone)
.... so many things!!

You might try looking for recipes that use veggies as their main ingredients instead of just steaming/boiling/whatever them and plopping them on a plate (not sure if this is what you're doing, but there are some really good, really easy and quick recipes available that highlight veggies)

How old are your girls now?

┤▒├ Hangout with me! ┤▒├

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