— She/Her
Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/05/20 07:02:04 )

Please ping!! I am a busy mom and tend to get lost~
@Amber Lynne: Lol That's true!
We only ended up staying the night and doing the trail first thing before heading back.
(The neighbors on the side of us were really loud drunks until early in the morning) And they were the only ones without kids.
Unfortunately, there was poison ivy out on the trail but thankfully I only had a mild case of it.
(Was able to clean up quickly and took allergy pills asap (like I took some while still hiking) and kept taking high doses for a few days)
The breeze was really light so it didn't blow too much on me. Plus I wore long sleeves and jeans so I got really lucky this time. X'D
The last time my throat almost closed up full and my face swelled really bad so I had to go get shots.
The terror I felt when I saw the plant can't be described. *^*;; Plus being tired really had me worried.
But I'm so glad I got to hike again... I really really missed it.