@Koah: Ooh, new house, that's fun! And yeah there's been a couple times now where the noises have definitely given me pause, if not outright startled me! I think the only thing I kinda sorta have to do today is finally pot the Golden Pothos cuttings I've got, but I may put that off another day. >_>
@Wildfire: Oh I'm certainly not ashamed of being eclectic, hehe, I embrace it! A draw, too, but not very well. But, I just finished a 100 Days of Art challenge over on Gaia, and I'm darn proud of that and the half-full sketchbook it created! I also love photography and pixel art. Man I haven't been camping in years. My mom and I almost camped in Key West a couple years ago but turned out the campsite had no shade, and it was miserably hot, so we both kinda noped out of that and ended up at a hotel, lol. And oh boy, that is a transition!
Aw man, you guys are making me miss my books! I had a series of unfortunate events cause some unexpected moves, and my books (and some other things) were left behind with friends. Hopefully I'll be able to get them back eventually, though I don't look forward to the shipping fees. I also had a collection of comics; up until the first move I'd been collecting the Invader Zim comics from the very first issue. I'm bummed that I wasn't able to keep up with it.