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Donator — She/Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/09/8 00:38:58 )
@Kory: Well sounds like you've had a very busy day. Well I'm sorry your actor friend seems to be blowing off work. Some people are just like that and sadly there nothing we can do about it.

Oh no, is the car out of comisson? I hope that yall are able to make it work. Though isn't there good public transport, in LA?

Well you had mention that it's been rough lately. I also did see your thread in serious talk regarding gender things. I didn't comment, because I couldn't offer advice or experience there. The best I can do is root for you. I do hope you and your friend are able to help you find a binder, as it sounds like that would help greatly.

I've been feeling really sick today, I have my monthlies right now, and my stomach just feels off. So I plan to hang out here and just trying to relax, now that work is over.

Donator — She/Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/09/8 02:23:47 )
@Kory: I don't think it makes everyone looks lazy, to me, it just seems that one person has more priviallge to be able to do that. Like maybe rich parents or something. Idk.

Public transport, is pretty safe, but shrugs. Glad ya'll seem to have figured out something.

That's the funny thing about mental struggle, one day, peoples brains just go enough is enough. I don't blame you for hitting that point. But yeah, I hope you get something soon, to help.

Yeah, it majorlly sucks, I had peppermint tea, but nothing seems to be helping today. It's kinda of annoying.

Donator — She/Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/09/8 02:45:57 )
@Kory: Then it for sure seems odd if you can get blacklisted from missing auditions.

As I tell my real life bestie, it’s okay to regress, as long as you keep trying it’s okay to go backwards a little. Plus you’ve notice you’ve gone back and want to fix that. Nothing is like a light switch. It takes time.

I did end up switching to mobile and laying down.

Donator — She/Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/09/8 23:40:32 )
@Kory: Well yeah still seems risky.

I got home just now, and I have a legit terrible day. My coworker called out today, and another is going on vacation and so we were so busy that I just left work and didn’t have lunch cause I didn’t have time to stop. I am so angry, I need downtime and rpers. Might be time for me to make a search thread.

How are you today? Feeling better any?

Donator — She/Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/09/9 00:33:33 )
@Kory: It's not like my bosses said I couldn't go to lunch, it was so busy that I felt that if I stepped away for lunch, I'd be getting home at like 8pm. Yeah, it just was a bad day. I now have lots of food, so I am not longer hangry.

I may be too lazy to make the search thread.

Well that's great that there is def interest in hiring you, but glad that it worked out that you didn't have to force on a happy face.

My stomach is feeling better.

Donator — She/Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/09/9 01:24:57 )
@Kory: I had pork and some cheesy bread. As well as a brownie. My fiance had dinner ready, he knew I'd be all ravenous.

Well I think there isn't a lot of rpers here, so I don't think they'll be a lot of bites.

I am sure you will get another role, and I bet it will be an even better role!

Donator — She/Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/09/9 01:41:01 )
@Kory: Well you should eat something, even if not super hungry.

I think more people are roleplaying off avi sites. I know Gaia has a bunch of rpers, but more and more people either rp on tumblr or on discord. It could also be younger people didn't get into rping?


Donator — She/Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/09/9 02:21:38 )
@Kory: You could always try to eat like a favorite snack. I do that on days I don't feel like eating much.

That could be the case, but I know people older, like rping on discord and stuff, because they can do higher ratings. Or they like not having everyone else do read their own posts. I use to run a tumblr roleplay blog for Miss Martian from Young Justice, some posts would be short, but I had just as many long posts. I do like forum roleplaying more, cause I like rereading old roleplays.

Donator — She/Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/09/9 02:43:13 )
@Kory: That is a very simple yummy meal.

Yeah, I don't really do graphic roleplays like that. I've always been a more hint at it, fade to black kinda of person. Like I did once or twice on tumblr, back in my college day with someone I had roleplayed with for years. Cause while it's still online, it still feels to imitate of a thing to just do.

I did like tumblr rping, for the easy fact of you can add gif response, but I did it back in the day before the staff made changes to how replies to a post where done. I stopped using my rp blog ages ago.

Donator — She/Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/09/9 03:09:40 )
@Kory: Yay!

Well for me my characters have some reflection's of me, but feel like there own little person. Sometimes I swear it's like the jump out of my head and write the post them selves. Though I've been roleplaying and making characters and stories for 23 years. ever since i was a kid, and use to play harry potter with friends in the neighborhood. I had a OC that was ron's twin, so original right? lol. Well I would never want to trig you, and I don't write characters who have grahpic abuse in that kind of form. I sometimes, have characters who were abused as a kid, as that is some stuff as a kid I went through, but it's always from a parent, and mostly emotional, but I tend to make it vauge, as in like with nicole to avoid triggers.

Yeah, it's what for a while I used ekit on tumblr. Now I just use my tumblr for sims 4 stuff, or posting either video I made or sims custom content.

Donator — whatever Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/09/9 04:59:43 )

*rolls by*

I hope you guys are doing well!


Donator — She/Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/09/10 00:38:48 )
@Kory: Well I find that sometimes writing characters with some similar things I went through, is very very helpful for me for working through things. Of course I never getting like super graphic because it could trigger others or myself. I don't like gore or over sexual shows so I tend to keep my writing that way as well. Oh yeah, if I had to roleplay like that in the Loki on you are describing, I would feel super icky. I'm glad my vaugeness helps keep things from being triggering.

Well I've never really ran into triggering stuff, but I knew some years ago 4chan was going crazy doing triggering things in tags.

Hey Key!

Donator — whatever Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/09/10 01:24:52 )

@Kory: Wheeee! XD

Oh man, I found I was a lot happier with tumblr when I started blocking people and using extensions and stuff to block words/tags. Same with Twitter tbh.


Donator — She/Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/09/10 01:45:03 )
@Kory: I can understand that. When I was in college, I took a pysch class that was basically us writing about our trauma and stuff, using key words from the textbook, but it was basically therapy I paid to take with everyone. It was a very strange class now that I think about it. So I find that writing stuff like that helps me work through things, but I can also see not wanting to put it in something you find fun to do.

I use to write really emo poems, when I was depressed and let me tell you I can't reread them. I know I have the books in my basement storage, but I can't don't want to revisit that part of me.

Well there no shame in liking roleplaying as a man more, you know you could use that to explore to other sides of gender. I know some people to, like even if they write it just as a story for themselves, to try out if hey maybe I feel more at place as this. At least some friends I know have done it. Not sure if it would work for everyone. I could get not wanting to share that stuff.

I also think that being the bad guy can be a little fun. I can't wait for our rp to get futher along, because I want our duo to crush Odin. Muwahaha

Well that would explain why you saw all of that stuff. I've only ever used tumblr to look at fandom stuff. I am a huge nerd in some aspects. But to be honsent a lot of tumblr community loves to be a troll and a bully. People love to send lots of anon hate, but I avoid the toxic parts, and use my block if I have to.

Donator — She/Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/09/10 02:29:14 )
@Kory: Well I wouldn't recommend the class for most people. He made us talk about our issues in class and it was apart of our grade. Now of course no onw has to get into the deep deep stuff, but for you, I don't think you'd enjoy that. Beside family therapy and this class I haven't spoke to a therapist as just by myself. I got some trauma on that. My bestie and MOH she goes once a week, and like shares what it's like with me, and like you she's not the best at doing her threaphy homework, but like I tell her, that as long as she keeps working towards it's okay.

Yeah, well I love roleplaying, and so I get not wanting to make it super dark.

So I do roleplay M x M stories, but I've always tended to play the more submissive one. While I do identify as a woman, I identify as a Rei more. So while I've not used rping to explore gender, I know a friend of mine has done it, and to explore her sexuality without getting R rated. To each their own, and well I love creating diverse stories, ya know when I was 10 through highschool, most of my roleplays used to be MxM, and it's funny, because back then, it was really hard to find roleplays like that, and now I lean more MxF, but really I just want to roleplay my ships. Man it's been ages, since I've done a Drarry rp.

It could be that, or maybe it's allowed you to play your inner self? As a kid, I've always had to be in charge, be in power, be the adult. I like getting to play the softer side, where no one expects me to be the grown up. While my mom had good moments, she was a really really really bad mom, and I raised my siblings from age 7 and up, long dramatic story and it feels odd to speak ill of the dead, so maybe for me roleplaying as girls or the bottom male, allowed me the chance to be weaker and not have to be the strong, always in charge person? It's a idea to explore in my self reflection time, I will have to notate that for later.

Well for the rp, I really love the Nicole post I just did. I can feel a little dark side Nicole happening. Odin's in trouble, lol.

Well you know on tumblr, you can turn anon off, and post and not get hate. Now you don't have to post either. I used to use it to share theses.

I couldn't figure out the youtube code.


Donator — She/Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/09/10 03:08:11 )
@Kory: Well he didn't directly ask it, it was more like a sharing session? It's hard to explain, but I get why you'd feel that way. I don't go, because when I did family sessions with my mom, she would convince them, I was a lying little devil child, and my father used to throw in into mental hospitals as a kid if I had a tantrum when I lived with him. So trust issues when it comes to medical staff, so a dyi class like that helps me more, because I know I won't betray me? But that's getting a bit deep for me to share.

Oh I agree on roleplaying. I used to roleplay on neopets back in the day. I had an OC for Zoids and old anime, named Clover. But when I was little 90% of my characters were named Clover, Mel or Ella. I was so bad at names back then.

Well as a little one, on neopets, and then gaia, I would look for slash or yaoi roleplays it was glad. It was rare to find them, but I did. I also had my far share of mxf roleplays, but I never went R rated. Now my friends irl and I use to roleplay over the phones or in notebook back in highschool, and I'll admit I did have a R rated book with my guy friend, that I use to crush on. Looking back on that, the "friendship" was super wrong, and I didn't realize it then, but he def tried to get me to have relations with him, but not date me. -shudders- But now you have the chance to find rps that are fun, and enjoyable for you.

See we've both learned something from our roleplaying style. I do think our roleplaying prefences are a great match, I say we make a good team.

Yeah, it's an option under, goes and checks, so you go to settings, and then click on your blog title, and you'll be on the edit appearance page, and there is a part called Ask, under the ask page title, it says allow anoy questions, and it should be blue, click on it and it'll turn gray, hit save and bam all done.

Yes, I do make amvs, mostly disney when I get in the mood, but I don't do it that often anymore due to low free time. I'm also not that great at it.
Rei's Quest
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Donator — whatever Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/09/10 03:30:19 )

Not to pick one little part of the conversation to fixate on, but I've always wanted to make AMVs. But I tried once to make a LazyTown one (don't judge me lmao) and while I had neat ideas, the software (Windows Movie Maker) just wasn't up to the task and kept crashing. I don't think I've attempted to make one since, partly because decent video editing software is so expensive!


Donator — whatever Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/09/10 04:17:06 )

Some of the best songs I've discovered I found through AMVs, lol! Tbh I still run into quite a few AMVs although I think they're mostly referred to as "edits" by "the kids" these days. I'm not familiar with AMV Hell. :o


Donator — whatever Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/09/10 04:38:24 )

The best AMV I've seen to date is one featuring Space Dandy, to Uptown Funk. It is amazing. Won an award at a convention I think?


Donator — whatever Posted 4 years ago ( 2021/09/10 05:21:27 )

@Kory: It's a comedy (mostly) and I enjoy it. The American dub is really well done; the original has a lot of Japanese cultural references and they did a fabulous job of translating it to American jokes and references while still keeping the story cohesive.

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