Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/11/5 17:36:44 )
@Purpsy: lmao, you nailed that war starter.
I need to come up with a good audiobook or something. My husband is going to try and claim the stereo. >3<
@Wildfire: omg. Your wildlife makes me nervous. lol! I'm used to mountain life, moose, bear, elk, wolf, coyote... etc. I know how to avoid/handle those. But Alligator?! no thank yoooou.
I almost hit a crane once in my little car on a mountain road and I might've peed my pants a little. They ARE HUGE. Took up my whole windshield. Life flashed before my eyes... Then its massive wings got some air and it sailed over my car.. so close. o_o'